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Překlad slova: Zins

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  german    english
  Zins tragen
  to carry interest
  Zins {m}
       Zinsen {pl}
       interest rate
  Zinsänderung {f} [fin.]
  change in interest rates
  Zinsänderungen {pl}
  changes in interest rates
  Zinsanspruch {m} [fin.]
  interest claim
  Zinsansprüche {pl}
  interest claims
  Zinsanteil {m} [fin.]
  interest portion
  Zinsaufwendungen {pl}
  interest payable
  Zinsausgaben {pl} [fin.]
  interest spending
  Zinsbelastung {f} [fin.]
  interest charge
  Zinsbelastungen {pl}
       Zinskosten {pl}
  interest charges
  Zinsberechnung {f}
  calculation of interest
  Zinsbetrag {m} [fin.]
  amount of interest
       interest amount
  Zinsbindung {f} [fin.]
  fixed interest rate
  zinsbringend anlegen
  to put out at interest
  Zinsen bringen
  to earn interest
  Zinsen tragen
  to yield
  Zinserhöhung {f} [fin.]
  increase of the interest rate
       interest increase
  Zinsertrag {m} [fin.]
  interest income
       interest earned
       interest earnings
  Zinseszins {m} [fin.]
  compound interest
  Zinseszinsperiode {f} [fin.]
  accumulation period
  Zinseszinsperioden {pl}
  accumulation periods
  Zinseszinsrechnung {f} [fin.]
  compound computation of interest
       zinslos {adj}
  free of interest
  Zinsfuß {m} [fin.]
  rate of interest
  Zinsfüße {pl}
  rates of interest
  Zinsgefälle {n}
  rate differential
  Zinsgutschrift {f}
  amount credited as interest
  Zinsgutschriften {pl}
  amounts credited as interest
  Zinsklausel {f} [fin.]
  interest clause
  Zinsklauseln {pl}
  interest clauses
  Zinskurve {f}
  interest curve
  Zinskurven {pl}
  interest curves
  Zinsmarge {f} [fin.]
  interest margin
  Zinsobergrenze {f}
  interest rate ceiling
  Zinsobergrenzen {pl}
  interest rate ceilings
  zinspflichtig {adj} [fin.]
  liable to interest
  Zinspolitik {f} [fin.]
  policy on interest rates
  Zinsrechnung {f}
  calculation of interest
  Zinsrechnung {f}
  calculus of interest
  Zinsrechnungen {pl}
  calculations of interest
  Zinssatz für kurzfristige Anleihen
  short-term interest rate
  Zinssatz {m} [fin.]
  interest rate
       rate of interest
  Zinssätze {pl}
  interest rates
       rates of interest
  Zinsschranke {f} [fin.]
  interest barrier
  Zinsschranken {pl}
  interest barriers
  Zinssenkung {f} [fin.]
  interest reduction
  Zinssenkungen {pl}
  interest reductions
  Zinstermin {m}
  interest date
       interest payment date
  zinstragendes Papier
  active paper
  Zinsverbilligung {f} [fin.]
  interest subsidy
  Zinsverlust {m} [fin.]
  loss of interest
  Zinsverluste {pl}
  losses of interest
  Zinszahlung {f} [fin.]
  payment of interest
       interest payment
  Zinszahlungen {pl}
  payments of interests
       interest payments
  Zinszuschuss {m} [fin.]
  interest subsidy
  Zinszuschüsse {pl}
  interest subsidies
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