Englisch | Deutsch |
| fürwahr wahrhaftig klar ja doch {adv}
yea yep
| ja
| ja, klar
| Na, na!
| So?
| Jahr {n}
year 2000 Y2K
| Jahr 2000
year after year year-on-year
| Jahr für Jahr
year as an apprentice
| Lehrjahr {n}
year date date
| Jahreszahl {f}
year dates
| Jahreszahlen {pl}
year established
| Gründungsjahr {n}
year in, year out
| jahraus, jahrein
year of (the) war
| Kriegsjahr {n}
year of birth
| Geburtsjahr {n}
year of construction
| Baujahr {n}
year of manufacture
| Herstellungsjahr {n} Baujahr {n}
year of publication date of publication
| Erscheinungsjahr {n}
year of service
| Dienstjahr {n}
year of travel
| Wanderjahr {n}
year under report year under review
| Berichtsjahr {n}
year-end dividend
| Jahresabschlussdividende {f} [fin.]
year-to-date (ytd)
| seit Jahresbeginn bis heute
| aufgelaufen im Jahr
| Jahrbücher {pl}
| Jährling {m}
| Jährlinge {pl}
yearly discharge
| jährliche Abflussmenge
yearly requirement
| Jahresbedarf {m}
yearly subscription annual subscription
| Jahresbeitrag {m}
yearly subscriptions annual subscriptions
| Jahresbeiträge {pl}
| gesehnt verlangt gelüstet
yearned for
| sich verzehrt nach
| sich sehnend verlangend gelüstend
yearning for
| sich verzehrend nach
yearning longing (for)
| Sehnsucht {f} Sehnen {n} (nach)
| Jahre {pl}
years ago
| vor Jahren
years as an apprentice
| Lehrjahre {pl}
years of (the) war
| Kriegsjahre {pl}
years of age
| ...jährig
years of childhood
| Kinderjahre {pl}
years of construction
| Baujahre {pl}
years of discretion
| das mündige Alter
years of publication dates of publication
| Erscheinungsjahre {pl}
years of rapid industrial expansion in Germany (end of 19th century)
| Gründerzeit {f} Gründerjahre {pl} [hist.]
years of service
| Dienstjahre {pl}
years of study
| Studienzeit {f} [stud.]
years of travel
| Wanderjahre {pl}
years under report years under review
| Berichtsjahre {pl}
yeas and nays
| Stimmen für und wider
| Schaum {m}
yeast cake sprinkled with sugar
| Zuckerkuchen {m} [cook.]
yeast pastry sweet dumplings made of yeast dough
| Buchteln {pl} [cook.]
| hefiger
| am hefigsten
| hefig {adj}
| Landstreicher {m}
Yelkouan Sherwater
| Yelkouan-Sturmtaucher {m} [ornith.]
| gellender Schrei
yell [Am.]
| Anfeuerungsruf {m}
| gekreischt
| geschrien geschrieen [alt]
| schrie
| Schreier {m}
| kreischend
| schreiend
| gelb {adj}
Yellow & Green Lorikeet
| Celebeslori {m} [ornith.]
yellow (dwarf) angel
| Goldener Zwergkaiserfisch {m} Heralds Zwergkaiserfisch {m} Goldener Herzogfisch {m} (Centropyge heraldi) [zool.]
Yellow Canary
| Gelbbauchgirlitz {m} [ornith.]
Yellow Cardinal
| Grünkardinal {m} [ornith.]
Yellow Chat
| Safrantrugschmätzer {m} [ornith.]
yellow clown goby
| Gelbe Korallengrundel {f} (Gobiodon okinawae) [zool.]
yellow cucumber
| Gelbe Seegurke {f} Gelbe Seewalze {f} (Colochirus robustus Colochirus quadrangularis) [zool.]
yellow damsel
| Goldener Riffbarsch {m} (Amblyglyphidodon aureus) [zool.]
Yellow Elaenia
| Cottaelaenie {f} [ornith.]
Yellow Grosbeak
| Gelbkopf-Kernknacker {m} [ornith.]
yellow ground blue ground
| verwitterter Kimberlit
Yellow Honeyeater
| Zitronenhonigfresser {m} [ornith.]
yellow lead ore molybdate of lead wulfenite
| Gelbbleierz {n} [min.]
Yellow Longbill
| Gelbbauch-Bülbülgrasmücke {f} [ornith.]
