Tato stranka v:
česky - anglicky
česky - německy
Z :
Slovník english - german
to get out
to get outpatient treatment
to get over
to get paired off
to get pierced
to get pinned
to get promotion
to get ready
to get ready to
to get ready to do sth.
to get really angry
to get religion
to get rich (on)
to get rich at the expense of
to get rid (of sth.
to get riled
to get rough
to get round to
to get ruined
to get sb. going
to get sb. in the (right) mood
to get sb. interested in sth.
to get sb. into trouble with
to get sb. off the hook
to get sb. out of trouble
to get sb. sth.
to get sb. talked about
to get sb. to join one
to get sb. to speak
to get scalped tickets
to get shirty with sb.
to get shut
to get sidetracked
to get smart with sb.
to get smart
to get snowed in
to get some kip
to get somewhere with sth.
to get steamed
to get sth. caught
to get sth. in repair
to get sth. in the bag
to get sth. over and done with
to get sth. ready
to get sth. wrong
to get sth.
to get stuck
to get stuck
to get stuck into sth.
to get stuck
to get sunburn
to get the better of sb.
to get the bird
to get the blame
to get the boot
to get the buck passed
to get the children back home
to get the chop
to get the house shipshape
to get the picture
to get the push
to get the sack
to get the stick
to get the truth
to get there
to get through
to get through
to get through the customs
to get through the winter
to get ticked off
to get to
to get to grips with sb.
to get to grips with sth.
to get to know sth.
to get to the bottom of things
to get to the heart of sth.
to get to work on sth.
to get together
to get together
to get up
to get up (early) with the chi
to get up close and personal w
to get up on the wrong side of
to get up
to get used to
to get used to each other
to get weaving
to get wind of
to get wise on sth.
to get worked up about sth.
to get worse
to get
to get
to get
to get
to get
to getaway
to ghost
to gib
to gibber
to gibbet
to gibe
to gibe
to gibe
to gift-wrap
to giggle
to gild the lily
to gild
to ginger sb. up
to gird
to gird
to gird
to girdle
to girdle
to give
to give
to give (sb.) an identity
to give a baby the breast
to give a broad hint
to give a charming smile
to give a competitive edge
to give a concert a miss
to give a false colour
to give a fillip to the econom
to give a guarantee
to give a hand to sb.
to give a jerk
to give a lecture
to give a lippy answer
to give a professional opinion
to give a quick thanks
to give a reason
to give a reception
to give a ruling
to give a short woof
to give a shrug
to give a slight jolt
to give a speech
to give a start of
to give a strong impetus
to give a suspended sentence
to give a talk
to give a twitch
to give a wash
to give a yelp
to give advice (on)
to give an account of
to give an idea of
to give an information
to give an insight into sth.
to give authorization
to give away
to give away
to give away
to give back
to give battle
to give beans
to give cause for sth.
to give credit
to give credit (to)
to give currency to a rumour
to give details of
to give documentary evidence
to give emeritus status
to give extra lessons
to give for charity
to give further treatment
to give head
to give hope
to give in
to give it a whirl
to give later
to give leave
to give lessons
to give no answer
to give notice (to quit)
to give notice of opposition
to give occasion to
to give off a smell
to give off sooty smoke
to give on tick (to)
to give one the go-by
to give oneself Dutch courage
to give oneself up
to give oneself up to sb.
to give oneself up to sth.
to give oneself up to the poli
to give out private gossip
to give out
to give pain
to give permission to do sth.
to give pleasure
to give power of attorney
to give precedence to
To give quickly is to give dou
to give reasons for
to give sb. a (big) cheer
to give sb. a chance to get ev
to give sb. a chewing out
to give sb. a complete makeove
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