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Překlad slova: Ost

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  german    english
  east north-east
  east south-east
  Ost-Timur [geogr.]
  East Timor (tp)
  Ost-West-Richtung {f}
  East-West direction
       östlich {adj}
  Ostafrika {n}
  East Africa
  Ostanglien {n} [geogr.] (Region im Osten Englands)
  East Anglia
  east elevation
  Ostasienwissenschaften {pl}
  East Asian studies
  Ostblock {m} [hist.]
  Eastern bloc
  Ostblockland {n} [hist.]
  country of the Eastern bloc
  Ostblockländer {pl}
  countries of the Eastern bloc
  Ostchinesisches Meer [geogr.]
  East China Sea
  ostdeutsch {adj} [geogr.]
  Ostdeutschland {n} [geogr.]
  East Germany
       Eastern Germany
  Osten {m}
  Osten {m}
       Ost -O-
  East -E-
       demonstrativ {adj}
  Osteoarthritis {f}
       Gelenkentzündung {f} [med.] , Arthrose
       degenerative arthritis
       degenerative joint disease
  Osteochondrodysplasie {f}
       Fehlbildung des Skeletts [med.]
  Osteodystrophia {f} Knochenmissbildung {f} [med.]
       defective bone formation
  Osteolyse {f}
       Abbau von Knochensubstanz [med.]
       bone dissolving
  Osteomalazie {f}
       Knochenerweichung {f} [med.]
       bone softening
  Osteomyelitis {f}
       Entzündung des Knochenmarks [med.]
  Osteopathie {f}
       Chiropraxis {f} [med.]
  Osteoporose {f}
       Knochenschwund {m}
       Verminderung des Knochengewebes [med.]
  Osteotomie {f}
       Knochendurchtrennung {f} [med.]
       cutting of a bone
  Osterei {n}
  Easter egg
  Ostereier {pl}
  Easter eggs
  Ostereiersuche {f}
  Easter egg hunt
  Osterferien {pl}
  Easter holidays [Br.]
       Easter vacation
       Easter break
  Osterfeuer {n}
  bonfire on Easter Saturday
  Osterhase {m}
       Easter Rabbit [Am.]
  österlich {adj}
  Ostermontag {m}
  Easter Monday
  Ostern {n}
       Osterfest {n}
  Österreich [geogr.]
  Austria (at)
  Österreich-Ungarn {n} [hist.]
  Österreicher {m}
       Österreicherin {f} [geogr.]
  österreichisch {adj} -österr.- [geogr.]
  Austrian -Aus.-
  österreichisch-ungarisch {adj} [hist.]
  Österreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club -ÖAMTC-
  Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle & Touring Club
  Österreichischer Erbfolgekrieg
  War of the Austrian Succession
  Ostersonntag {m}
  Easter Sunday
  Osterspaziergang {n}
  Easter walk
       Easter parade
  Osterwoche {f}
  week before Easter
  Osterzeit {f}
  Easter time
  Osteuropa {n} [geogr.]
  Eastern Europe
  osteuropäisch {adj} [geogr.]
  East European
       Eastern European
  Eastern Friesland
       Eastern Frisia
  Ostgote {m}
       Ostgotin {f}
  Ostgoten {pl}
       Ostgotinnen {pl}
  Ostkammschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
  Eastern Saw-wing
  Ostkreischeule {f} [ornith.]
  Eastern Screech Owl
  Ostküste {f}
  east coast
  Östl. Blaßspötter {m} [ornith.]
  Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
  Ostländer {m}
  östlich {adj}
  östlich {adv}
  östlich {adv}
  östlich {adv}
  more eastern
  Östlicher Gelbschnabeltoko [ornith.]
  Yellow-billed Hornbill
  Östlicher Heckensänger {m} [ornith.]
  Rufous Bush Robin
  Östlicher Lappenraupenfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Eastern Wattled Cuckoo Shrike
  Östlicher Waldtyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Eastern Wood Pewee
  Ostlondoner {m}
       Londoner vom East End
  Ostlondoner {pl}
  Ostnikator {m} [ornith.]
  Eastern Nicator
  Ostpazifischer Delfin {m}
       Langschnauzen-Spinnerdelfin {m}
       Spinnerdelfin {m} [zool.]
  spinner dolphin
       long-snouted spinner dolphin
       long-beaked dolphin
       rollover (Stenella longirostris)
  Ostpolitik {f} [pol.]
       politics toward the East
  Ostrakum {n} [geol.]
       porcellaneous layer (molluscans)
  Östrogen {n} [biol.]
  estrogen [Am.]
       oestrogen [Br.]
  Ostsee {f}
       Baltisches Meer [geogr.]
  Baltic Sea
  Ostsibirienmöwe {f} [ornith.]
  Vegae Gull
  Ostsibirische See {f} [geogr.]
  East Siberian Sea
  Ostufer {n}
  east bank
       eastern bank
  ostwärts {adv}
       to the east
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