german | english |
Fach {n}
| panel
Fach {n}
| case
Fach {n} Schubfach {n} Schublade {f}
| pigeonhole compartment
| skilled
Fachabitur {n}
| vocational baccalaureate diploma
Fachabteilung {f}
| competent department
Fachabteilungen {pl}
| competent departments
Fachanwalt {m} Fachanwältin {f} [jur.]
| specialist solicitor [Br.]
Fachanwälte {pl} Fachanwältinnen {pl}
| specialist solicitors
Facharbeit {f}
| skilled work
Facharbeiter {m}
| craftsman
Facharbeiter {m} Facharbeiterin {f}
| skilled worker
Facharbeiter Facharbeiterinnen {pl}
| skilled workers
Facharbeiterbrief {m}
| craft certificate certificate of proficiency trade proficiency certificate
Facharbeitsgruppe {f}
| specialized working group specialised working group
Facharzt für Psychiatrie
| psychiatric consultant consultant psychiatrist
Facharzt {m}
| consultant [Br.] attending [Am.]
Facharzt {m} für Allergien Allergologe {m} Allergologin {f} [med.]
| allergist
Facharzt {m} für Geriatrie Geriater {m} Geriaterin {f} [med.]
| geriatrician
Facharzt {m} für plastische Chirurgie [med.]
| plastic surgeon
Facharzt {m} Fachärztin {f} (für)
| specialist (in)
Facharztausbildung {f}
| residency
Fachärzte {pl}
| consultants attendings
Fachärzte {pl} für Allergien Allergologen {pl} Allergologinnen {pl}
| allergists
Fachärzte {pl} für Geriatrie Geriater {pl} Geriaterinnen {pl}
| geriatricians
Fachärzte {pl} Fachärztinnen {pl}
| specialists
Fachaufsicht {f} (Schule)
| academic supervision
Fachausbildung {f}
| special training
Fachausdruck {m} Fachbegriff {m}
| technical term
Fachausdrücke {pl}
| terminology
Fachausdrücke {pl}
| nomenclature
Fachausdrücke {pl} Fachbegriffe {pl}
| technical terms
Fachberater {m}
| technical adviser consultant
Fachbereich {m}
| faculty department [Am.] school
Fachbereichsarbeit {f}
| specialised paper [Br.] specialized paper [Am.]
Fachbereichsarbeiten {pl}
| specialised papers specialized papers
Fachbesucher {m} Fachbesucherin {f}
| qualified visitor
Fachbesucher {pl} Fachbesucherinnen {pl}
| qualified visitors
Fachbezeichnung {f}
| nomenclature
Fachbibliothek {f}
| technical library
Fachbibliotheken {pl}
| technical libraries
Fachbuch {n}
| specialist book specialist publication
Fachbücher {pl}
| specialist books specialist publications
Fachdaten {pl}
| thematic data
Fachdidaktik {f}
| teaching methodology
Fachdienst {m}
| special service
Fachdienste {pl}
| special services
Fachdisziplin {f}
| specialist discipline
Fachdisziplinen {pl}
| specialist disciplines
fächeln {vt}
| to fan
fächeln {vt}
| to blow gently
| fanning
| fans
| fanned
Fachen {n} [textil.]
| doubling-folding
Fächer aus Küstensand [550+] [geol.]
| wash-over fan
Fächer {m}
| fan
Fächer {pl}
| fans
Fächer {pl} Schubfächer {pl} Schubladen {pl}
| pigeonholes compartments
fächerartig {adj}
| fan-like
Fächerbesen {m} (Garten)
| tine rake
Fächerbesen {pl}
| tine rakes
Fächerfalte {f}
| fan fold
Fächerfalten {pl}
| fan folds
fächerförmig {adj} [bot.]
| fan-shaped fanlike fanwise
Fächerpapagei {m} [ornith.]
| Hawk-headed Parrot
Fächerparadieselster {f} [ornith.]
| Arfak Bird of Paradise
Fächerschwanz-Beerenpicker {m} [ornith.]
