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Překlad slova: Labor

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  german    english
  Labor {n}
       Laboratorium {n}
  Labor- und Prüftechnik {f}
  lab and test engineering
  Laborabfüllanlage {f}
  laborartory-scale filling system
  Laborabfüllanlagen {pl}
  laborartory-scale filling systems
  Laborant {m}
       Laborantin {f}
  laboratory assistant
       lab assistant
       laboratory technician
       lab technician
  Laboranten {pl}
       Laborantinnen {pl}
  laboratory assistants
       lab assistants
       laboratory technicians
       lab technicians
  Laborausrüstung {f}
  laboratory equipment
  Laborbefund {m}
       Laborwert {m}
  test result
  Laborbefunde {pl}
       Laborwerte {pl}
  test results
       laboratory findings
  Laboreinrichtung {f}
       Laboreinrichtungen {pl}
  laboratory facilities
  Laborgeräte {pl}
  laboratory apparatus
  Laborgeräte {pl}
  laboratory apparatuses
  to be afflicted with
  being afflicted with
  been afflicted with
  Laboringenieur {m}
       Laboringenieurin {f}
  laboratory engineer
  Laboringenieure {pl}
       Laboringenieurinnen {pl}
  laboratory engineers
  Laborkittel {pl}
  lab coats
  Laborratte {f}
  lab rat
  Laborratten {pl}
  lab rats
  Labors {pl}
       Labore {pl}
       Laboratorien {pl}
  Laborschale {f}
       Petrischale {f}
  petri dish
  Laborschalen {pl}
       Petrischalen {pl}
  petri dishes
  Labortechnik {f}
  Labortechniker {m}
       Labortechnikerin {f}
  laboratory technician
  Labortest {m}
       Laboruntersuchung {f}
       Laborversuch {m}
       Laborkontrolle {f}
  laboratory test
  Labortests {pl}
       Laboruntersuchungen {pl}
       Laborversuche {pl}
       Laborkontrollen {pl}
  laboratory tests
  Labortisch {m}
  laboratory bench
  Labortische {pl}
  laboratory benches
  Laborübung {f}
  laboratory tutorial
  Laborübungen {pl}
  laboratory tutorials
  Laborwecker {m}
  laboratory timer
  Laborwecker {pl}
  laboratory timers
Více informací k Labor mužete nalezd zde
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