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to be enclosed
to be enemies
to be engaged
to be engaged in research
to be engaged otherwise
to be engaged
to be enough to make one puke
to be entangled in
to be enthroned
to be entitled to a pension
to be entitled to sth.
to be entitled to vote
to be entitled to vote
to be equal to sth.
to be equipped with sth.
to be essential
to be even with sb.
to be evocative of sth.
to be exasperated (at
to be exempt (from sth.)
to be exempted from sth.
to be expecting a baby
to be expecting
to be experienced in dealing w
to be expressed
to be extinguished
to be extraneous to sth.
to be eyeball to eyeball
to be faced with a danger
to be fair
to be faithful to sb.
to be familiar with sth.
to be far away from sb.-sth.
to be far off
to be far off
to be fast asleep
to be fast-paced
to be fattening
to be favourite
to be fed on liquids
to be fed up to the back teeth
to be fighting a rear-guard ac
to be filling
to be filming
to be financially liable for
to be fined for sth.
to be fit
to be fit again
to be flabbergasted
to be fleeced
to be flush
to be flush with money
to be foaming with rage
to be fond of doing sth.
to be fond of sth.
to be foolish
to be footloose and fancy-free
to be for sale
to be for the birds
to be forced to take action
to be forearmed
to be forfeit
to be forthcoming
to be forthcoming
to be found
to be fraught (with)
to be free
to be freed (from)
to be friends
to be frightened (at
to be frozen stiff
to be fucking loaded
to be full of good sense
to be full of integrity
to be full of piss and vinegar
to be full of sth.
to be fully stretched
to be fully stretched
to be funky
to be furious with sb.
to be fussy about sth.
to be game for sth.
to be game for sth.
to be generous
to be germane to
to be getting on in years
to be given priority (treatmen
to be given the rest of the da
to be glassy-eyed
to be glib in finding excuses
to be going bald at the temple
to be going smoothly
to be going to
to be gone (pain)
to be good at typing
to be good for
to be granted a full discharge
to be granted bail
to be groovy
to be grounded
to be grounded
to be grounded
to be guilty of murder
to be habituated to sth.
to be hailed as a hero
to be hammered
to be hamstrung
to be hamstrung
to be handcuffed
to be handed down
to be handy about the house
to be hard up
to be hard up for
to be hard-up
to be having a hard time with
to be headlined
to be held on-in a database
to be held responsible for
to be held
to be hellbent
to be henpecked
to be high
to be high in the ratings
to be highly pleased
to be highly sexed
to be holed
to be home and dry
to be homesick
to be homophobic
to be honest
to be hooked
to be horrified at the sight o
to be horrified by sth.
to be hostile to
to be hot for
to be hung like a horse
to be hungover
to be hungry
to be hustled into a decision
to be ill at ease
to be ill in bed
to be ill-disposed (to
to be ill
to be illegitimate
to be immediately under sb.
to be imminent
to be immune to feedback
to be immunodeficient
to be impassioned
to be impatient for
to be impatient of
to be impatient of
to be impatient to do ...
to be impervious arguments
to be impoverished
to be in
to be in (a state of) developm
to be in (serious) danger of r
to be in (the) hospital
to be in a bad way
to be in a brown study
to be in a buying mood
to be in a clutter
to be in a dither
to be in a feud (with so.)
to be in a film-movie
to be in a fix
to be in a foul mood
to be in a fret
to be in a fret
to be in a generous mood
to be in a good humour
to be in a good mood
to be in a good temper
to be in a huff
to be in a hurry
to be in a majority
to be in a muddle
to be in a position to
to be in a position to do sth.
to be in a predicament
to be in a rage
to be in a real peeve
to be in a rut
to be in a sorry state
to be in a spot
to be in a state of weightless
to be in a stew
to be in a tight spot
to be in a tight squeeze
to be in a tizzy
to be in accord with sth.
to be in accordance with
to be in administration
to be in alignment
to be in an awkward predicamen
to be in an off-side position
to be in anguish
to be in awe of sb.
to be in bad
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