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woerterbuch Englisch - Deutsch
to be below the detection limi
to be beneficial to sth.-sb.
to be bent on doing sth.
to be bent on
to be beside oneself
to be beside oneself with joy
to be beyond repair
to be biased
to be big-boned
to be blessed with
to be blown away
to be bonkers
to be booked for speeding
to be booked up
to be booked up
to be booked
to be born by Caesarean (Cesar
to be born in Berlin
to be born with a caul
to be borne by ...
to be bosom friends
to be bound by an offer
to be bound for
to be bound to professional se
to be bowled over
to be brief
to be brim-full of energy
to be brimming (over) with con
to be brimming with sth.
to be brimming with tears
to be broke
to be broken
to be broken off
to be broken on the wheel
to be brought on line
to be bubbling over with ideas
to be buddy buddy with sb.
to be buggered
to be built by subscription
to be bullish
to be burnt at the stake
to be bust
to be busy (with)
to be called for
to be called out
to be cancelled
to be capable of
to be capable of anything
to be capable of chewing up lo
to be capable of doing sth.
to be capable of having a rela
to be capable of keeping a bar
to be careful
to be caught
to be caught up in rush-hour t
to be censorious of
to be certified insane
to be chagrined
to be changeable
to be characterized by
to be charged
to be charged extra for
to be charged on a time basis
to be chilled through
to be chivalrous to a woman
to be clad in white
to be clairvoyant
to be clairvoyant
to be clench
to be clogged up
to be close to tears
to be close to the action
to be closed to sb.
to be closeted
to be clued up about-on sth.
to be coherent
to be coming
to be committed to sth.
to be committed to sth.-to do
to be common currency
to be compatible with
to be compatible with
to be completely buggered
to be composed of
to be conceited
to be concerned
to be concerned with
to be concluded
to be conditioned
to be confident of
to be confined to bed
to be confused
to be congruent with
to be connected
to be connected with
to be considered suitable
to be consistent with
to be constrained by circumsta
to be content with
to be contented to do sth.
to be continued -to be contd-
to be contrary to the regulati
to be contrary to
to be convenient to sb.
to be correct
to be correlative with-to sth.
to be court-martialled and sho
to be crabby
to be crazy
to be crippled for life
to be critical of sth.
to be critically wounded
to be crossed in love
to be crucially important
to be curious about sth.
to be curious to know sth.
to be cut and dried
to be cut to the core
to be cut up
to be daunted by sth.
to be dead against sth.
to be dead broke
to be dead
to be deaf in one ear
to be deaf to sth.
to be deceived (in)
to be dedicated to sth.-sb.
to be deduced (from)
to be deducted
to be deductible
to be deemed sth.
to be deeply moved
to be defeated
to be definite
to be delighted (by)
to be delighted by sth.
to be delirious
to be dependent on
to be depending on
to be deposited
to be derailed
to be derisive (about)
to be derived (from)
to be descended
to be descended from
to be designated for sth.
to be designed to
to be desirous of
to be desperate for sth.
to be desperate to do sth.
to be despondent
to be destined for sth.
to be destined to do sth.
to be determined
to be determined -TBD-
to be detrimental to sth.
to be devoted to sb.
to be diametrically opposed
to be diametrically opposed
to be different
to be difficult
to be dilatory in
to be directed (towards)
to be disappointed in-by-with
to be disgraced
to be disgusted
to be disposed to do sth.
to be distantly related
to be distracted with pain
to be distressed
to be divided (on)
to be done
to be doomed
to be doomed to die
to be doomed to failure
to be doomed to
to be doubled up in tears
to be down
to be down
to be down in the dumps
to be down the drain
to be dressed to kill
to be dripping wet
to be drowned
to be drunk
to be due (to)
to be dying
to be easily-accurately calcul
to be easy to reach
to be economical
to be effective
to be eighteen
to be elated
to be eliminated from the tour
to be eliminated
to be embarrassed
to be emphatic about sth.
to be employed by (with)
to be enabled to do sth.
to be enamored of
Antwort in: 0.473 s