Yellow Oriole
| Orangebrusttrupial [ornith.]
yellow pages business directory
| Gelbe Seiten Branchenverzeichnis {n}
Yellow Penduline Tit
| Senegalbeutelmeise {f} [ornith.]
Yellow Rail
| Gelbralle {f} [ornith.]
Yellow Robin
| Goldbauchschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
Yellow Rosella
| Strohsittich {m} [ornith.]
Yellow Sea
| Gelbes Meer [geogr.]
Yellow Silver-eye
| Mangrovebrillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow Swamp Warbler
| Gelbbauch-Rohrsänger {m} [ornith.]
yellow tang
| Zitronen-Segelflossen-Doktorfisch {m} Gelber Seebader {m} (Zebrasoma flavescens) [zool.]
yellow tangs
| Zitronen-Segelflossen-Doktorfische {pl} Gelbe Seebader {pl}
Yellow Tyrannulet
| Zitronentyrann {m} [ornith.]
Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava) Blue-headed Wagtail
| Schafstelze {f} [ornith.]
Yellow Warbler
| Schnäpperrohrsänger {m} [ornith.]
yellow watchman goby
| Gelbe Symbiosegrundel {f} (Cryptocentrus cinctus) [zool.]
Yellow Wattle Bird
| Gelblappen-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
yellow zoster
| Gelber Pyramiden-Falterfisch {m} (Hemitaurichthys polylepis) [zool.]
Yellow-backed Oriole
| Schwarzflügeltrupial [ornith.]
Yellow-backed Sunbird
| Karmesinnektarvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-backed Tanager
| Gelbbürzeltangare {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-backed Whistler
| Gelbrücken-Dickkopf {m} [ornith.]
yellow-banded moenkhausia
| Rotaugen-Moenkhausia {f} (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) [zool.]
Yellow-bearded Bulbul
| Olivrückenbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Bristle Tyrant
| Rostflügel-Borstentyrann {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Chat Tyrant
| Diademtyrann {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Dacnis
| Gelbbauchpitpit {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Elaenia
| Gelbbauchelaenie {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Eremomela
| Gelbbaucheremomela [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Fantail
| Goldbauch-Fächerschwanz {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker
| Gelbbauch-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
| Birkentyrann {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Warbler
| Bambuslaubsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Flyeater
| Gelbbauchgerygone {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Green Pigeon
| Waaliataube {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Greenbul
| Gelbbauchbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Grosbeak
| Gelbbauch-Kernknacker {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Longbill
| Gelbbauch-Pfriemschnabel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Mountain White-eye
| Arfakbrillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Pin-tailed Gr.Pigeon
| Gelbbauch-Grüntaube {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Prinia
| Gelbbauchprinie {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Robin
| Gelbbauchschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
| Gelbbauch-Saftlecker {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Seedeater
| Gelbbauchpfäffchen {n} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Siskin
| Gelbbauchzeisig {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Tanager
| Gelbbauchtangare {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Tit
| Schmuckmeise {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet
| Gelbbauch-Fliegenstecher {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye
| Gelbbauch-Lappenschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bellied Whistler
| Philippinendickkopf {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bibbed Fruit Dove
| Gelbbauch-Fruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-bibbed Lory
| Grünschwanzlori {m} [ornith.]