| Fan-tailed Berrypecker
Fächerschwanzgerygone {f} [ornith.]
| Fan-tailed Flyeater
Fächerschwanzkuckuck {m} [ornith.]
| Fan-tailed Cuckoo
Fächerschwanzmonarch {m} [ornith.]
| Black Monarch
Fächertaube {f} [ornith.]
| Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Fächerwaldsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Neotropic Fan-tailed Warbler
Fachgebiet {n}
| special field special field of work
Fachgebiet {n}
| specialism
Fachgebiete {pl}
| special fields special fields of work
Fachgelehrte {m,f} Fachgelehrter Experte {m} Expertin {f} Pandit {m}
| pundit
Fachgelehrten {pl} Fachgelehrte Experten {pl} Expertinnen {pl} Panditen {pl}
| pundits
fachgerecht {adj}
| correct
fachgerecht fachgemäß fachmännisch professionell seriös {adj}
| skilled professional
Fachgeschäft {n}
| one-line business
Fachgeschäft {n} Fachhändler {m}
| specialized dealer
Fachgespräch {n}
| shop talk
Fachgruppe {f}
| specialized group specialized section
Fachgruppen {pl}
| specialized groups specialized sections
Fachhandel {m}
| specialized trade
Fachhandel {m} für ...
| dealer specialising in ...
Fachhochschule {f} -FH- [stud.]
| University for applied sciences University of applied sciences advanced technical college
Fachhochschule {f} höhere technische Lehranstalt {f} [Ös.] [stud.]
| Polytechnic [Br.]
Fachhochschulen {pl}
| Universities for applied sciences Universities of applied sciences advanced technical colleges
Fachhochschulen {pl} höhere technische Lehranstalten
| Polytechnics
Fachhochschulreife {f}
| advanced technical college certificate
Fachidiot {m} [ugs.] intelligente, aber kontaktarme Person
| nerd [coll.]
Fachidiot {m} Fachidiotin {f} [ugs.]
| one-track specialist
Fachidioten {pl}
| nerds
Fachidioten {pl} Fachidiotinnen {pl}
| one-track specialists
Fachinformatiker {m} Fachinformatikerin {f}
| IT specialist
Fachinformatiker {pl} Fachinformatikerinnen {pl}
| IT specialists
Fachinformation {f}
| specialized information science information
Fachinformationssystem {n}
| branch information system
Fachinformationssysteme {pl}
| branch information systems
Fachinformationszentren {pl}
| science information centers
Fachinformationszentrum {n}
| science information center
Fachjargon {m} Fachchinesisch {n} [ugs.]
| technical jargon
Fachjargon {m} Fachsprache {f}
| lingo
Fachkenntnisse {pl}
| specialized knowledge
Fachkompetenz {f}
| professional competence
Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit
| occupational safety specialist occupational safety engineer
Fachkraft für Gesundheitsförderung
| health promotion professional
Fachkraft {f}
| skilled employee specialist
Fachkräfte {pl}
| skilled employees skilled personnel specialists
Fachkreis {m}
| circle of experts
Fachkreise {pl}
| circles of experts
fachkundig {adj}
| expert
| more expert
Fachlehrer {m} Fachlehrerin {f}
| specialist subject teacher
Fachleiter {m}
| discipline leader
Fachleute {pl}
| specialists
Fachleute {pl}
| peers
fachlich {adj}
| specialist professional
fachliche Bezüge
| references to professional sources
fachliche Kompetenz
| professional responsibility
fachliches Wissen
| specialist knowledge
Fachliteratur {f}
| technical literature
Fachmann {m}
| technician
Fachmann {m} Fachfrau {f} Fachkraft {f}
| specialist expert
Fachmänner {pl} Fachfrauen {pl} Fachkräfte {pl}
| specialists experts
| workmanlike
fachmännisch {adj}
| expert specialistic
Fachmaßnahmen {pl}
| specific measures
Fachmesse {f}
| specialized fair trade fair
Fachmessen {pl}
| specialized fairs trade fairs
Fachoberschule {f}
| specialized secondary school college specializing in particular subjects
Fachoberschulen {pl}
| specialized secondary schools colleges specializing in particular subjects
Fachobmann {m}
| head of department
Fachpersonal {n}
| specialized staff qualified personnel
Fachplanung {f}
| sector planning
Fachpräsentation {f}
| special presentation professional presentation
Fachpräsentationen {pl}
| special presentations professional presentations
Fachpresse {f}
| specialist publications
Fachrahmen {m}
| trussed frame
Fachrahmen {pl}
| trussed frames
Fachreferat {n}
| subject specialization
Fachreferent {m} Fachreferentin {f}
| subject specialist
Fachreferent {m} Fachreferentin {f}
| consultant
Fachreferenten {pl} Fachreferentinnen {pl}
| subject specialists
Fachreferenten {pl} Fachreferentinnen {pl}
| consultants
Fachrichtung {f}
| subject area field branch of ...
