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Übersetzung des Wortes: as far as

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  english    german
  as far as
  bis zu
       so weit wie
  as far as
  so weit wie
  as far as domestic policy is concerned
       as far as home affairs are concerned
  innenpolitisch gesehen
  As far as I can gather ...
  Soweit ich weiß ...
  As far as I can remember ...
  Soweit ich mich erinnern kann ...
  as far as I can tell
  soweit ich sehe
  As far as I know ...
  Soviel ich weiß ...
  as far as our experience goes
  nach unserer Erfahrung
  as far as possible
       to the greatest possible extent
  weitestgehend {adv}
  as far as
       so far as
       as much as
  soviel {conj} (wie)
  as far as
       so far as
       insofar as [Am.]
  soweit {conj}
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Gefundene Wörter: 11
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