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Übersetzung des Wortes: customs

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  Englisch    Deutsch
  Sitten {pl}
       Gewohnheiten {pl}
       Bräuche {pl}
       Gepflogenheiten {pl}
  customs and excise dues
  Zölle und sonstige Abgaben
  customs area
  Zollgebiet {n}
  customs areas
  Zollgebiete {pl}
  customs authorities
       customs office
  Zollbehörde {f}
  customs barrier
       tariff trade barrier
  Zollschranke {f}
  customs barriers
  Zollschranken {pl}
  customs checkpoint
       customs check
  Zollkontrolle {f}
  customs clearance
  Verzollung {f}
  customs clearance
  Zollabfertigung {f}
  customs clearances
  Zollabfertigungen {pl}
  customs declaration
  Zollerklärung {f}
       Zollanmeldung {f}
  customs declarations
  Zollerklärungen {pl}
       Zollanmeldungen {pl}
  customs documents
  Zollpapiere {pl}
  customs dog
  Zollhund {m}
  customs dogs
  Zollhunde {pl}
  customs duties
  Zollgebühren {pl}
  customs form
  Zollformular {n}
  customs forms
  Zollformulare {pl}
  customs frontier
  Zollgrenze {f}
  customs frontiers
  Zollgrenzen {pl}
  customs house
  Zollhaus {n}
  customs house broker
  Zollagent {m}
       Zollagentin {f}
  customs house brokers
  Zollagenten {pl}
       Zollagentinnen {pl}
  customs houses
  Zollhäuser {pl}
  customs inspection
       customs examination
  Zollkontrolle {f}
       Zollbeschau {f}
  customs inspections
       customs examinations
  Zollkontrollen {pl}
  customs investigation
  Zollfahndung {f}
  customs investigation office
  Zollfahndungsstelle {f}
  customs investigation offices
  Zollfahndungsstellen {pl}
  customs matters
  Zollbereich {m}
  customs of yore
  Bräuche von einst
  customs office
  Zollamt {n}
       Zollstelle {f}
  customs officer
  Zöllner {m}
       Zöllnerin {f}
  customs officers
  Zöllner {pl}
       Zöllnerinnen {pl}
  customs offices
  Zollämter {pl}
       Zollstellen {pl}
  customs official
       customs officer
  Zollbeamte {m,f}
  customs officials
  Zollbeamten {pl}
  customs policy
  Zollpolitik {f}
  customs regulations
  Zollbestimmungen {pl}
  customs regulations
  Zollvorschriften {pl}
  customs seal
  Zollplombe {f}
  customs seals
  Zollplomben {pl}
  customs tariff number
  Zolltarifnummer {f}
  customs union
  Zollunion {f}
  customs-free trade zone
  Zollfreizone {f}
  customs-free trade zones
  Zollfreizonen {pl}
  Zoll {m}
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