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Übersetzung des Wortes: tort

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  Deutsch    Englisch
  Tort {n}
       Unrechte {n}
  Törtchen {n} [cook.]
  Torte {f}
  fancy cake
  Torte {f}
  Tortellini {pl} [cook.]
  Torten {pl}
  fancy cakes
  Torten {pl}
  Tortenboden {m} [cook.]
  flan case
       flan base
       baked pastry case
  Tortenfüllung {f}
  Tortenguss {m} [cook.]
       cake glaze
  Tortenheber {m}
       Tortenschaufel {f}
       Kuchenschaufel {f}
  cake shovel
       cake slice
  Tortenheber {pl}
       Tortenschaufeln {pl}
       Kuchenschaufeln {pl}
  cake shovels
       cake slice
  Tortenplatte {f}
       Kuchenplatte {f}
  cake plate
  Tortenplatten {pl}
       Kuchenplatten {pl}
  cake plates
  Tortenstück {n}
       Stück {n} Torte [cook.]
  piece of cake
       slice of cake
       cake slice
  Torticollis {m}
       Schiefhals {m} [med.]
  Tortilla {n} [cook.]
  Tortilla-Chip {n} [cook.]
  tortilla chip
  Tortilla-Chips {pl}
  tortilla chips
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Gefundene Wörter: 19
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