| Erzkuckuck {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Amazon
| Jamaikaamazone {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Barbet
| Gelbschnabel-Bartvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Blue Magpie
| Gelbschnabelkitta [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Cacique
| Gelbschnabelkassike {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Cardinal
| Mantelkardinal {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) alpine chough
| Alpendohle {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Cotinga
| Gelbschnabel-Schmuckvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
| Gelbschnabelkuckuck {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Francolin
| Gelbschnabelfrankolin {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Hornbill
| Östlicher Gelbschnabeltoko [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Jacamar
| Gelbschnabel-Glanzvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Kite
| Gelbschnabelmilan {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Magpie
| Gelbschnabelelster {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Nunbird
| Gelbschnabeltrappist {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Oxpecker
| Gelbschnabel-Madenhacker {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Shrike
| Gelbschnabelwürger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
| Gelbschnabellöffler {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Stork
| Nimmersatt {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-billed Tit Tyrant
| Gelbschnabeltachuri {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Antwren
| Gelbbrust-Ameisenfänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Barbet
| Perlenbartvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Boubou
| Gelbbauchwürger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Bunting (Emberiza aureola)
| Weidenammer {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Chat
| Gelbbrust-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Crake
| Gelbbrust-Sumpfhuhn {n} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Flatbill Flycatcher
| Gelbbauch-Flachschnabel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Flycatcher
| Gelbbauch-Breitschnabel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Flycatcher Warbler
| Gelbbauch-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove
| Gelbbrust-Fruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Helmet Shrike
| Gelbschopf-Brillenwürger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-breasted Pipit
| Gelbbrustpieper {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-bridled Finch
| Zügelammerfink {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Antbird
| Gelbbrauen-Ameisenschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Bunting
| Gelbbrauenammer {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Camaroptera
| Gelbbrauen-Grasmücke {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Oxylabes
| Gelbbrauenfoditany {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Shrike
| Gelbbrauenvireo {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Sparrow
| Gelbwangenammer {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Tit
| Laubmeise {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Tody Flycatcher
| Goldbrauen-Spateltyrann {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Toucanet
| Gelbbrauenarassari {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Tyrant
| Goldtyrann {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus)
| Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-capped Pygma Parrot
| Gelbkappen-Spechtpapagei {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-capped Weaver
| Gelbkappenweber {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-casqued Hornbill
| Goldhelm-Hornvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-chested Apalis
| Gelbbauch-Feinsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-collared Chlorophonia
| Halsbandorganist {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-collared Macaw
| Halsbandara {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-collared Tanager
| Halsbandtangare {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-crested Manakin
| Pelzelnpipra [ornith.]
Yellow-crested Tanager
| Gelbschopftangare {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-crested Woodpecker
| Scheitelfleckspecht {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Amazon
| Gelbscheitelamazone {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Barbet
| Gelbscheitel-Bartvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Canary
| Gelbscheitelgirlitz {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Elaenia
| Goldscheitelelaenie {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Euphonia
| Gelbscheitelorganist {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Flowerpecker
| Goldkronen-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
| Krabbenreiher {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Redstart
| Salvinwaldsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet
| Gelbscheitel-Fliegenstecher {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Woodpecker
| Gelbscheitelspecht {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-crowned Yellowthroat
| Goldscheitel-Gelbkehlchen {n} [ornith.]
Yellow-eared Conure
| Gelbohrsittich {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-eared Toucanet
| Gelbohrarassari {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-eared Woodpecker
| Goldohrspecht {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-eyed Blackbird
| Gelbaugenstärling {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-eyed Flycatcher Warbler
| Goldbrillen-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-eyed Penguin
| Gelbaugenpinguin {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-eyed Pigeon
| Gelbaugentaube {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-faced Amazon
| Goldbauchamazone {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-faced Grassquit
| Goldbraue {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
| Goldaugen-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-faced Leaf Warbler
| Gelbbrust-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-faced Mynah
| Papuaatzel [ornith.]
Yellow-faced Parrot
| Schoapapagei {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-faced Parrotlet
| Gelbmasken-Sperlingspapagei {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-faced Redstart
| Goldaugen-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-faced Siskin
| Yarrellzeisig {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-footed Flycatcher
| Gelblaufschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-footed Gull
| Gelbfußmöwe {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-footed Honeyguide
| Eisentrauthoniganzeiger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted Barbet
| Goldstirn-Bartvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted Canary
| Mosambikgirlitz {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted Gardener Bowerbird
| Gelbscheitelgärtner {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted Honeyeater
| Grünscheitel-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted Parakeet
| Springsittich {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird
| Gelbstirn-Bartvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted Tit
| Goldstirn-Beutelmeise {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted Whistler
| Diademdickkopf {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted White-eye
| Gelbstirn-Brillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-fronted Woodpecker
| Goldmaskenspecht {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-gaped Honeyeater
| Gelbkinn-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-green Bush Tanager
| Schwarzstirn-Buschtangare {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-green Grosbeak
| Gelbbauchkardinal {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-green Sparrow
| Griscombuschammer {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-green Tyrannulet
| Panamalaubtyrann {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-green Vireo
| Zitronenflankenvireo {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-headed Amazon
| Gelbkopfamazone {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-headed Blackbird
| Brillenstärling {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-headed Bunting
| Gelbkehlammer {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-headed Caracara
| Gelbkopfkarakara {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-headed Dove
| Smaragdtaube {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-headed Manakin
| Olivkehlpipra [ornith.]
