Tato stranka v:
česky - anglicky
česky - německy
Z :
Slovník english - german
to give sb. a dressing-down
to give sb. a good hiding
to give sb. a hard time
to give sb. a head start
to give sb. a helping hand
to give sb. a level look
to give sb. a lift
to give sb. a medical certific
to give sb. a new lease of lif
to give sb. a pep talk
to give sb. a piece of your mi
to give sb. a rap on the knuck
to give sb. a raw deal
to give sb. a slug
to give sb. a smile
to give sb. a square deal
to give sb. a tip
to give sb. a tongue-lashing
to give sb. a warm reception
to give sb. a whack
to give sb. a whipping
to give sb. a wigging
to give sb. an advance warning
to give sb. an edge
to give sb. an enema
to give sb. an ovation
to give sb. an understanding o
to give sb. as good as one get
to give sb. biased information
to give sb. cover
to give sb. credit for sth.
to give sb. delight
to give sb. drugs
to give sb. extra time to pay
to give sb. hell
to give sb. hell
to give sb. his cue
to give sb. his cue
to give sb. information about
to give sb. money
to give sb. moral support
to give sb. power of attorney
to give sb. short shrift
to give sb. sth.
to give sb. the bill
to give sb. the bird
to give sb. the low-down
to give sb. the slip
to give sb. the strap
to give sb. the third degree
to give sb. their marching ord
to give sb. up
to give sb. up for dead
to give sb. up for lost
to give sb.-sth. a try
to give shade
to give short shrift
to give so. a lesson
to give so. a nod
to give so. a prompt
to give so. a scare
to give so. a sermon
to give so. a treat
to give so. as good as one get
to give so. the benefit of the
to give so. the bird
to give so. the come-on
to give so. the double
to give so. the sack
to give so. up for adoption
to give sth. (top) priority
to give sth. a careful perusal
to give sth. a general overhau
to give sth. a new lease of li
to give sth. a plug
to give sth. a trial
to give sth. a twitch
to give sth. individuality and
to give sth. into custody (in
to give sth. up
to give thanks
to give the alarm
to give the alert
to give the ball away
to give the finishing touches
to give the gist of sth.
to give the impression
to give the main points
to give the okay
to give the stick
to give three cheers for sb.
to give tongue
to give up
to give up
to give up doing sth.
to give up hope
to give up
to give up
to give utterance to sth.
to give voice (to)
to give way
to give way to sb. (on a matte
to give way
to give
to give
to give
to give
to give
to givers and the takers
to gladden
to glamorise
to glamorize
to glance
to glance through
to glare
to glare
to glare (at)
to glass bead blast
to glaze
to glaze
to glaze
to glaze
to glaze
to glaze over
to gleam
to gleam
to gleam
to glean
to glean
to glean
to glide
to glide away
to glimmer
to glimpse
to glimpse (at)
to glint
to glint
to glisten
to glisten
to glitter
to gloat
to gloat
to gloat (on, over)
to globalize
to glom
to glorify
to glory (in)
to gloss over
to gloss over
to glow
to glow (with)
to glower
to glue
to glue (together)
to glue on
to glut
to glut
to glut oneself (with food)
to gnash
to gnaw away
to gnaw off
to go (deer-) stalking
to go (to) seed
to go a long way round
to go about it carefully
to go about it skilfully
to go abroad
to go across the road
to go ahead
to go ahead of sb.
to go ahead of sb.
to go all the way
to go all the way
to go all-out
to go along
to go along with
to go and lose
to go astray
to go astray
to go at a crawl
to go away
to go away (off) on business
to go away for Easter
to go away on a trip
to go away
to go away
to go awry
to go back
to go back
to go back
to go backpacking
to go backwards
to go backwards
to go bad
to go bad
to go badly
to go bail for
to go bald
to go ballistic
to go bananas
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