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Übersetzung des Wortes: Drossel

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  german    english
  Drossel {f} [ornith.]
  Drossel {f} [techn.]
  Drossel {f}
       Drosselspule {f} [techn.]
       choking coil
  Drosselblende {f} [techn.]
  Drosselhonigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Spotted Honeyeater
  Drosselklappe {f} [techn.]
  damper flap
       reducing damper
  Drosselklappe {f} [techn.]
  throttle valve
       butterfly valve
  Drosselklappenbetätigung {f}
  throttle linkage
  Drosselklappengehäuse {n}
  throttle body housing
  Drosselklappenrückholfeder {f}
  throttle return spring
  Drosselkondensator {m} [electr.]
  Drosselkondensatoren {pl}
  Drosselkrähe {f} [ornith.]
  White-winged Chough
  Drosselkuckuck {m} [ornith.]
  Lesser Ground Cuckoo
  Drossellerche {f} [ornith.]
  Dusky Lark
  Drosseln {pl}
  drosseln {vt}
  to restrict
       to throttle
       abdrosseln {vt}
  to throttle
  Drosselrohrsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Great Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
  Drosselrückschlagventil {n} [techn.]
  Drosselrückschlagventile {pl}
  Drosselschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  African Brown Flycatcher
  Drosselspule {f} [electr.]
  Drosselspulen {pl}
  Drosselstelze {f} [ornith.]
  Magpie Lark
  Drosseltangare {f} [ornith.]
  Spotted Tanager
  Drosseluferläufer {m} [ornith.]
  Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia)
  Drosselung {f}
  Drosselung {f}
       Drosseln {n}
  Drosselventil {n} [techn.]
  regulationg valve
       flow control valve
       choker valve
  Drosselventil {n} [techn.]
  throttle valve
       throttling valve
  Drosselventile {pl}
  regulationg valves
       flow control valves
       choker valves
  Drosselventile {pl}
  throttle valves
       throttling valves
  Drosselwaldsänger {m} [ornith.]
  Northern Water-thrush
  Drosselwürger {m} [ornith.]
  Drosselzaunkönig {m} [ornith.]
  Trush-like Wren
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