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a good heada good manya good mark
a good penya good sporta good while
a grain of trutha great deala group people having approxim
a handfula handfula handout
a hard daya hard row to hoea hard time
a hasslea head starta heavy day
a heavy hittera heavy seea heavyweight
a hell of a timea helping handa hill of beans
a hita hita hollow leg
a holy pilea hoota hoot
a horse of a different colora hot handa hot number
a hot ticketa hot topica hotdog
a hotheada hotshota hotshot
a household namea howling blizzarda humdinger
a hundreda hundred and onea hundred thousand
a hundred timesa hungry belly has no earsa jako
a jim dandya kept womana kept woman
a laa la cartea la king
a la modea lady-killera law
a leg upa level playing fielda lick and a promise
a lifta linea little
a little bird told mea little bita little bit
a little bit boringa little castlea little off
a little offa little steepa little thick
a long shota long time agoa loose cannon
a losing streaka lost causea lost cause
a lota lot ofa lot of
a lot of bunka lot of folderola lot of water
a lot of water has passed undea lot on the balla love tap
a lucky breaka lucky streaka major
a man of feelinga man of few wordsa man of the cloth
a man of wortha marked mana match
a mattera membera mental block
a milliona million timesa month of Sundays
a musta nail-bitera nail-biter
a necktie partya necktie partya new broom sweeps clean
a new lease on lifea newspaper kioskA Nice Day
a notch belowa number ofa nut case
A onea pack of liesa pain in the butt
a paltry suma paper traila part
a party to crimea pat answera penny for your thoughts
a perfect strangera pick-me-upa picture
a picture is worth a thousand a piece of cakea piece of my mind
a piece of newsa piece of pissa piece of the action
a piece of the actiona pig in a pokea pig in a poke
a pinch of salta pinch to grow an incha pine float
a pitya play on wordsa pocket of resistance
a poker facea popa pop
a posterioria pretty pennya priori
a prioria prioria quarter to
a question ofa quick studya quickie
a quickiea racka rat
a raw deala red-letter daya redneck
a rednecka regular guya riot
a rip-offa rival companya rolling stone gathers no mos
a ropea rough timea rough time of it
a royal paina run for your moneya run for your money
a sack of hammersa sack of potatoesa sad sack
a sample of the clotha scandal is brewinga score to settle
a screw loosea send-upa shadow of his former self
a sharp tonguea sharp wita shitload
a shoguna shoo-ina short one
a shot in the arma shot in the darka sick building
a sight for sore eyesa sitting ducka slim chance
a slip of a girla slip of the tonguea slippery slope
a slow daya sluga slug
a snootfula snow job
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