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Übersetzung des Wortes: Step

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  german    english
  Stephanit {m} [min.]
       black silver
       brittle silver ore
  Stephantaube {f} [ornith.]
  Brown-backed Emerald Dove
  Steppdecke {f}
       continental quilt
  Steppdecken {pl}
  Steppe {f} [geogr.]
       grass-covered plain
       pampa (Argentina)
       scrub (Australia)
       veld(t) (South Africa)
       Ilanos (Orinoco)
  Steppen {pl}
       grass-covered plains
       absteppen {vt}
  to stitch
       Stepp tanzen {vi}
  to tap
       to tap-dance
  Steppenadler {m} [ornith.]
  Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis)
  Steppenbaumhopf {m} [ornith.]
  Violet Wood Hoopoe
  Steppenfalke {m} [ornith.]
  Greater Kestrel
  Steppenkiebitz {m} [ornith.]
  Sociable Lapwing (Vanellus gregarius)
  Steppenland {n} [geogr.]
  Steppenläufer {m} [ornith.]
  Plains Wanderer
  Steppenläufer {m}
       Steppenhexe {f}
  tumbleweed [Am.]
  Steppenlerche {f} [ornith.]
  Fawn-coloured Lark
  Steppenmöwe {f} [ornith.]
  Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans)
  Steppenregenpfeifer {m} [ornith.]
  Eastern Sand Plover
  Steppenschlammläufer {m} [ornith.]
  Asiatic Dowitcher
  Steppensumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]
  African Crake
  Steppenwaran {m} [zool.]
  savannah monitor
       eruptive monitor (varanus exanthematicus)
  Steppenweihe {f} [ornith.]
  Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus)
  Steppnaht {f}
  quilting seam
  Stepptanz {m}
       Stepp {m}
       Steptanz {m} [alt]
       Step {m} [alt]
  tap dance
  Stepptänze {pl}
  tap dances
  Stepptänzer {m}
       Stepptänzerin {f}
  tap dancer
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Gefundene Wörter: 30
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