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Übersetzung des Wortes: brus

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  Deutsch    Englisch
       vor den Kopf stoßen {vt}
  to snub
       vor den Kopf stoßend
       vor den Kopf gestoßen
  Brust {f} [anat.]
  Brust {f}
       Brustkorb {m}
       Brustkasten {m} [anat.]
  Brust {f}
       Busen {m}
  Brustamputation {f}
       Mammaamputation {f}
       Ablatio mammae [med.]
  amputation of the breast
       breast ablation
  Brustband-Ameisenfänger {m} [ornith.]
  Pectoral Antwren
  Brustband-Grundschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
  Black-banded Flycatcher
  Brustband-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
  Banded Honeyeater
  Brustband-Sturmvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Collared Petrel
  Brustbandeisvogel {m} [ornith.]
  Blue-banded Kingfisher
  Brustbandhäherling {m} [ornith.]
  Greater Necklaced Laughing Thrush
  Brustbandprinie {f} [ornith.]
  Black-chested Prinia
  Brustbandtapaculo [ornith.]
  Rusty-belted Tapaculo
  Brustbandtyrann {m} [ornith.]
  Ringed Antpipit
  Brustbandvireo {m} [ornith.]
  Chestnut-sided Shrike Vireo
  Brustbein {n}
       Sternum {n} [anat.]
  Brustbein... [anat.]
  Brustbeine {pl}
  Brustbeinfortsatz {m} [anat.] [zool.]
  Brustbeschwerden {pl} [med.]
  chest troubles
  Brustbeutel {m}
  money bag (worn around the neck)
  Brustbeutel {pl}
  money bags
  Brustbild {n}
  half length portrait
  Brustbilder {pl}
  half length portraits
  Brustdrüse {f} [anat.]
  mammary gland
  Brustdrüsen {pl}
  mammary glands
  Brüste {pl}
  Brustfell {n} [anat.]
  Brustfleck-Flachschnabel {m} [ornith.]
  Black-breasted Flatbill Flycatcher
  Brustflecken-Papageimeise {f} [ornith.]
  Spot-breasted Parrotbill
  Brustfleckentangare {f} [ornith.]
  Puerto Rican Tanager
  Brustfleckentimalie {f} [ornith.]
  Lesser Wren Babbler
  Brustflecksegler {m} [ornith.]
  White-chested Swift
  Brustgurt {m}
  chest strap
  Brustgurte {pl}
  chest straps
  Brusthaar {n}
  chest hair
  Brusthaare {pl}
  chest hair
  Brustharnisch {m}
       Brustplatte {f}
  Brustharnische {pl}
       Brustplatten {pl}
  Brusthöhendurchmesser {m}
  diameter at breast height
  Brustholz {n} [constr.]
  soldier beam
  Brustimplantat {n} [med.]
  breast implant
  Brustimplantate {pl}
  breast implants
  Brustkorb {m}
       Thorax {m} [anat.]
       rib cage
  Brustkörbe {pl}
  Brustkrankheit {f} [med.]
  breast disease
  Brustkrankheiten {pl}
  breast diseases
  Brustkrebs {m} [med.]
  breast cancer
  Brustleier {f} [mus.]
  breast drill
  Brustlymphgang {m}
       Brust... [anat.]
  Brustschild {n}
  breast shield
  Brustschilde {pl}
  breast shields
  Brustschwimmen {n} [sport]
  Bruststern {m} (Orden)
  Breast Star (order)
  Bruststimme {f}
  chest voice
  Brustumfang {m}
  chest measurement
  Brüstung {f}
       Balustrade {f}
  Brüstungen {pl}
  Brustuntersuchung {f} [med.]
  breast exam
  Brustuntersuchungen {pl}
  breast exams
  Brustwandtumor {pl} [med.]
  chest wall tumour
  Brustwandtumoren {pl}
  chest wall tumours
  Brustwarze {f}
  Brustwarze {f}
  Brustwarzen {pl}
  Brustwarzen {pl}
  Brustwarzenentzündung {f}
       Thelitis {f} [med.]
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