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woerterbuch Englisch - Deutsch
a place to stay
a plain sailing
a play by Shakespeare
a poignant remark
a point of honour
a pointed remark
a pondering silence
a ponderous person
a poor devil
a poor policy
a posteriori
a posteriori
a posteriori knowledge
a pot of coffee
A precious mess!
a pretty penny
a priori
a priori
a priori knowledge
a priori probability
a privy matter
a prodigy of learning
a prolific breed
A promise is a promise.
A prompt answer (reply) would
a prompt answer
a property
A prophet has no honor in his
A prophet has no honour in his
A prophet is not without honor
a proven fact
a punch below the belt
a put-up affair
a quack doctor
a qualified yes
a quarter
a quarter past 8
a quarter to 10
a queasy feeling
a quick word of advice
a quiver full of children
a rapid development
A rapid response would be appr
a re-enacted scene
a ready-made suit
a reasonable time
a reel of cotton
a reel of film
a relation of mine
a remarkable coincidence
a repentant sinner
a requirement in a credit
a respectable bank
a revolutionary discovery
a ridge of high pressure
a ripple of laughter
a roll of banknotes
a roll of paper
A rolling stone gathers no mos
A rolling stone gathers no mos
a round lie
a round of toast
a rule of great generality
a run (streak) of good luck
a run of luck
a safe guess
a scarce copy
a scientist of distinction
a scorching heat
a score of people
a scourge
a screen of indifference
a seasonable offer
a seasoned campaigner for huma
a seasoned traveller
a second helping
a self man
a sense of foreboding
a sense of occasion
a set locution
a set of rules for
a shady past
a shaggy-dog story
a sheet of paper
A shiver ran down my spine.
a short space
a short statement
a short while ago
a short while ago
a shot in the arm
A should be used in preference
a showy dress
A shut mouth catches no flies.
a sight for sore eyes
a sign marked "BBC"
A silver key can open an iron
a sizable income
a slam dunk
a slap on the back
a slice of the cake
a slight hope
a slight variance of opinion
a slug of whisky
a smack in the eye
a smooth customer
a snappy come-back
a snatch of music
a solid hour
a sop in the pan
A sorrow shared is a sorrow ha
a sort of Danish pastry
a sound beating
a species of dung beetle
a specified period of time
a speech full of emotions
a spoilt brat
a spot of
a square deal
a stable trend (in sth.)
A stain clings to him.
a statement in writing
a statesman of high calibre
a steady flow of goods
a steady rise in prices
A steering
a stern warning
A stitch in time saves nine.
A stitch in time saves nine.
a stoop
a story for reflection
a straight answer to a straigh
a straight choice
a strange old bird
a string of cars
a stroke of good fortune
a strong language
a stunned silence
a stupid brat
a subjective and hence problem
a substantial amount
a successful composer
a suitable offer
a suitable solution
a superimposed clause
a superimposed notation
a sure-fire method
a survival job
a tactile fabric
a tad
a tad big
a tad small
a tale of woe
a tempest in a teapot
a ten a penny
a third party
A thorough checkup was made of
A thought flashed through my m
a thousand and one
a thousand things
a thousand times
a three-course set menu
a thrusting politician
a thunderstorm that clears the
A tidy house, a tidy mind.
a tiny hole
a tough job
A trade in hand finds gold in
a tragic occurrence
A train ran off the rails.
a translation from German into
A tree must be bent while it i
a trifle bemused
a trifle too ...
a trouble area
a trough of low pressure
a trough of low pressure
a turn for the better
a turn for the worse
a two month period
a two-story building
a two-year guarantee
a tyre out-of-balance
a vein of truth
a very broad field
a very inconvenient time
a very tenacious link
a vexed question
a vicious person
a vision in white
a voyage across the desert-oce
a voyage in space and time
a waft of cool air
a warped mind
a waspish tongue
a week ago
a well match
a well thumbed book
a well-established teaching me
a wet day
a whole lot
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