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woerterbuch Englisch - Deutsch
to take a dog for a walk
to take a fancy to
to take a flash photo
to take a free kick
to take a house on a 10-year l
to take a joke
to take a lease on a house
to take a lease on business pr
to take a long time
to take a look at
to take a lot out of
to take a medication
to take a mouth swab
to take a nap
to take a picture
to take a picture down off the
to take a picture
to take a Pollyanna view of st
to take a problem to sb.
to take a quick glance at sth.
to take a rise out of sb.
to take a risk
to take a road test
to take a road test
to take a run-up
to take a shower
to take a smell at
to take a sounding
to take a spa treatment
to take a stab in the dark
to take a stand
to take a stroll through the t
to take a swim
to take a tick (from)
to take a turn for the better-
to take a turn in the wood
to take a vote (on sth.)
to take advantage (of sth.)
to take advantage of
to take advantage of
to take after
to take aim
to take along
to take an impression
to take an instant dislike to
to take an opportunity
to take an order
to take an order
to take an unequivocal stand (
to take an unexpected turn
to take apart
to take as a basis
to take away
to take away
to take back
to take back
to take back goods that has no
to take bribes
to take by assault
to take by surprise
to take care
to take care
to take care of
to take care of the garden
to take care of
to take charge of sth.
to take charge of
to take command (of)
to take corrective action
to take countermeasures
to take courage
to take cover
to take criticism
to take cross bearings
to take delight in
to take disciplinary action ag
to take down
to take down
to take down
to take down (a flag)
to take drastic measures
to take drugs
to take effect
to take effect
to take extreme action against
to take flight
to take for
to take French leave
to take fright
to take from
to take full responsibility fo
to take getting used to
to take great pains over
to take hold of
to take home
to take in
to take in
to take in
to take in (a sail)
to take in cash
to take in the late spots
to take into account
to take into care
to take into custody
to take into custody prior to
to take inventory
to take it easy
to take it in turns with sb.
to take it on the chin
to take its course
to take joint action
to take leave
to take leave
to take legal measure
to take legal steps against so
to take long strides
to take measures
to take note of
to take notes of
to take notice of
to take notice of
to take off
to take off
to take off
to take off its hinges
to take off
to take offence at
to take on
to take on
to take on a burden
to take on an official tone
to take on too much
to take out a life insurance p
to take out a loan
to take out a patent on sth.
to take out of its context
to take out of service
to take out of the warehouse
to take out
to take over
to take over from
to take over with
to take parental responsibilty
to take part (in)
to take part (in)
to take part in a contest
to take part in the combat
to take part in the opening fo
to take pictures
to take pity (on sb.)
to take place below public per
to take place
to take place
to take place
to take pleasure in
to take possession of
to take possession of
to take potluck
to take potluck
to take precautions
to take precautions (against)
to take pride in
to take prompt action
to take revenge (on)
to take root
to take sample
to take sb. as an example
to take sb. aside
to take sb. down
to take sb. for a ride
to take sb. in custody
to take sb. in tow
to take sb. into custody
to take sb. on a ride
to take sb. out
to take sb. to hospital
to take sb. to task
to take sb. to task (about)
to take sb. up on his (her) pr
to take seriously
to take shape
to take shelter from
to take sides
to take so. for a walk
to take so. hostage
to take so. to the cleaners
to take steps
to take steps (against)
to take sth. amiss
to take sth. as a joke
to take sth. at face value
to take sth. calmly
to take sth. for granted
to take sth. in literal sense
to take sth. in safe keeping
to take sth. into account
to take sth. into account
to take sth. into consideratio
to take sth. literally
to take sth. on credit
Antwort in: 0.48 s