Deutsch | Englisch |
Fund {m}
| discovery strike
Fund {m} (eines Schatzes)
| discovery
Fund {m} Fundstück {n}
| finding find
Fundament {n}
| ground work groundwork substructure grounding
Fundament {n}
| footing
Fundament {n} (für Motor) [naut.]
| mount
Fundament {n} Maschinenfundament {n} Gerätefundament {n}
| plinth
Fundament {n} Sockel {m}
| basement
Fundament {n} Sockel {m} Fuß {m} [arch.]
| base
Fundament {n} Unterbau {m} [arch.] [constr.]
| foundation foundations fundament
Fundamentalismus {m} [pol.] [relig.]
| fundamentalism
Fundamentalist {m} Fundamentalistin {f} Fundi {m} [pol.] [relig.]
| fundamentalist
Fundamentalisten {pl}
| fundamentalists
fundamentalistisch {adj}
| fundamentalist fundamentalistic
Fundamentbeton {m} [constr.]
| foundation concrete
Fundamentbolzen {m} [constr.]
| foundation bolt plinth bolt
Fundamentbolzen {pl}
| foundation bolts plinth bolts
Fundamente {pl}
| foundations fundaments
Fundamente {pl} Maschinenfundamente {pl} Gerätefundamente {pl}
| plinths
Fundamenterder {m} [constr.]
| concrete-footing ground
Fundamentgraben {m} [constr.]
| foundation trench
Fundamentgraben {pl}
| foundation trenches
Fundamentgrube {m} [constr.]
| foundation pit
Fundamentgruben {pl}
| foundation pits
Fundamentlasten {pl}
| fundament loads
Fundamentplan {m}
| foundation plan
Fundamentpläne {pl}
| foundation plans
Fundamentplatte {f} [constr.]
| foundation plate plinth plate bed plate base slab
Fundamentplatten {pl}
| foundation plates plinth plates bed plates
Fundbeutel {m} Fundtüte {f}
| finds bag
Fundbeutel {pl} Fundtüten {pl}
| finds bags
Fundbüro {n} Fundamt {n}
| lost property office lost-and-found office
Fundbüros {pl} Fundämter {pl}
| lost property offices lost-and-found offices
Funde {pl} Fundstücke {pl}
| findings finds
Fundgrube {f}
| treasure chest
Fundgrube {f}
| rich source
Fundgruben {pl}
| treasure chests
Fundgruben {pl}
| rich sources
fundiert stichhaltig begründet triftig {adj}
| sound
fundierte Branchenkenntnisse
| profound knowledge of the trade
fundierte Kenntnisse
| profound knowledge
fündig werden {vi}
| to make a find to strike it rich to strike a bonanza
Fündigkeit {f}
| discovery
Fundliste {f}
| finds list
Fundlisten {pl}
| finds lists
Fundort {m} Fundstelle {f}
| locality finding place collecting place source of discovery point of discovery
Fundort {m} Standort {m}
| habitat
Fundorte {pl} Fundstellen {pl}
| localities finding places collecting places sources of discovery points of discovery
Fundorte {pl} Standorte {pl}
| habitats
Fundpunkt {m}
| point of discovery finding place (type) locality prospect
Fundsache {f} Fundgegenstand {m}
| lost property
Fundsachen {pl} Fundgegenstände {pl}
| lost properties
Fundspektrum {n}
| spectrum of finds
Fundstelle {f}
| place of recovery place where sth. was found
Fundstellen {pl}
| places of recovery places where sth. was found
Fundus {m}
| equipment fund
Fundzettel {m}
| finds label
Fundzettel {pl}
| finds labels