Yellow-headed Warbler
| Gelbkopf-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-hooded Blackbird
| Gelbkopfstärling {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-knobbed Curassow
| Gelblappenhokko {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-legged Button-Quail
| Rotnacken-Laufhühnchen {n} [ornith.]
Yellow-legged Green Pigeon
| Rotschultertaube {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis)
| Mittelmeermöwe {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-legged Malimbe
| Gelbfußweber {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-legged Pigeon
| Gelbfußtaube {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-legged Thrush
| Köhlerdrossel {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-legged Tinamou
| Gelbfußtinamu {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-lored Amazon
| Goldzügelamazone {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-mantled Weaver
| Dreifarbenweber {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-mantled Whydah
| Gelbschulterwida [ornith.]
Yellow-margined Flycatcher
| Spiegelbreitschnabel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-naped Amazon
| Gelbnackenamazone {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-necked Francolin
| Gelbkehlfrankolin {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-necked Greenbul
| Falkensteinbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-nosed Albatross
| Gelbnasenalbatros {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-olive Flycatcher
| Olivscheitel-Breitschnabel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-quilled Leafbird
| Philippinenblattvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Antbird
| Gelbbürzel-Ameisenfänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Bishop
| Samtwida [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Cacique
| Gelbbürzelkassike {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Eremomela
| Langschwanzeremomela [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
| Goldschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Marshbird
| Gelbbürzelstärling {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Seedeater
| Angolagirlitz {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Siskin
| Kordillerenzeisig {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Tanager
| Gelbrückentangare {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
| Goldbürzel-Bartvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-rumped Warbler
| Kronwaldsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-scarfed Tanager
| Goldbandtangare {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-shouldered Amazon
| Gelbflügelamazone {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-shouldered Blackbird
| Gelbschulterstärling {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-shouldered Grassquit
| Goldbug-Gimpelfink {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak
| Gelbschulterkardinal {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-sided Flowerpecker
| Gelbflanken-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-spectacled White-eye
| Gelbring-Brillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-spotted Barbet
| Gelbfleck-Bartvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-spotted Rock Sparrow
| Gelbkehlsperling {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-streaked Greenbul
| Gelbstreifenbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-streaked Honeyeater
| Kappenhonigfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-streaked Lory
| Schimmerlori {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-striped Brush Finch
| Schwarzbart-Buschammer {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
| Gelbschwanz-Rußkakadu {m} [ornith.]
yellow-tailed botia
| Grüne Schmerle {f} (Botia modesta) [zool.]
Yellow-tailed Mannikin
| Gelbbrust-Schilffink {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-tailed Oriole
| Gelbschwanztrupial [ornith.]
Yellow-tailed Pardalote
| Gelbbürzel-Panthervogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-tailed Thornbill
| Gelbbürzel-Dornschnabel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-thighed Sparrow
| Gelbschenkel-Buschammer {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Antwren
| Gelbkehl-Ameisenschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Brush Finch
| Gelbkehl-Buschammer {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Bulbul
| Goldkehlbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Bush Tanager
| Gelbkehl-Buschtangare {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Caracara
| Gelbkehlkarakara {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Euphonia
| Schwalbenorganist {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Flowerpecker
| Goldbrust-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Fulvetta
| Gelbkehlalcippe {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Green Cuckoo
| Gelbkehlkuckuck {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Hanging Parrot
| Elfenpapageichen {n} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Honeyeater
| Gelbkehl-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Leaf-Love
| Gelbkehlbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Longclaw
| Gelbkehlpieper {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Miner
| Gelbstirn-Schwatzvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Minivet
| Graukehl-Mennigvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Nicator
| Gelbkehlnikator {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Oriole
| Gelbkehltrupial [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Sandgrouse
| Gelbkehl-Flughuhn {n} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Sericornis
| Gelbkehlsericornis [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Spadebill
| Gelbkehl-Breitschnabel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Spinetail
| Gelbkehlschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Tanager
| Gelbkehltangare {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Tinkerbird
| Gelbkehl-Bartvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Vireo (Vireo flavifrons)
| Gelbkehlvireo {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Warbler
| Goldkehl-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated White-eye
| Goldkehl-Brillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler
| Rotscheitel-Laubsänger {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-throated Woodpecker
| Gelbkehlspecht {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-tipped Pardalote
| Streifenpanthervogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-tufted Bulbul
| Schmuckbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-tufted Honeyeater
| Gelbstirn-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-tufted Malachite Sunbird
| Malachitnektarvogel {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-vented Bulbul
| Augenstreifbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-vented Eremomela
| Somalieremomela [ornith.]
