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Překlad slova: Tarif

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  german    english
  Tarif {m}
  scale of charges
  Tarif {m}
       Gebühr {f}
  Tarif {m}
       Rate {f}
       Satz {m}
  Tarif {m}
       Zoll {m}
  Tarifabschluss {m}
  wage settlement
  Tarifabschlüsse {pl}
  wage settlements
  Tarife {pl}
  Tarife {pl}
       Gebühren {pl}
  Tariferhöhung {f}
  increase in pay rates
       increase in tariff
       rate increase
  Tariferhöhungen {pl}
  increases in pay rates
       increases in tariff
       rate increases
  Tarifgruppe {f}
       Lohngruppe {f}
  wage group
  Tarifgruppen {pl}
       Lohngruppen {pl}
  wage groups
  Tarifinformation {f}
  tariff information
       rating information
  Tarifinformationen {pl}
  tariff information
       rating information
  Tarifkonflikt {m}
  pay dispute
  Tarifkonflikte {pl}
  pay disputes
  Tarifkündigung {f}
  wage opening
  Tarifkündigungen {pl}
  wage openings
  tariflich {adj}
  tariflich {adj} (Löhne)
  according to scale
  tariflich {adv}
  according to the tariff
  Tariflohn {m}
  standard wages
  Tarifrunde {f}
       Lohnrunde {f}
  bargaining round
       wage round
  Tarifsteuerung {f}
  tariff control
  Tarifverhandlung {f}
  collective bargaining
  Tarifvertrag {m}
  wage agreement
  Tarifverträge {pl}
  wage agreements
  tarifvertraglich Beschäftigte {pl}
  bargained-for staff-employees
  Tarifvertragsklausel {f}
  annual improvement factor
Více informací k Tarif mužete nalezd zde
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