english | german |
| Erde {f} [astron.]
| Erde {f}
earth bolt
| Erdungsbolzen {m}
Earth bonding
| Erdpotential-Verbindung {f}
earth cellar
| Erdkeller {m}
earth conductor ground wire
| Masseleiter {m} [electr.]
earth conductors ground wires
| Masseleiter {pl}
earth connection
| Masseanschluss {m} [electr.]
earth connections
| Masseanschlüsse {pl}
earth current
| Erdstrom {m}
Earth Day
| Tag der Erde
earth deposit
| Aufschüttung {f}
earth electrode
| Masseelektrode {f}
earth fault earth-leakage ground fault
| Erdschluss {m} [electr.]
earth lug
| Erdfahne {f} [electr.]
earth lugs
| Erdfahnen {pl}
earth mother
| Erdmutter {f} (myth.)
earth pillar earth column earth pyramid chimney rock
| Erdpyramide {f}
earth potential
| Erdpotenzial {n}
earth pressure at rest
| Ruhedruck {f} [geol.]
earth pressure earth thrust thrust of the ground earth load
| Erddruck {m}
earth radiation
| Erdstrahlen {pl}
earth roller land roller bed roller
| Ackerwalze {f} [agr.]
earth rollers land rollers bed rollers
| Ackerwalzen {pl}
earth roof uncallow overburden globbing barren rock overlay shelf stripping (mining) waste rubbish rubble (of an open cut) trash (of ore dressing) spoil (e.g. of a channel)
| Abraum {m} [min.]
earth sciences geosciences
| Geowissenschaften {pl}
earth slip earth fall landslide shear slide rapid flowage
| Rutschung {f} [geol.]
earth strap ground strap
| Masseband {n}
earth subsidence landfall collapse sink deep digging
| Erdfall {m} [550+] [geol.]
earth system
| Erdsystem {n}
earth terminal
| Massepol {m} [electr.]
earth terminal
| Masseklemme {f} [electr.]
earth terminals
| Massepole {pl}
earth terminals
| Masseklemmen {pl}
earth tremor shock earthquake shock seism
| Erdstoß {m}
earth tremors shocks earthquake shocks seisms
| Erdstöße {pl}
earth wall
| Erdwall {m}
earth walls
| Erdwälle {pl}
earth wax mineral wax ader wax fossil wax ozocerite ozokerite (native) parafin
| Erdwachs {m} [550+] [geol.]
earth works earth-moving earthwork
| Erdarbeiten {pl} [constr.]
earth-coloured earth-colored [Am.]
| erdfarben {adj}
earth-fill dam
| Erddamm {m}
earth-fill dams
| Erddämme {pl}
earth-leakage relay earth-leakage monitor
| Erdschlusswächter {m} [electr.]
| Erdbewegung {f} [constr.]
earth-moving vehicle
| Fahrzeug {n} für Erdarbeiten
earth-moving-machinery earth-moving equipment
| Erdbaumaschinen {pl} Maschinen {pl} für Erdbewegungen
earth ground [Am.]
| Masse {f} [electr.]
earthed grounded
| geerdet
| irden {adj}
| Töpferware {f}
| Steingutgeschirr {n}
earthenware stoneware
| Steingut {n} Irdenware {f}
earthformed sediment
| Ablagerung terrestrischer Herkunft
| erdiger
| am erdigsten
| weltliche Gesinnung {f}
earthing connector grounding connector
| Erdungssteckverbinder {m} [electr.]
earthing connectors grounding connectors
| Erdungssteckverbinder {pl}
earthing device
| Erdungseinrichtung {f} [electr.]
earthing reactor
| Erdschlussreaktanz {f}
earthing strip
| Banderder {m}
earthing strips
| Banderder {pl}
earthing switch
| Masseschalter {m}
earthing switches
| Masseschalter {pl}
earthing grounding
| erdend
| Weltlichkeit {f}
| Bagger {m}
earthmover swivel-type valve swivel valve
| drehbares Ventil
earthmover tyre earthmover tire [Am.]
| Erdbewegungsreifen {m} Baggerreifen {m} Radladerreifen {m}
earthmover tyres earthmover tires
| Erdbewegungsreifen {pl} Baggerreifen {pl} Radladerreifen {pl}
earthquake engineering
| erdbebensichere Bauweise
earthquake hazard earthquake risk
| Erdbebengefahr {f} Erdbebenrisiko {n}
earthquake insurance
| Versicherung gegen Erdbeben
earthquake protection
| Erdbebenschutz {m} Schutz vor Erdbeben
earthquake safety
| Erdbebensicherheit {f}
earthquake safety evaluation of dams
| Nachweis der Erdbebensicherheit von Stauanlagen
earthquake safety of masonry structures
| Erdbebensicherheit im Mauerwerksbau
earthquake zone seismic zone
| Erdbebengürtel {f} Erdbebengebiet {n} Erdbebenzone {f} [geol.]
earthquake zones seismic zones
| Erdbebengürtel {pl} Erdbebengebiete {pl} Erdbebenzonen {pl}
earthquake-proof earthquake-resistant
| erdbebensicher {adj} [geol.]
earthquake temblor seism shake [Am.]
| Erdbeben {n} [geol.]
| Erden {pl}
earthshaking world-shaking earth-shattering world-shattering
| welterschütternd {adj}
| erdwärts {adv}
| Blitzableiter {m}
| Schanze {f} [mil.]
| Erdwerk {n} Erdwall {m}
earthwork balance
| Massenausgleich {m} [constr.]
earthworks earth-moving
| Erdbau {m} [constr.]
| Regenwurm {m} [zool.]
| Regenwürmer {pl}
earthy (humour)
| derb {adj} (Humor)
earthy mineral
| erdiges Mineral
earthy terreous
| erdig {adj}