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Deutsch - Tschechisch
Von : Englisch
nach : Deutsch

woerterbuch Englisch - Deutsch

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base curve radius -BKR-base displacement addressingbase doping
base exchange capacitybase framebase frame
base framesbase frequencybase item
base itemsbase lending ratebase lending rates
base linebase linesbase load
base mapbase mapsbase material
base materialbase materialsbase of life
base of operationsbase of the skullbase of tread groove
base of valve stembase operatorbase plate
base platebase platesbase plates
base pricebase ratebase rate
base ratebase ratebase rates
base ratesbase regionbase regions
base registerbase registersbase relocation
base rentbase rentsbase resistance
base resistancesbase salarybase scale
base settingbase settingsbase sheet
base stationbase stationsbase stock
base tangent lengthbase versionbase voltage
base voltagesbase yearbase years
base-lightbase-load power stationbase-load power stations
baseballbaseball batbaseball cap
baseball playerbaseball playersbaseband
basecoat mortarbasedbased
basedbased loosely on a sourcebased on the model of
baseline signbaseline signsbaseline
basementbasement barbasement excavation
basement flatbasement flatsbasement garage
basement garagesbasement vaultbasement vaults
basement wallbasement wallsbaseness
bashedbashedbashed sb. up
bashingbashingbashing sb. up
basic agreementbasic agreementsbasic airborne course -BAC-
basic airborne coursesbasic airborne jumpbasic airborne jumps
basic amountbasic amountsbasic approach
basic approachesbasic arithmetic operationsbasic assumption
basic channelbasic channelsbasic class
basic classesbasic climatebasic clock rate
basic colourbasic conceptbasic concepts
basic conditionbasic conditionsbasic design
basic dimensionsbasic electrodebasic element
basic elementsbasic equidistancebasic equipment
basic evilbasic feebasic fees
basic fighter maneuvers -BFM-basic hardwareBasic History of Germany
basic ideabasic ideasbasic information
basic input-output system -BIObasic instinctbasic instincts
basic knowledge (of)basic lawbasic level
basic levelsbasic loadbasic logic element
basic logic functionbasic logic functionsbasic map series
basic materialbasic messagebasic messages
basic military servicebasic modelbasic models
basic modulebasic modulesbasic need
basic needsbasic networkbasic networks
basic noisebasic noisesbasic number
basic oxygen steelbasic patentbasic patent
basic patentsbasic patentsbasic piece work rate
basic pricebasic pricesbasic probability assignment
basic pulse codebasic requirementbasic requirements
basic researchbasic research
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