Yellow-vented Flowerpecker
| Gelbsteiß-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-vented Honeyeater
| Rotbürzel-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-vented Pin-tailed Gr.Pigeon
| Weißbauch-Grüntaube {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-vented Woodpecker
| Gelbbauchspecht {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-washed Bulbul
| Everettbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-wattled Bulbul
| Gelbbrillenbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-wattled Lapwing
| Gelblappenkiebitz {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-whiskered Greenbul
| Gelbbartbülbül {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-winged Blackbird
| Goldschulterstärling {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-winged Cacique
| Haubenkassike {f} [ornith.]
Yellow-winged Honeyeater
| Weißaugen-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.]
Yellow-winged Tanager
| Abttangare {f} [ornith.]
| vergilbt {adj}
yellowfin pygmy angel
| Mondstrahl-Zwergkaiserfisch {m} (Centropyge flavopectoralis) [zool.]
Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)
| Goldammer {f} [ornith.]
| Gelbköpfchen {n} [ornith.]
yellowhead butterfly
| Gelbkopf-Falterfisch {m} (Chaetodon xanthocephalus) [zool.]
yellowhead jawfish
| Goldstirn-Brunnenbauer {m} Goldstirn-Kieferfisch {m} (Opistognathus aurifrons) [zool.]
| gelblich {adj}
Yellowish Flycatcher
| Gilbufertyrann {m} [ornith.]
Yellowish Pipit
| Savannenpieper {m} [ornith.]
| gelblich {adv}
yellownose butterfly
| Schwarzer Falterfisch {m} (Chaetodon flavirostris) [zool.]
| vergilbt
yellowtail damsel
| Azur-Demoiselle {f} (Chrysiptera hemicyanea) [zool.]
yellowtail jewel (damsel)
| Gelbschwanz-Riffbarsch {m} (Microspathodon chrysurus) [zool.]
yellowtail pygmy angel
| Weißschwanz-Zwergkaiserfisch {m} (Centropyge flavicauda) [zool.]
| Anfeuerungsrufe {pl}
| schreit
| Aufschrei {m}
| Gekläff {n} Jaulen {n}
| gekläfft
| kläffte
| kläffend
| kläfft
Yemen (ye)
| Jemen [geogr.]
Yemen Linnet
| Jemenhänfling {m} [ornith.]
Yemen Serin
| Jemengirlitz {m} [ornith.]
Yemen Thrush
| Jemendrossel {f} [ornith.]
Yemen Tit Warbler
| Jemenmeisensänger {m} [ornith.]
| jemenitisch {adj} [geogr.]
Yemeni Yemenite
| Jemenit {m} Jemenitin {f} [geogr.]
| Yen {m}
yen sign (Â¥)
| Yen-Zeichen {n}
| Jenisej {m} [geogr.]
| Freibauer {m}
| Freibauern {pl}
| freie Bauernschaft
Yerevan (capital of Armenia)
| Jerevan Eriwan (Hauptstadt von Armenien)
| ja {adv}
yes and no
| jein {adv} (scherzhaft)
Yes, for sure! Positive! [Am.]
| Ja, sicher!
Yes, I do!
| Doch!
Yes, I see it.
| Doch, ich sehe es.
Yes, indeed! By all means!
| Aber ja!
Yes, of course!
| Ja, doch!
yes-man yes man
| Jasager {m}
yes-men yes men
| Jasager {pl}
yes yes Sir
| jawohl
| Gestern {n}
| gestern {adv}
yesterday evening
| gestern Abend (früh)
yesterday morning
| gestern Morgen
| Vergangenheit {f}
| voriges Jahr
| vorige Jahre
| da doch dennoch
| schon jetzt
| sogar jedoch {adv}
yet again
| wieder einmal
yet another (ya)
| noch ein anderer noch eine andere noch ein anderes
| Yeti {m}
yew yew tree
| Eibe {f} [bot.]
yews yew trees
| Eiben {pl}
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