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Übersetzung des Wortes: Pleuel

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  german    english
  Pleuelbuchse {f} [techn.]
  connecting rod bush
  Pleuelbuchsen {pl}
  connecting rod bushes
  Pleuelfuß {m} [techn.]
  large end
       big end
  Pleuelkopf {m} [techn.]
  little end
       small end
  Pleuelköpfe {pl}
  little ends
       small ends
  Pleuellager {n} [techn.]
  big end bearing
       large end bearing
  Pleuellager {pl}
  big end bearings
       large end bearings
  Pleuellagerdeckel {m} [techn.]
  lid for the connecting rod bearing
  Pleuellagerdeckel {pl}
  lids for the connecting rod bearing
  Pleuellagerspiel {n} [techn.]
  clearance of the connecting rod bearing
  Pleuellagerzapfen {m} [techn.]
  tap for the connecting rod bearing
  Pleuellagerzapfen {pl}
  taps for the connecting rod bearing
  Pleuellänge {f} [techn.]
  length of the connecting rod
  Pleuelmutter {f} [techn.]
  connecting rod nut
  Pleuelmuttern {pl}
  connecting rod nuts
  Pleuelstange {f}
       Pleuel {n} [techn.]
       connecting rod
       piston rod
  Pleuelstangen {pl}
       Pleuel {pl}
       connecting rods
       piston rods
  Pleuelzapfen {m} [techn.]
  Pleuelzapfen {pl}
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Gefundene Wörter: 19
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