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Překlad slova: Presse

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  german    english
  Presse {f} (Maschine)
  Presse {f} (Zeitung)
  Presse {f}
       Saftpresse {f}
  Presseagentur {f}
  press agency
  Presseagenturen {pl}
  press agencies
  Presseamt {n}
  public relation office
  Presseausschnitt {m}
  press cutting [Br.]
       press clipping [Am.]
  Pressebericht {m}
  press report
  Presseberichte {pl}
  press reports
  Pressebüro {n} [mil.]
  office of information [Am.]
  Pressebüros {pl}
  offices of information
  Pressechef {m}
  chief press officer
  Pressedienst {m}
  news service
  Presseerklärung {f}
  statement to the press
  Presseerklärungen {pl}
  statements to the press
  Pressefreiheit {f}
  freedom of the press
  Pressefrühstück {n}
  press breakfast
  Presseinformation {f}
  press briefing
  Pressekonferenz {f}
  press conference
  Pressekonferenzen {pl}
  press conferences
  Pressemappe {f}
  press kit
  Pressemappen {pl}
  press portofolio
  Pressemeldung {f}
  news item
  Pressemeldungen {pl}
  news items
  Pressemitteilung {f}
       Presseaussendung {f} [Ös.]
  press release
  Pressemitteilungen {pl}
       Presseaussendungen {pl}
  press releases
  to press
  to squeeze
  Pressen {n} [techn.]
  Pressen {pl}
  Pressen {pl}
       Saftpressen {pl}
  Pressenbär {m} [techn.]
  pressend {adv}
  Pressengestell {n}
  press frame
  Pressengestelle {pl}
  press frames
  Pressenotiz {f}
  news item
  Pressenotizen {pl}
  news items
  Presseoffizier {m} [mil.]
  information officer
  Presseoffiziere {pl}
  information officers
  Pressereferent {m}
       Pressereferentin {f}
  public relations officer
  Pressereferenten {pl}
       Pressereferentinnen {pl}
  public relations officers
  Presseschau {f}
       Pressespiegel {m}
  press review
  Pressesprecher {m}
       Pressesprecherin {f}
  press agent
       press spokesman
       press officer
  Pressesprecher {pl}
       Pressesprecherinnen {pl}
  press agents
       press spokesmen
       press officers
  Pressestelle {f}
       Presseabteilung {f}
  press office
  Pressestellen {pl}
       Presseabteilungen {pl}
  press offices
  Pressestimme {f}
  press commentary
  Pressestimmen {pl}
  press commentaries
       press reviews
  Pressetribüne {f}
  press box
       press gallery
       stands for the press
  Pressevertreter {m}
  Pressewesen {n}
  the press
  Pressezensur {f}
  censorship of the press
  Pressezentren {pl}
  press centres
       press centers
  Pressezentrum {n}
  press centre
       press center [Am.]
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