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Übersetzung des Wortes: castle

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  english    german
  Schloss {n}
       Burg {f}
       Kastell {n}
  castle built in water
       moated castle
  Wasserburg {f}
  castle dungeon
  Burgverlies {n}
  castle dungeons
  Burgverliese {pl}
  castle garden
  Schlossgarten {m}
  castle gardens
  Schlossgärten {pl}
  castle in the air
  Luftschloss {n}
  castle nut
       castellated nut
       hexagon slotted and castle nut
  Kronenmutter {f} [techn.]
  castle nuts
       castellated nuts
       hexagon slotted and castle nuts
  Kronenmuttern {pl}
  castle park
       castle grounds
  Schlosspark {m}
  castle parks
  Schlossparks {pl}
       Schlossparke {pl}
  castle ruin
  Burgruine {f}
  castle ruins
  Burgruinen {pl}
  Schlösser {pl}
       Burgen {pl}
  castles in the air
  Luftschlösser {pl}
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