Deutsch | Englisch |
dick auftragen auf
| to plaster on
dick machen
| to be fattening
dick werden
| to become fat to grow fat
dick {adj}
| thick
dick {adj}
| fat
dick {adj}
| turbid
dick {adv}
| grossly
dick {adv}
| thickly
dick {adv}
| turbidly
| veinous
| veinousy
| thick-layered thick-bedded heavy-bedded
Dickbauch {m} Speckbauch {m}
| potbelly
Dickbäuche {pl} Speckbäuche {pl}
| potbellies
| paunchy
| potbellied
Dickdarm {m} [anat.]
| colon large intestine
Dickdarmerkrankung {f} [med.]
| colonopathy
Dickdarmflora {f} [med.]
| colonic flora
Dickdarmkatarrh {m} [med.]
| colitis
Dickdarmkrebs {m} [med.]
| colon cancer
Dicke der Nackenfalte
| nuchal fold thickness
dicke Freunde sein [übtr.]
| to get on like a house of fire
dicke Freunde sein [ugs.] sehr gute Freunde sein wie Pech und Schwefel zusammenhalten [ugs.]
| to be as thick as thieves [fig.]
dicke Freunde [ugs.] gute Freunde
| close friends
dicke Milch
| sour milk
dicke Scheibe {f} (Brot Fleisch)
| slab
Dicke {f}
| fatness
Dicke {f} Breite {f}
| gauge
Dicke {f} Stärke {f}
| thickness
Dicke {m} Dicker
| the fat one
Dicken {pl} Stärken {pl}
| thicknesses
Dickenabweichung {f} der Bremsscheibe [auto]
| disk thickness variation -DTV-
Dickenhobelmaschine {f} Dickenhobel {m} [mach.]
| planer thicknesser thickness planer
Dickenhobelmaschinen {pl} Dickenhobel {pl}
| planers thicknessers thickness planers
Dickenlehre {f} [techn.]
| thickness gauge
Dickenlehren {pl}
| thickness gauges
Dickenmesser {m}
| thickness tester
Dickenmesser {pl}
| thickness testers
| thicker
dicker Fisch großer Fisch [übtr.]
| big fish [fig.]
dicker Geldbeutel [übtr.]
| fat purse
dicker Wälzer
| weighty tome
dickes Stück Brocken {m}
| chunk
dickfellig sein dickhäutig sein
| to be thick-skinned
dickfellig dickhäutig {adj}
| thick-skinned
Dickhäuter {m}
| pachyderm
Dickicht {n} Busch {m}
| boscage
Dickicht {n} Gesträuch {n}
| thicket
Dickicht {n} Unterholz {n}
| spinney [Br.]
Dickichte {pl}
| thickets
Dickichtfächerschwanz {m} [ornith.]
| White-breasted Fantail
Dickit {m} [min.]
| dickite
Dickkopf {m}
| bullhead
Dickkopf {m} Dickschädel {m} [ugs.]
| mule pighead [coll.]
Dickkopf-Schilffink {m} [ornith.]
| New Britain Finch
Dickkopfbekarde {f} [ornith.]
| Rose-throated Becard
Dickköpfe {pl}
| bullheads
Dickköpfe {pl} Dickschädel {pl}
| mules pigheads pigheaded people
| bullish
| thickheaded
dickköpfig {adj}
| bullheaded
dickköpfig {adv}
| bullishly
Dickkopftyrann {m} [ornith.]
| Stolid Flycatcher
Dickleibigkeit {f}
| corpulency
Dickleibigkeit {f}
| pudginess
dicklich {adj}
| fattish
dicklich rundlich pummelig {adj}
| pudgy podgy
Dickmilch {f} Sauermilch {f} Gestockte Milch [Süddt.] [cook.]
| clabber [Am.]
dickplattiger Ölschiefer
| plain shale
Dickröhrling {m} (Pilzgattung) [bot.]
| bolete
dickschalig {adj} (Muschel)
| trachyostraceous
Dickschicht-Hybridtechnik {f} [electr.]
| thick-film hybrid technology
Dickschichtschaltkreis {m} [electr.]
| thick-film circuit
Dickschichtschaltkreise {pl}
| thick-film circuits
Dickschichtwiderstand {m} [electr.]
| thick-film resistor
Dickschichtwiderstände {pl}
| thick-film resistors
Dickschnabel-Blattvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Greater Green leafbird
Dickschnabel-Bronzekuckuck {m} [ornith.]
| Pied Bronze Cuckoo
Dickschnabel-Buschammer {f} [ornith.]
| Sooty-faced Finch
Dickschnabel-Darwinfink {m} [ornith.]
| Vegetarian Tree Finch
Dickschnabel-Erdhacker {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Miner
Dickschnabel-Grasschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Grass Wren
Dickschnabel-Honiganzeiger {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Honeyguide
Dickschnabel-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Flowerpecker
Dickschnabel-Raupenfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Stout-billed Greybird
Dickschnabel-Reisknacker {m} [ornith.]
| Great-billed Seed Finch
Dickschnabel-Rohrsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Warbler
Dickschnabel-Spinnenjäger {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Spiderhunter
Dickschnabel-Sturmvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Prion
Dickschnabelbülbül {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Bulbul
Dickschnabelgirlitz {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Seedeater
Dickschnabelkitta [ornith.]
| Taiwan Magpie
Dickschnabelkuckuck {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Cuckoo
Dickschnabellerche {f} [ornith.]
| Large-billed Lark
Dickschnabelmöwe {f} [ornith.]
| Pacific Gull
Dickschnabelnonne {f} [ornith.]
| Great-billed Mannikin
Dickschnabelorganist {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Euphonia
Dickschnabelpfäffchen {n} [ornith.]
| Drab Seedeater
Dickschnabelpinguin {m} [ornith.]
| Victoria Penguin
Dickschnabelreiher {m} [ornith.]
| Malagasy Pond Heron
Dickschnabelsaltator [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Saltator
Dickschnabelstar {m} [ornith.]
| Striated Starling
Dickschnabeltaube {f} [ornith.]
| Large Green Pigeon
Dickschnabeltyrann {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Kingbird
Dickschnabelvireo {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Vireo
Dickschnabelzeisig {m} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Siskin
dickwandig {adj}
| thick-walled
Dickzissel [ornith.]
| Dickcissel