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Slovník anglicky - cesky

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a aftera babe in armsa babe in the woods
a back-up copya bad taste in my moutha bad taste in my mouth
a bad timea ball-park figurea bar fly
a bar stara bare-faced liea barnburner
a barnburnera barnburnera barnburner
a barrela barrel of laughsa barrel of laughs
a basket casea basket casea basket case
a bawling outa bed of rosesa bed of roses
a bee in her bonneta bee in her bonneta beehive of activity
a belta big blooba big do
a big shota big wheela big wig
a billiona bimboa bit
a bit at seaa bit likea bit mental
a bit mentala bit mucha bit of coward
a bit of fluffa bit of fluffa bit off
a bite to eata bite to eata bitter pill
a black marka blackout (TV)a blackout (war)
a blank looka blasta blast
a blasta blasta blessing in disguise
a blowouta bone to picka breath of fresh air
a breath of winda bricka brick
a bricka briefa budding genius
a budget surplusa bull in a china shopa bull in a china shop
a bull in a china shopa bum rapa bummer
a bun in the ovena bunch of malarkeya bunch of malarkey
a bunch of malarkeya bundle of nervesa capella singing
a cappellaa cappellaa cappella singing
a case ofa case offa caution
a cautiona cautiona cheap drunk
a checkupa checkupa chicken in every pot
a chin waga chip off the old blocka chunk of change
a clean bill of healtha cliff-hangera close call
a close calla close calla close shave
a clutch hitter (baseball)a colda cold
a colda colda cold
a colda colda cold
a colda colda cold
a cold fisha cold fisha common thread
a contract out ona copya couple
a couple ofa crash coursea crush on
a crying shamea crying shamea cut above
a cut-upa daredevila daredevil
a daredevila dead certificatea dead giveaway
a dead heata dead lossa dead ringer
a dead ringera dickens of a timea dictionary
a different kettle of fisha different kettle of fisha dime a dozen
a doggy baga doggy baga double-edged sword
a downer (drug)a downer (drug)a downer (sadness)
a draga dressing downa drop in the bucket
a dust-upa fair shakea falling out
a false movea false movea falsehood
a far crya faraway looka fart in a windstorm
a fat lipa feather in your capa feeling
a fewa fewa few bricks short of a full l
a fifth wheela fighting chancea fill-up
a fine linea fine-toothed comba firm hand
a firm handa flash in the pana fleeting glance
a fly on the walla fool and his money are soon a foregone conclusion
a fortioria free handa free-for-all
a freeze ona fresh pair of eyesa fresh start
a full house (cards)a full platea full plate
a gaggle of geesea game onea ghost of a chance
a glow ona go-gettera go-getter
a going concerna golden opportunitya golden opportunity
a gonera good arma good deal
a good deala good egg
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