Fachrichtungen {pl}
| subject areas fields branches of ...
Fachschaft {f}
| student body of a faculty
Fachschaftsrat {m}
| student representatives
Fachschulbildung {f}
| technical training
Fachschule {f}
| technical college technical school
Fachschule {f} für Betriebswirtschaft
| school of business administration
Fachschulen {pl}
| technical colleges technical schools
Fachschulreife {f}
| entrance qualification for a technical college
Fachschulung {f}
| technical training
Fachsimpelei {f}
| shop talk shoptalk
fachsimpeln von der Arbeit reden
| to talk shop
fachspezifisch {adj}
| specialist
Fachsprache {f}
| shop language
Fachsprache {f}
| special language
Fachsprache {f} Fachterminologie {f}
| technical terminology
Fachtext {m}
| specialist text technical text
Fachtexte {pl}
| specialist texts technical texts
Fachübersetzung {f}
| technical translation
Fachübersetzungen {pl}
| technical translations
Fachveranstaltung {f}
| special event
Fachveranstaltungen {pl}
| special events
Fachverband {m} Berufsvertretung {f}
| trade association professional association
Fachverbände {pl} Berufsvertretungen {pl}
| trade associations professional associations
Fachverkäufer {m} Fachverkäuferin {f}
| specialized shop assistant
Fachverkäufer {pl} Fachverkäuferinnen {pl}
| specialized shop assistants
Fachwand {f}
| panel wall
Fachwelt {f}
| experts
Fachwerk {n} [constr.]
| frame-work framework truss
Fachwerk {n} Fachwerkbauweise {f} [constr.]
| half-timbered construction
| timber-framed
Fachwerkbinder {m} [arch.]
| trussed rafter
Fachwerkbinder {pl}
| trussed rafters
Fachwerkelement {n} [arch.]
| truss element
Fachwerkelemente {pl}
| truss elements
Fachwerkhaus {n} [arch.]
| half-timbered house tudor house [Br.]
Fachwerkhäuser {pl}
| half-timbered houses tudor houses
Fachwerkknoten {m} [arch.]
| truss joint
Fachwerkknoten {pl}
| truss joints
Fachwerkpfette {f} [arch.]
| lattice purlin
Fachwerkpfetten {pl}
| lattice purlins
Fachwerkstütze {f} [arch.]
| lattice stanchion
Fachwerkstützen {pl}
| lattice stanchions
Fachwerkträger {m} [arch.]
| trussed girder lattice girder
Fachwerkträger {pl}
| trussed girders lattice girders
Fachwirt {m} Fachwirtin {f}
| business administrator
Fachwissen {n}
| specialised knowledge expertise
fachwissenschaftlich {adj}
| technical specialist
Fachwörterbuch {n}
| specialist dictionary
Fachwörterbücher {pl}
| specialist dictionaries
Fachzeitschrift {f} Fachblatt {n}
| trade journal
Fachzeitschrift {f} Fachblatt {n} Fachjournal {n}
| professional journal professional magazine periodical
Fachzeitschriften {pl} Fachblätter {pl}
| trade journals
Fachzeitschriften {pl} Fachblätter {pl} Fachjournale {pl}
| professional journals professional magazines periodicals