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Překlad slova: Brunnen

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  german    english
  Brunnen {m}
  Brunnen {m}
       Brunnenschacht {m}
       Quelle {f}
  Brunnen {pl}
  Brunnen {pl}
       Brunnenschächte {pl}
       Quellen {pl}
  Brunnenabsenkung {f}
  well sinking
  Brunnenauflassung {f}
  well abandonment
  Brunnenbau {m}
  well digging
       well boring
       well construction
  Brunnenbauer {m}
       Brunnenbauerin {f}
  well digger
       well borer
       well sinker
  Brunnenbauer {m}
       Kieferfisch {m} [zool.]
  Brunnenbauer {pl}
       Brunnenbauerinnen {pl}
  well diggers
       well borers
       well sinkers
  Brunnenbautechnologie {f}
  well technology
  Brunnenbecken {n}
  basin of a fountain
  Brunnenbohrer {m} [670.2+680+] [mach.]
  well drill
       well drill tool
  Brunnenbohrer {pl}
  well drills
       well drill tools
  Brunnenergiebigkeit {f}
  well production
       capacity of a well
       yield of a well
       discharge of a well
       output of a well
  Brunnenfigur {f}
  sculpture on a fountain
       fountain figure
  Brunnenfiguren {pl}
  sculptures on a fountain
       fountain figures
  Brunnenfigurengruppe {f}
  fountain figure group
  Brunnenfigurengruppen {pl}
  fountain figure groups
  Brunnenfilter {m} [682.2+] [techn.]
  well filter
  Brunnenfilter {pl}
  well filters
  Brunnenhaus {n}
  pump room
  Brunnenhäuser {pl}
  pump rooms
  Brunnenkresse {f} [bot.] [cook.]
  Brunnenschacht {m}
  well shaft
  Brunnenschächte {pl}
  well shafts
  Brunnenvergiftung {f}
  water poisoning
  Brunnenwasser {n}
  well water
Více informací k Brunnen mužete nalezd zde
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