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Translation of the word: build

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  english    german
  build-up (heat)
  Wärmeaufbau {m}
  build-up (heat)
       heat build-up
  Erhitzung {f}
       master builder
  Baumeister {m}
       urban climbing
  Gebäudeklettern {n}
       master builders
  Baumeister {pl}
  Aufbau {m}
       Aufbauen {n}
  Baukörper {m}
  Erstellung {f}
  Gebäude {n}
       Bauwerk {n}
       Bau {m}
       Haus {n}
  building agencies
  Baudienststellen {pl}
  building agency
  Baudienststelle {f}
  building and construction industry
  Bauwesen {n}
  building application
       planning application
  Bauantrag {m}
       Baugesuch {n}
  building applications
       planning applications
  Bauanträge {pl}
       Baugesuche {pl}
  building area
       building land
  Baufläche {f}
  building areas
       building lands
  Bauflächen {pl}
  building authorities
  Bauamt {n}
  building automation
  Gebäudeautomatisierung {f}
  building automation
  Hausleittechnik {f}
  building block
       building stone
  Baustein {m}
  building blocks
       building stones
  Bausteine {pl}
  building boom
  Bauboom {m}
  building capital
  Baugeld {n}
  building climate control
  Bauklimatik {f}
  building construction
  Hochbau {m}
  building construction and civil engineering
  Hoch- und Tiefbau {m}
  building construction
       execution of construction work
  Bauausführung {f}
  building contract
  Bauvertrag {m}
  building contract
       construction contract
  Bauauftrag {m}
  building contractor
  Bauunternehmer {m}
       Baufirma {f}
  building contractors
  Bauunternehmer {pl}
       Baufirmen {pl}
  building contracts
  Bauverträge {pl}
  building contracts
       construction contracts
  Bauaufträge {pl}
  building control authority
       building supervisory board
  Bauaufsichtsbehörde {f}
  building cooperative
  Baugenossenschaft {f}
  building crane
  Baukran {m} [constr.]
  building cranes
  Baukrane {pl}
       Baukräne {pl}
  building credit
       building loan
  Baudarlehen {n}
       Baukredit {m} [fin.]
  building credits
       building loans
  Baudarlehen {pl}
       Baukredite {pl}
  building date
  Baudatum {n}
  building department
  Baudezernat {n}
       Baudepartement {n} [Schw.]
  building departments
  Baudezernate {pl}
       Baudepartements {pl}
  building description
       property description
  Gebäudebeschreibung {f}
  building descriptions
       property descriptions
  Gebäudebeschreibungen {pl}
  building design
  Bauplanung {f}
       Bauzeichung {f} [constr.]
  building development requiring building permission
  genehmigungsbedürftiges Bauvorhaben
  building dimension
  Bauabmessung {f}
  building dimension
  Gebäudeabmessung {f}
  building dimensions
  Gebäudeabmessungen {pl}
  building drainage system
  Gebäudeentwässerungssystem {n}
  building drainage systems
  Gebäudeentwässerungsysteme {pl}
  building enterprise
       construction firm
       construction company
  Baufirma {f}
       Bauunternehmung {f}
       Baunternehmen {n} [constr.] [econ.]
  building enterprises
       construction firms
       construction companies
  Baufirmen {pl}
       Bauunternehmungen {pl}
       Baunternehmen {pl}
  building extension
  Anbau {m}
  building feed
  Gebäudeeinspeisung {f}
  building fitter
  Bauschlosser {m}
       Bauschlosserin {f}
  building fitters
  Bauschlosser {pl}
       Bauschlosserinnen {pl}
  building grant
       building subsidy
  Baukostenzuschuss {m}
  building grants
       building subsidies
  Baukostenzuschüsse {pl}
  building in
  building industry
       construction industry
  Bauindustrie {f}
       Bauwirtschaft {f}
  building information
  Gebäudeinformation {f}
  building information
  Gebäudeinformationen {pl}
  building information system
  Gebäude-Informationssystem {n}
  building information systems
  Gebäude-Informationssysteme {pl}
  building inspectorate
  Baupolizei {f}
  building insurance
       insurance of buildings
  Gebäudeversicherung {f}
  building insurances
       insurances of buildings
  Gebäudeversicherungen {pl}
  building land
  Bauland {n}
  building laws
  Baurecht {n} [jur.]
  building lime
  Baukalk {m}
  building loan contract
       building loan agreement
  Bausparvertrag {m} [fin.]
