german | english |
Probe {f}
| rehearse
Probe {f}
| test tryout [Am.]
Probe {f}
| prob
Probe {f} [mus.]
| rehearsal
Probe {f} Muster {n}
| specimen
Probe {f} Muster {n} Warenmuster {n}
| sample
Probe {f} Stichprobe {f}
| sampler
| probational
Probeabzug {m}
| proof
Probeabzüge {pl}
| proofs
Probeaufführung {f}
| preview
Probeaufführungen {pl}
| previews
Probeauftrag {m}
| trial order test order
Probeaufträge {pl}
| trial orders test orders
Probebelastung {f}
| proof load load test loading test
Probebetrieb {m}
| trial operation test operation trial run
Probebetriebe {pl}
| trial operations test operations trial runs
Probebilanz {f} [fin.]
| trial balance
Probebilanzen {pl}
| trial balances
Probebohrloch {n}
| testhole
Probebohrlöcher {pl}
| testholes
Probebohrung {f}
| test drilling
Probebohrungen {pl}
| test drillings
Probedruck {m}
| proof copy
Probedrucke {pl}
| proof copies
Probeentnahme {f} Probennahme {f} Entnahme {f} von Proben
| sampling
Probeexemplar {n} Musterexemplar {n} Belegexemplar {n}
| specimen copy
Probeexemplare {pl} Musterexemplare {pl} Belegexemplare {pl}
| specimen copies
Probefahren {n} [auto]
| test drive test driving
Probefahrt {f} [auto]
| test drive
Probefahrten {pl}
| test drives
Probefahrtkennzeichen {n} Probekennzeichen {n} Händlerkennzeichen {n} [auto]
| trade plate [Br.]
Probefahrtkennzeichen {pl} Probekennzeichen {pl} Händlerkennzeichen {pl}
| trade plates
Probefahrtschein {m} (Bewilligung von Probekennzeichen) [auto]
| trade plate licence [Br.]
Probefahrtscheine {pl}
| trade plate licences
Probeflug {m}
| test flight
Probeflüge {pl}
| test flights
Probejahr {f}
| probationary year
Probejahre {pl}
| probationary years
Probekandidat {m} Probekandidatin {f}
| probationer
Probekandidaten {pl} Probekandidatinnen {pl}
| probationers
Probekapsel {f}
| sample sagger
Probekapseln {pl}
| sample saggers
Probekauf {m}
| purchase on approval
Probekörper {m} Prüfling {m}
| test piece test item test specimen sample
Probekörper {pl} Prüflinge {pl}
| test pieces test items test specimens samples
Probelandung {f} [mil.]
| practice landing test landing
Probelandungen {pl}
| practice landings test landings
Probelauf {m}
| trial run pilot run test run
Probelauf {m} Trockentest {m} Trockenübung {f}
| dry run
Probeläufe {pl}
| trial runs pilot runs test runs
Probeläufe {pl} Trockentests {pl} Trockenübungen {pl}
| dry runs
Probemischung {f}
| trial mixture
Probemischungen {pl}
| trial mixtures
Proben {pl}
| rehearsals
Proben {pl} Muster {pl}
| specimens
Proben {pl} Stichproben {pl}
| samplers
proben üben einstudieren {vt} {vi} , [mus.]
| to rehearse
Probenahme {f}
| sampling taking samples
Probenahme {f} Entnahme {f} (einer Probe)
| sampling
Probenahmegerät {n}
| sampling device sampling tool
Probenahmegeräte {pl}
| sampling devices sampling tools
Probenahmen {pl}
| samplings
Probenahmesystem {n}
| sampling system
Probenahmesysteme {pl}
| sampling systems
Probenarbeit {f} (zu)
| rehearsals (for)
Probenbeutel {m}
| sample bag
Probenbeutel {pl}
| sample bags
probend übend einstudierend
| rehearsing
Probenehmer {m}
| sample man sample cutter sampler
Probeneinspritzung {f}
| sample injection
Probenkapazität {f}
| sample capacity
Probenmaterial {n}
| ancillary sample
Probenummer {f}
| specimen number
Probenummern {pl}
| specimen numbers
Probenvorbereitung {f}
| sample preparation
Probepackung {f}
| trial pack
Probepackungen {pl}
| trial packs
Probeseite {f}
| specimen page
Probeseiten {pl}
| specimen pages
Probesendung {f} Mustersendung {f}
| sample pack sample package sample consignment
Probesendungen {pl} Mustersendungen {pl}
| sample packs sample packages sample consignments
Probespiel {n} [mus.]
| try-out audition
Probestab {m}
| test bar
Probestäbe {pl}
| test bars
Probestück {n}
| test specimen
Probestücke {pl}
| test specimens
Probeübersetzung {f}
| test translation
Probeübersetzungen {pl}
| test translations
Probeversuch {m}
| trial
probeweise {adv}
| on trial by way of trial experimentally
Probezeit {f}
| probationary period probation period probation trial period
Probezeit {f}
| qualifying period
Probezeit {f}
| time of probation
Probezylinder {m}
| sampling cylinder
Probezylinder {pl}
| sampling cylinders