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woerterbuch Englisch - Deutsch
a (permanent) fixture in-on my
a 15 minute walk
a bad dream
a bad egg
A bad excuse is better than no
a bad quarter of an hour
a bad risk
A bad workman blames his tools
a bad write-up
a baffled look
a ball of ice-cream
a ball of string
a ban on the import of sth.
a bang for the buck
a bar of chocolate
a bar to further proceedings
a bare ten minutes
A beggar may sing before a pic
a big deal
a big shot
a big slice of luck
a big-wig
A bird in the hand is worth tw
A bird in the hand is worth tw
a bit of ...
A bit of what you fancy does y
a bit
a bitter pill to swallow
a blanket statement
a blatant lie
a blazing inferno
A blind man may perchance hit
A blind man should not judge c
a blob of mustard
a bolt from the blue
a bomb outrage
a book which takes a critical
a booming city
a born fool
a bottomless pit
a bowdlerized version
A breeze has sprung up.
a broad hint
a broad laughter
a broken arm
a cake of soap
a capital mistake
a captive audience
a careful documentation of the
a careless person
A carpenter is known by his ch
a case of dog-eat-dog
A cash discount of ... % is al
A cat in gloves catches no mic
a certain meal
a change in direction
a chat over coffee
a cheap trick
a cheeky brat
a cheque drawn in your favour
a cheque for Euro 100
a child
a child by him
a choice of products
a class apart
a classic example of sth.
a clear agreement
a clear conscience
a clever move
a cloak and dagger operation
A close friend can become a cl
a cobbled street
a common boob
a common saying
a common sight
a complete and utter waste of
a complete waste of effort
a concerned look
a congenital liar
a considerable amount
a considerable number of undet
a constant check is kept on
a constant feature
a continuous line
a continuous road-rail link
a contradiction in itself
a couple of days
a couple of
a crafty bitch
A creaking door hangs long in
A creaking door hangs longest.
a criminal twist
A crown is no cure for a heada
a crushing defeat
a cut above
A danger foreseen is half avoi
a dark horse
a dark secret
a dash of
a dash of mystery
a dashed line
a daughter of Eve
a daunting task
a dead duck
a decent fellow
a declared-pronounced opponent
a defective condition
a definite interest clause
a delicate matter
a deluge of complaints
a demonstrably wrong report
a desert island
a detailed record
a disastrous flop
a discussion on the topic of f
a dish of ...
a dish of ice-cream
a dishy bird
A dispute broke out.
a distinction without differen
a downright lie
a downward trend (in sth.)
a drawing, heightened with whi
a drunken man
a dry wine
a fair amount
a fair premium
a fair sum
a fair swindle
a false sense of security
a falsified document
a family blesed with a large n
a far cry from sth.
a fast friend
A fat belly, a lean brain.
A fat lot I care!
a fatal accident
a favourable reply
a feeling of ... came over me
a feeling of bliss
a feeling of sorrow
a few
a few
a few of
a few scraps of English
a few scraps of information
a few steps from here
a few times
a figure in the hundreds of mi
a figure in the tens of millio
a filling meal
a film with a top-class cast
a fine day for ducks
A fine excuse!
a fine figure of a man
A fine friend you are!
a flash in the pan
a flight of steps
a fluent speaker
a flurry of excitement
A fool asks more questions in
A fool can always find a great
a forced smile
a foregone conclusion
a fortune
A friend in need is a friend i
A friend in need is a friend i
A friend in need is a friend i
A friend in need is a friend i
a friend of him
a friend of ours
a friendly turn
a fruitful cooperation
a full complement
a fun guy
a further 50 are in prospect
a game of chess
a gazillion
a genius of the first water
a genuine Rembrandt
a German patent nutritional su
a gesture of solidarity
a gifted musician
a gladdening experience
a glass of water
A glorious mess!
A golden key can open any door
A golden key opens every door.
a good bargain
A good book is a great compani
a good deal of ...
a good deal
A good friend is my nearest re
A good lather is half the shav
A good man thinks of himself l
a good many
a good many
a good many times
A good marksman may miss.
A good name is better than ric
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