Deutsch | Englisch |
still halten
| to keep still
still sein verstummen
| to hush
still stehen
| to be still to stand still
still {adv}
| silently
still {adv}
| mumly
still {adv}
| quietly
still {adv}
| tacitly
| Hush!
Still-BH {m}
| nursing bra
still ohne Kohlensäure
| still
still ruhig {adj}
| silent
still ruhig unbewegt stehend {adj}
| still
still schweigend {adj}
| mum
Stillberaterin {f} [med.]
| lactation consultant breastfeeding counsellor-consultant
Stillberaterinnen {pl}
| lactation consultants breastfeeding counsellors-consultants
stille Beteiligung
| silent partnership
stille Post [übtr.]
| Chinese whisper Chinese whispers [fig.]
Stille Wasser sind tief. [Sprw.]
| Still waters run deep. [prov.]
Stille {f}
| silentness
Stille {f}
| stillness
Stille {f}
| still
Stille {f} Geräuschlosigkeit {f} Lautlosigkeit {f} Ruhe {f}
| quietness
Stille {f} Ruhe {f}
| calmness
Stille {f} Ruhe {f}
| calm
Stille {f} Ruhe {f} Schweigen {n}
| silence
Stillen {n} (eines Babys)
| breast-feeding
stillen {vt} (Blut)
| to staunch to stanch
stillen befriedigen {vt}
| to assuage
| breast-feeding nursing
| staunching stanching
stillend befriedigend
| assuaging
stillend befriedigend
| sating satiating satisfying
stillend lindernd mildernd
| allaying
stillende Mutter
| nursing mother
stiller Gesellschafter
| sleeping partner silent partner [Am.]
stiller ruhiger
| stiller
Stillgeburt {f} Totgeburt {f} und (späte) Fehlgeburt [med.]
| stillbirth still birth
Stillgeburt {f} Totgeburt {f} stillgeborenes Kind tot geborenes Kind
| stillborn child
Stillgeburten {pl} Totgeburten {pl} und späte Fehlgeburten
| stillbirths still births
Stillgeburten {pl} Totgeburten {pl} stillgeborene Kinder tot geborene Kinder
| stillborn children
| kept still
| lain still
| laid up
| quiesced
| inoperative
stillgelegt gelähmt geschwächt behindert
| crippled
| stood idle
Stillhalteabkommen {n} [pol.]
| standstill agreement
stillhalten {vi}
| to keep still
| keeping still
Stillheit {f}
| tacitness
stilliegen {vi}
| to lie quiet
| lying still
Stillleben {n} Stilleben {n} [alt]
| still life stilllife
stilllegen stillegen [alt] {vt}
| to quiesce
stilllegen stillegen [alt] {vt} [auto]
| to lay up
stilllegen stillegen [alt] lähmen schwächen behindern {vt}
| to cripple
| shutting down
stilllegend stillegend
| quiescing
stilllegend stillegend
| laying up
stilllegend stillegend lähmend schwächend behindernd
| crippling
Stilllegung {f} Stillegung {f} [alt]
| quiescence
Stilllegung {f} Stillegung {f} [alt]
| abandonment layoff closedown closing-down shutdown
Stilllegungen {pl} Stillegungen {pl}
| abandonments layoffs closedowns closing-downs shutdowns
stillos {adj}
| in bad style
Stillschweigen wahrend
| muting
| being silent
stillschweigend dulden {vt}
| to connive
stillschweigend duldend
| conniving
stillschweigend geduldet
| connived
stillschweigend voraussetzend
| with the tacit understanding
stillschweigend {adv}
| tacitly
stillschweigend still {adj}
| tacit
stillschweigende Billigung
| tacit approval
stillschweigende Vereinbarung
| tacit agreement
Stillstand {m}
| arrest
Stillstand {m} Blockade {f}
| logjam [fig.]
Stillstand {m} Einstellung {f} Aufgabe {f}
| cessation
Stillstand {m} Stagnation {f} Stockung {f}
| stagnation
Stillstand {m} Stockung {f}
| standstill
Stillstandskosten {pl}
| cost of idleness
Stillstandzeit {f} Stillstandszeit {f}
| downtime shut-down time
stillstehen außer Betrieb sein {vi}
| to stand idle to be idle
| standing idle
stillstehend {adv}
| stagnantly
| staunches stanches
| staunched stanched
Stilluhr {f} [med.]
| baby feeding clock
Stilluhren {pl}
| baby feeding clocks
Stillwasser {n}
| stillwater dead water
Stillwasserzone {f}
| stagnant water zone
Stillwasserzonen {pl}
| stagnant water zones