  building loan contracts
       building loan agreements
  Bausparverträge {pl}
  building lot
       building ground
       building site
  Bauplatz {m}
  building machine
  Aufbaumaschine {f}
  building machines
  Aufbaumaschinen {pl}
  building management
  Gebäudemanagement {n}
  building material class
  Baustoffklasse {f}
  building material
       construction material
  Baustoff {m}
  building material
       construction material
       structural material
  Baumaterial {n}
  building materials quality
  Baugüte {f}
  building materials quality control
  Baugüteüberwachung {f}
  building materials
       construction materials
  Baustoffe {pl}
  building materials
       construction materials
       structural materials
  Baumaterialien {pl}
  building measure
       constructional measure
  Baumaßnahme {f}
  building moisture
  Baufeuchte {f} [constr.]
  building of historic importance
       historical monument
  Baudenkmal {n}
  building order
  Baugebot {n}
  building owner
       master of the works
  Bauherr {m}
  building owners
  Bauherren {pl}
  building permission
       planning permission
  Baugenehmigung {f}
  building permissions
       planning permissions
  Baugenehmigungen {pl}
  building permit authority
  Baugenehmigungsbehörde {f}
  building phase
  Aufbauphase {f}
  building phases
  Aufbauphasen {pl}
  building physics
       construction physics
  Bauphysik {f}
  building pit blasting
  Baugrubensprengung {f}
  building pit lining
  Baugrubenverkleidung {f}
  building pit
       foundation pit
  Baugrube {f}
  building pits
       foundation pits
  Baugruben {pl}
  building plan
  Gebäudezeichnung {f}
  building plan
       development plan
       master plan
  Bebauungsplan {m}
       Hauptbebauungsplan {m}
  building plans
  Gebäudezeichnungen {pl}
  building plans
       development plans
       master plans
  Bebauungspläne {pl}
       Hauptbebauungspläne {pl}
  building product
  Bauprodukt {m}
  building products
  Bauprodukte {pl}
  Building Products Act
  Bauproduktengesetz {m}
  Building Products Guideline
  Bauproduktenrichtlinie {f}
  building project
  Baumaßnahme {f}
  building project
  Bauvorhaben {n}
  building projects
  Bauvorhaben {pl}
  building protection technology
  Bautenschutztechnik {f}
  building regulation
       provision under buildung law
  Bauvorschrift {m}
       baurechtliche Vorschrift {f}
  building regulations
  Bauordnung {f}
       Baubestimmungen {pl}
  building regulations
  Bauvorschriften {pl} [constr.]
  Building Rules List
  Bauregelliste {f}
  building schedule
  Bauprogramm {n}
  building search
  Objektdurchsuchung {f}
       Gebäudedurchsuchung {f}
  building searches
  Objektdurchsuchungen {pl}
       Gebäudedurchsuchungen {pl}
  building season
  Bausaison {f}
  building services engineering
  Gebäudetechnik {f}
  building set
       building block
  Baukasten {m}
  building sets
  Baukästen {pl}
  building site
  Baugelände {n}
       Baugebiet {n}
  building site facilities
  Baustelleneinrichtung {f}
  building site fence
       site fence
  Baustellenzaun {m}
  building site fences
       site fences
  Baustellenzäune {pl}
  building site hut
  Baustellenbaracke {f}
  building site processes
  Baustellenabläufe {pl} [constr.]
  building site visit
  Baustellenbesichtigung {f}
  building site
       construction site
       site of works
  Baustelle {f} [constr.]
  building sites
       construction sites
  Baustellen {pl}
  building slab
  Bauplatte {f}
  building slabs
  Bauplatten {pl}
  building societies
  Bausparkassen {pl}
  building society
  Bausparkasse {f} [fin.]
  building society saver
  Bausparer {m}
       Bausparerin {f}
  building society savers
  Bausparer {pl}
       Bausparerinnen {pl}
  building sum
       construction sum
  Bausumme {f}
  building sums
       construction sums
  Bausummen {pl}
  building supplier
  Bauzulieferer {m}
  building suppliers
  Bauzulieferer {pl}
  building support
  Baubetreuung {f}
  building surveyor
  Bauinspektor {m}
       Bauinspektorin {f}
       Baugutachter {m}
       Baugutachterin {f}
  building surveyors
  Bauinspektoren {pl}
       Bauinspektorinnen {pl}
       Baugutachter {pl}
       Baugutachterinnen {pl}
  building trade
  Baufach {n}
  building trade
  Baugewerbe {n}
       Bauhandwerk {n}
  building up
  building with a cellar
       building up
       laying bricks
  Gebäude {pl}
       Bauwerke {pl}
       Bauten {pl}
       Häuser {pl}
  Zusammenstellung {f}
  Zusammenstellungen {pl}
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