Deutsch | Englisch |
Eigentum an einer Ware
| property in goods
Eigentum an Patenten und Gebrauchsmustern
| industrial property
Eigentum erwerben
| to acquire ownership of
Eigentum {n}
| ownership
Eigentum {n}
| absolute ownership
Eigentum {n}
| proprietary
Eigentum {n} Besitz {m} Besitztümer {pl}
| estate
Eigentum {n} Besitz {m} Grundbesitz {m} Grundstück {n}
| property
Eigentum {n} Eigentumsrecht {n}
| proprietorship
Eigentum {n} Grundbesitze {pl}
| properties
Eigentum {n} Habseligkeiten {pl}
| belongings
Eigentümerschaft {f}
| ownership
eigentümlich {adj}
| strange odd curious
eigentümlich besonders eigenartig eigen {adj}
| peculiar
eigentümlicher eigenartiger
| more peculiar
Eigentümlichkeit {f}
| medievalism
Eigentums- und Gefahrenübergang
| transfer of risk and title
Eigentumsbescheinigung {f}
| ownership certificate certificate of ownership
Eigentumsbescheinigungen {pl}
| ownership certificates certificates of ownership
Eigentumsdelikt {n} [jur.]
| property crime-offence crime-offence against property
Eigentumsdelikte {pl}
| property crimes-offences crimes-offences against properties
Eigentumserwerb {m}
| acquisition of ownership
Eigentumsklage {f} Besitzstörungsklage {f} [jur.]
| action of trespass
Eigentumsklagen {pl} Besitzstörungsklagen {pl}
| actions of trespass
Eigentumsnachweis {m}
| abstract of title evidence of ownership
Eigentumsrecht {n}
| ownership right of ownership right to property
Eigentumsrecht {n}
| proprietary right
Eigentumsrechte {pl}
| proprietary rights
Eigentumsübergang {m}
| property transfer mutation passage of title
Eigentumsübertragung {f} (Grundstück)
| quitclaim deed
Eigentumsurkunde {f} (Grundstück)
| title of land title deed
Eigentumsverhältnis {n}
| ownership structure ownership situation ownership
Eigentumsverhältnisse {pl}
| ownership structures ownership situations
Eigentumsvorbehalt {m} [jur.]
| reservation of proprietary rights
Eigentumswohnung {f}
| condominium condo [Am.] owner-occupied flat [Br.]
Eigentumswohnungen {pl}
| condominiums condos [Am.] owner-occupied flats [Br.]