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Překlad slova: boiler

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  english    german
  Erhitzer {m}
  Heißwasserspeicher {m}
  Kessel {m}
       Heizkessel {m} [mach.]
  boiler (steam) drum
  Kesseltrommel {f} [mach.]
  boiler acid-cleaning
  Kesselbeizen {n} [mach.]
  boiler acid-cleaning connection
  Kesselbeizanschluss {m} [mach.]
  boiler acid-cleaning connections
  Kesselbeizanschlüsse {pl}
  boiler acid-cleaning effluent
  Kesselbeizlauge {f} [mach.]
  boiler assembly drawing
  Kesselhauptzeichnung {f} [mach.]
  boiler assembly drawings
  Kesselhauptzeichnungen {pl}
  boiler attendant
       boiler operator
  Kesselwärter {m} [mach.]
  boiler auxiliary firing
       boiler back-up firing
       boiler supplementary firing
  Kesselstützfeuerung {f} [techn.]
  boiler availability
  Kesselverfügbarkeit {f} [mach.]
  boiler availability period
       boiler service period
       boiler running time
  Kesselreisezeit {f} [mach.]
  boiler availability test
  Reisezeit-Test {m} [mach.] (Kesselbau)
  boiler barrel
       cylindrical boiler
  Langkessel {m}
  boiler barrels
       cylindrical boilers
  Langkessel {pl}
  boiler base load
  Kesselgrundlast {f} [mach.]
  boiler blow down tank - vessel
       boiler flash tank - vessel
  Kesselwasserentspanner {m} [mach.]
  boiler casing
       boiler metal cladding
  Kesselverkleidung {f} [mach.]
  boiler circulating pump
  Kesselumwälzpumpe {f} [mach.]
  boiler circulating pumps
  Kesselumwälzpumpen {pl}
  boiler circulation ratio
  Kesselumwälzziffer {f} [mach.]
  boiler coal
  Kesselkohle {f} [min.]
  boiler combustion chamber
       boiler furnace
  Kesselverbrennungskammer {f} [mach.]
  boiler commissioning
       boiler initial start-up
  erste Kesselinbetriebnahme
  boiler control room
  Kesselwarte {f} [mach.]
  boiler convection pass
  Kesselheizflächenzug {m} [mach.]
  boiler damage
  Kesselschaden {m} [mach.]
  boiler damages
  Kesselschäden {pl}
  boiler design data
       boiler design parameters
  Kesselauslegungsdaten {pl} [mach.]
  boiler design engineer
  Kesselkonstrukteur {m}
  boiler design engineers
  Kesselkonstrukteure {pl}
  boiler draught
  Kesselzug {m} (Unterdruck) [mach.]
  boiler draught loss
  Kesselzugverlust {m} [mach.]
  boiler draught losses
  Kesselzugverluste {pl}
  boiler drum internal fittings
       boiler drum internals
  Kesseltrommeleinbauten {f} [mach.]
  boiler efficiency
  Kesselwirkungsgrad {m} [mach.]
  boiler efficiency heat loss method
  indirekte Methode der Kesselwirkungsgradbestimmung {f} [mach.]
  boiler efficiency input-output method
  direkte Methode der Kesselwirkungsgradbestimmung {f} [mach.]
  boiler end
  Kesselboden {m}
  boiler fouling
  Kesselverschmutzung {f} [mach.]
  boiler galleries
  Kessellaufstege {pl} [mach.]
  boiler heating surface bank
  Kesselrohrbündelheizfläche {f} [techn.]
  boiler hopper
  Kesseltrichter {m} [mach.]
  boiler house
  Kesselhaus {n}
  boiler houses
  Kesselhäuser {pl}
  boiler inspection
  Revision {f} [mach.] (Kessel)
  boiler level
  Kesselhöhenkote {f} [mach.]
  boiler lighting-up equipment
  Kesselzündfeuerung {f} [techn.]
  boiler load
  Kessellast {f} [mach.]
  boiler load rejection
  Kessellastabwurf {m} [mach.]
  boiler load response rate
  Kessellaständerungsgeschwindigkeit {f} [mach.]
  boiler losses
  Kesselverluste {pl} [mach.]
  boiler low-load circulation system
  Kesselumwälzeinrichtung {f} [mach.]
  boiler low-load circulation systems
  Kesselumwälzeinrichtungen {pl}
  boiler make-up feed
  Kesselzusatzspeisewasser {n} [mach.]
  boiler maker
  Kesselschmied {m}
  boiler makers
  Kesselschmiede {pl}
  boiler master control programme [Br.]
       boiler master control program [Am.]
  Kesselleitprogramm {n} [mach.]
  boiler off-line cleaning
  Kesselreinigung {f} (bei Stillstand) [techn.]
  boiler on-line cleaning
  Kesselreinigung {f} (bei Betrieb) [techn.]
  boiler overhaul
  Kesselüberholung {f} [mach.]
  boiler pass
  Kesselzug {m} [mach.]
  boiler plant
  Kesselanlage {f}
  boiler plants
  Kesselanlagen {pl}
  boiler pressure
  Kesseldruck {m}
  boiler recirculation line
  Kesselumwälzleitung {f} [mach.]
  boiler recirculation lines
  Kesselumwälzleitungen {pl}
  boiler recirculation mode of operation
  Kesselumwälzbetrieb {m} [mach.]
  boiler recirculation system
       boiler circulatory system
  Kesselumwälzsystem {n} [mach.]
  boiler recirculation systems
       boiler circulatory systems
  Kesselumwälzsysteme {pl}
  boiler recirculation water
  Kesselumwälzwasser {n} [mach.]
  boiler retrofitting
  Kesselnachrüstung {f} [mach.]
  boiler room
  Kesselraum {m}
  boiler room (in the basement)
  Heizungskeller {m}
  boiler rooms
  Heizungskeller {pl}
  boiler rooms
  Kesselräume {pl}
  boiler start-up
  Kesselinbetriebnahme {f} [mach.]
  boiler steel shot cleaning
  Kesselkugelregenreinigung {f} [mach.]
  boiler support
  Kesselunterstützung {f} [mach.]
  boiler supporting structure
  Kesselgerüst {n}
  boiler supporting structure
       boiler structural supporting steelwork
  Kesselunterstützungskonstruktion {f} [mach.]
  boiler supporting structures
  Kesselgerüste {pl}
  boiler temporary acid-cleaning pipework
  Kesselbeizprovisorien {f} [mach.]
  boiler thermal expansion
       boiler thermal growth
  Kesselwärmedehnung {f} [mach.]
  boiler transfer from once-through to recirculation
  Kesselumwälzpunkt {m} (Abfahren) [mach.]
  boiler upgrading
  Kesselertüchtigung {f} [techn.]
  boiler wall cladding
  Kesselwandverkleidung {f} [mach.]
  boiler water
  Kesselwasser {f}
  boiler water temperature
  Kesselwassertemperatur {f} [techn.]
  boiler water treatment
  Kesselwasseraufbereitung {f} [mach.]
  boiler with exhaust gas stack
  Heizkessel mit Abgaskamin
  boiler with superimposed circulation
  Kessel mit überlagerter Umwälzung
  Kocher {m}
       steam boiler
  Dampfkessel {m}
       Siedekessel {m}
  Kochplatte {f}
  Textbaustein {m}
       Standardtextbaustein {m}
       Standardformulierung {f}
  Kochplatten {pl}
  Erhitzer {pl}
  Heißwasserspeicher {pl}
  Kessel {pl}
       Heizkessel {pl}
  Kocher {pl}
       steam boilers
  Dampfkessel {pl}
       Siedekessel {pl}
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