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Translation of the word: Erdöl

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  german    english
  Erdöl {n}
       mineral oil
       fossil oil
       rock oil
  Erdölanzeichen {n} [min.]
  oil indication
  Erdölbitumen {n}
  aspaltic bitumen
  Erdölbohrturm {m}
  oil derrick
  Erdölbohrtürme {pl}
  oil derricks
  Erdölerkundung {f} [min.]
  prospection for petroleum
  Erdölfeld {n}
  oil field
       petroleum field
       oil producing formation
  Erdölfelder {pl}
  oil fields
       petroleum fields
       oil producing formations
  Erdölförderland {n}
  oil-producing country
  Erdölförderländer {pl}
  oil-producing countries
  Erdölförderung {f} [min.]
  oil production
  erdölführend {adj} [min.]
  Erdölindustrie {f}
  oil industry
       petroleum industry
  Erdöllagerstätte {f} [min.]
  oil field
       petroleum deposit
       oil pool
       oil sheet
  Erdöllagerstätten {pl}
  oil fields
       petroleum deposits
       oil pools
       oil sheets
  Erdölleitung {f}
  oil pipeline
  Erdölleitungen {pl}
  oil pipelines
  Erdölquelle {f}
  oil spring
       oil well
  Erdölquellen {pl}
  oil springs
       oil wells
  Erdölraffinerie {f} [681.2+] [chem.] [techn.]
  oil plant
  Erdölraffinerien {pl}
  oil plants
  erdölspeichernde Schicht
  oil storer
  Erdölsuche {f} [min.]
  oil research
       prospecting for oil
  Erdölverarbeitung {f}
  processing of crude oil
       mineral oil processing
  Erdölvorkommen {n}
  oil deposit
       oil occurrence
       oil basin
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