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Translation of the word: sůl

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  german    english
  Sulaatzel [ornith.]
  Sula Magpie
  Suladschungelschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Sula Jungle Flycatcher
  Sulahuhn {n} [ornith.]
  Sula Scrub Fowl
  Sularaupenfänger {m} [ornith.]
  Sula Cicadabird
  Sulawesibrillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Lemon-throated White-eye
  Sulawesieule {f} [ornith.]
  Sulawesi Masked Owl
  Sulfat {n} [chem.]
  sulfate [Am.]
       sulphate [Br.]
  Sulfate {pl}
  sulfates [Am.]
       sulphates [Br.]
  Sulfid {n} [chem.]
  Sulfide {pl}
  Sulfit {n} [chem.]
  Sulfite {pl}
  Sulfonal {n}
  Sulfosalz {n} [min.]
  Sulfurierung {f}
  Sulky {m}
       Einspänner {m}
  Sulkys {pl}
       Einspänner {pl}
  Süllrand {m}
  Sultan {m}
  Sultanat {n}
  Sultanate {pl}
  Sultane {pl}
  Sultanin {f}
       Sultanine {f}
  Sultaninen {pl}
  Sultansmeise {f} [ornith.]
  Sultan Tit
  Sultanspecht {m} [ornith.]
  Greater Flame-backed Woodpecker
  Sulu-Spatelschwanzpapagei {m} [ornith.]
  Sulu Racket-tailed Parrot
  Suluhornvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Sulu Hornbill
  Sülze {f}
       Presskopf {m}
       Sulz {f}
       Sulze {f} [Ös.] [cook.]
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