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Překlad slova: certificate

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  english    german
  Zertifikat {n}
       Urkunde {f}
  Attest {n}
       Bescheinigung {f}
       Nachweis {m}
  certificate -cert.-
  Bescheinigung {f}, Zertifikat {n}
  certificate of appointment
       document of appointment
  Berufungsurkunde {f}
  certificate of apprenticeship
  Lehrbrief {m}
  certificate of baptism
  Taufschein {m}
  certificate of compliance with the order
  Werksbescheinigung {f}
  certificate of deliverability
  Lieferbarkeitsbescheinigung {f}
  certificate of descent
       full form birth certificate
  Abstammungsurkunde {f}
  certificate of employment
  Arbeitsbescheinigung {f}
  certificate of employment
  Beschäftigungsnachweis {m}
  certificate of free status
  Ehefähigkeitszeugnis {n}
  certificate of health
       health certificate
  Gesundheitszeugnis {n}
       Gesundheitsbescheinigung {f}
  certificate of inheritance
  Erbschein {m}
       Erbnachweis {m}
  certificate of matriculation
  Immatrikulationsbescheinigung {f} [stud.]
  certificate of origin
  Ursprungszeugnis {n} [econ.]
  certificate of participation
  Teilnahmebescheinigung {f}
  certificate of qualification
       certificate of competence
       certificate of proficiency
  Befähigungsnachweis {m}
  certificate of registration (in the commercial register)
  Handelsregisterauszug {m}
  Certificate of Secondary Education -CSE- [Br.]
  Hauptschulabschluss {m} (etwa)
  certificate of services
  Leistungsschein {m}
  certificate of vaccination
  Impfschein {m}
  Zertifikate {pl}
       Urkunden {pl}
  Atteste {pl}
       Bescheinigungen {pl}
       Nachweise {pl}
  certificates of appointment
       documents of appointment
  Berufungsurkunden {pl}
  certificates of baptism
  Taufscheine {pl}
  certificates of descent
       full form birth certificates
  Abstammungsurkunden {pl}
  certificates of employment
  Arbeitsbescheinigungen {pl}
  certificates of employment
  Beschäftigungsnachweise {pl}
  certificates of health
       health certificates
  Gesundheitszeugnisse {pl}
       Gesundheitsbescheinigungen {pl}
  certificates of matriculation
  Immatrikulationsbescheinigungen {pl}
  certificates of qualification
       certificates of competence
       certificates of proficiency
  Befähigungsnachweise {pl}
  certificates of registration (in the commercial register)
  Handelsregisterauszüge {pl}
  certificates of services
  Leistungsscheine {pl}
  certificates of vaccination
  Impfscheine {pl}
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