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Překlad slova: ehren

  german    english
  Ehren {pl}
  honors [Am.]
       honours [Br.]
  ehren {vt}
  to dignify
  ehren {vt}
  to revere
       beehren {vt}
  to honour [Br.]
       to honor [Am.]
  Ehrenamt {n}
  honorary post
  ehrenamtlich {adj}
  honorary -Hon.-
       pro bono
  pro bono
  Ehrenamtliche {m,f}
  Ehrenamtlichen {pl}
  Ehrenbeleidigungsklage {f}
  action for libel
       action for slander
       libel action
  Ehrenbezeigung {f}
       Lob {n}
  Ehrenbürger {m}
  honorary citizen
  ehrend {adv}
  Ehrendame {f}
  Ehrendoktor {m}
  honorary doctor
  Ehreneintritt {m}
  act of honor
  Ehrengarde {f}
       Ehrenformation {f} [mil.]
  guard of honour
       honor guard [Am.]
  Ehrengarden {pl}
       Ehrenformationen {pl}
  guards of honour
       honor guards
  Ehrengast {m}
  guest of honour
  Ehrengäste {pl}
  guests of honour
  Ehrengericht {n}
  court of honour
  Ehrengerichte {pl}
  courts of honour
       ehrbar {adj}
       ehrenvoll {adj}
  ehrenhafte Entlassung
  honorable discharge [Am.]
       honourable discharge [Br.]
  more honourable
  ehrenhalber {adv} -e.h.-
       honoris causa -h.c.-
  honorary -hon.-
  Ehrenkodex {m}
  code of honour
  Ehrenkränkung {f}
  Ehrenkreuz der Bundeswehr [mil.]
  Honor Cross of the German Armed Forces [Am.]
       Honour Cross of the German Armed Forces [Br.]
  Ehrenkreuz {n}
  honor cross [Am.]
       honour cross [Br.]
  Ehrenkreuze {pl}
  honor crosses
       honour crosses
  Ehrenliste {f}
  roll of honour
       roll of honor
  Ehrenlisten {pl}
  rolls of honour
       rolls of honor
  Ehrenloge {f}
  VIP box
  Ehrenmal {n}
       Ehrengrabmal {n}
  Ehrenmann {m}
       Gentleman {m}
  Ehrenmänner {m}
  Ehrenmitglied {n}
  honorary member
  Ehrenmitglieder {pl}
  honorary members
  Ehrenmord {m}
  honour killing
       honor killing
  Ehrenmorde {pl}
  honour killings
       honor killings
  Ehrenplatz {m}
  pride of place
  Ehrenplatz {m}
  place of honour [Br.]
       place of honor [Am.]
       seat of honour [Br.]
       seat of honor [Am.]
       special place
  Ehrenplätze {pl}
  places of honour
       places of honor
       seats of honour
       seats of honor
       special places
  Ehrenpreis {m,n} [bot.]
  Ehrenrunde {f}
  lap of honour [Br.]
       lap of honor [Am.]
  Ehrenrunden {pl}
  laps of honour
       laps of honor
  Ehrensache {f}
  affair of honour [Br.]
       affair of honor [Am.]
  Ehrenschuld {f}
  debt of honour [Br.]
       debt of honor [Am.]
  Ehrenschulden {pl}
  debts of honour
  Ehrentag {m}
  great day
  Ehrentitel {m}
  honorary title
  Ehrentitel {pl}
  honorary titles
  Ehrentor {n}
       Ehrentreffer {m} [sport]
  consolation goal
  Ehrentore {pl}
       Ehrentreffer {pl}
  consolation goals
  ehrenvolle Erwähnung {f}
  ehrenwert {adj}
  ehrenwert {adv}
       achtbar {adj}
  Ehrenwort {n}
  word of honour [Br.]
       word of honor [Am.]
  Ehrenworte {pl}
  words of honour
       words of honor
  Ehrenzahlung {f}
  payment for honour
  Ehrenzeichen {n} [mil.]
  Ehrenzeichen {n}
       Ehrenabzeichen {n}
  badge of honour [Br.]
       badge of honor [Am.]
  Ehrenzeichen {pl}
       Ehrenabzeichen {pl}
  badges of honour
       badges of honor
  Beispielsätze    english
Meier und Esche zu Ehren geschrieben, item die von Zürich, welche Hanss Conrad Geriger anno 1667 verfertiget, sind curieuse.
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Více informací k ehren mužete nalezd zde
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