Deutsch | Englisch |
Bö {f}
| bump
Bö {f} Böe {f}
| blast
Bö {f} Böe {f} (mit Regen) Sturmschauer {m} [meteo.]
| squall
Bö {f} Böe {f} [meteo.]
| gust (of wind)
Boa {f} [zool.]
| boa
Boanomonarch {m} [ornith.]
| Black-chinned Monarch
Boas {pl}
| boas
Bob fahren
| to bob to bobsled
Bob {m} [sport]
| bob bobsleigh bobsled
Bobolink {m} [ornith.]
| Bobolink
Bobs {pl}
| bobs bobsleighs bobsleds
Bocagewürger {m} [ornith.]
| Grey-green Bush Shrike
Bochum (Stadt in Deutschland)
| Bochum (city in Germany)
Bock springen
| to vault over the buck
Bock {m} (Tier Sportgerät)
| buck
Bock {m} [constr.]
| horse stand scaffold
Bock {m} Auflagebock {m} [techn.]
| trestle dog
Bockbier {n}
| bock bock beer
Bockbrücke {f}
| trestle bridge
Böckchen {n}
| bracket
Böcke {pl}
| bucks
| to buck
Bocken {n}
| buck
bockig querköpfig {adj}
| awkward
Bockkäfer {m} [zool.]
| longhorn beetle
Bockkäfer {pl}
| longhorn beetles
Bockleiter {f}
| double ladder
Bockmist {m} Mist {m} Scheiß {m} Schwachsinn {m} [ugs.]
| bullshit -BS- [coll.]
Bockshornklee {m} [bot.]
| fenugreek
Bockshornkleesamen {m}
| fenugreek seed
Bockspringen {n} [sport]
| leapfrog
Bockwurst {f} [cook.]
| bockwurst sausage
Bockwürste {pl}
| bockwursts sausages
Bodden {m} an der Ostsee
| bay on the Baltic Sea
Bodden {m} [geogr.]
| glacial lagoon
Bode-Diagramm {n} [electr.]
| frequency-response characteristics
Boden zur Fahrerkabine
| driver cabin floor
Boden {m} (von Gefäß)
| base
Boden {m} Erdboden {m}
| soil
Boden {m} Erdboden {m} Land {n}
| ground earth
Boden {m} Fußboden {m} [naut.]
| sole
Boden {m} Fußgrund {m}
| bottom
Boden {m} Grund {m}
| bottom
Böden {pl}
| bottoms
Böden {pl}
| soils
Böden {pl} Erdböden {pl}
| grounds
Boden-Boden-Rakete {f} [mil.]
| surface to surface missile -SSM-
Boden-Luft-Rakete {f} [mil.]
| surface to air missile -SAM-
Bodenabdeckung {f}
| floor cover
Bodenablauf {m}
| floor drainage
Bodenabläufe {pl}
| floor drainages
Bodenabsenkung {f}
| settled earth
Bodenanalyse {f}
| soil analysis
Bodenanalysen {pl}
| soil analyses
Bodenangriff {m} [mil.]
| ground attack
Bodenangriffe {pl}
| ground attacks
Bodenangriffsflugzeug {n} [mil.]
| ground attack plane
Bodenangriffsflugzeuge {pl}
| ground attack planes
Bodenart {f} [geol.]
| character of soil soil character type of soil
Bodenarten {pl}
| characters of soil soil characters types of soil
Bodenaufstandsfläche {f}
| ground contact area
Bodenbearbeitung {f} [agr.] [techn.]
| soilwork
Bodenbearbeitung {f} Bewirtschaftung {f} [agr.]
| cultivation
Bodenbearbeitungstechnik {f} [agr.]
| cultivation engineering
Bodenbelag aus Hartholzbohlen bzw. aus Parkett auf Bohlen
| hardwood flooring
Bodenbelag {m}
| floor covering
Bodenbelag {m} [constr.]
| flooring
Bodenbelastung {f}
| floor loading
Bodenbeschaffenheit {f}
| composition of the ground
Bodenbestellung {f} Bestellung {f} Bodenbebauung {f} Bodenkultivierung {f}
| tillage
Bodenbestellungen {pl}
| tillages
Bodenbildung {f} [geol.]
| soil formation soil development pedogenesis
Bodenblech {n}
| floor panel floor plate bottom plate
Bodenbrett {n}
| puncheon
Bodenbretter {pl}
| puncheons
Bodendenkmalpflege {f}
| ground monument conservation archaeological monument conservation
Bodendichte {f}
| density of soil
Bodendruck {m}
| ground pressure ground contact pressure
Bodendurchbruch {m} [constr.]
| floor opening
Bodendurchbrüche {pl}
| floor openings
Bodenebene {f}
| ground level
Bodeneigenschaft {f}
| soil property
Bodeneigenschaften {pl}
| soil properties
Bodeneigenschaften {pl}
| soil characteristics soil properties
Bodeneinlauf {m}
| floor drain floor trap
Bodeneinläufe {pl}
| floor drains floor traps
Bodenentleerer {m}
| bottom dump truck
Bodenerosion {f} [geol.] [agr.]
| soil erosion
Bodenertrag {m} Bonität {f} [agr.]
| crop yield
Bodenfahrwerk {n} [aviat.]
| ground handling gear
Bodenfeuchte {f}
| soil moisture soil humidity ground humidity surface humidity soil wetness
Bodenfeuchtezone {f}
| belt of soil moisture
Bodenfläche {f}
| floor space
Bodenfliesen- und Estrichleger {m}
| floor tile and coating fitter
Bodenfräse {f} [agr.]
| rotary cultivator
Bodenfräsen {pl}
| rotary cultivators
Bodenfreiheit {f} [auto]
| ground clearance trim height ride height ground clearing
Bodenfrost {m}
| ground frost
Bodenfund {m}
| archaeological find
bodengeführte Abfangjagd
| ground controlled interception
bodengleich {adj}
| on grade
Bodengrund {m} (Aquarium)
| substrate
Bodengrundfilter mit umgekehrter Flussrichtung
| reverse flow undergravel filter
Bodengrundfilter {m}
| undergravel filter -UGF-
Bodengrundheizung {f}
| substrate heating
Bodengrundheizungen {pl}
| substrate heatings
Bodengutachten {n}
| soil expertise
Bodengutachten {pl}
| soil expertises
Bodenhaftung {f} (Reifen)
| tyre grip tire grip [Am.] wheel grip footing
Bodenhaltung {f} [agr.]
| free run
Bodenhöhe {f} Bodennähe {f} Geländehöhe {f}
| ground level
Bodenhorizont {m} [geol.]
| soil horizon
Bodenkammer {f} Mansarde {f}
| garret
Bodenkammern {pl} Mansarden {pl}
| garrets
Bodenkanal {m} [constr.]
| floor duct
Bodenkanäle {pl}
| floor ducts
Bodenkarte {f}
| soil map
Bodenkarten {pl}
| soil maps
Bodenkennziffer {f}
| soil constant
Bodenkennziffern {pl}
| soil constants
Bodenkolloid {n}
| soil-colloid
Bodenkunde {f} Pedologie {f} [geol.]
| pedology soil science
Bodenkundler {m} Bodenkundlerin {f}
| pedologist
Bodenkundler {pl} Bodenkundlerinnen {pl}
| pedologists
Bodenleitfähigkeitsmesser {m} [geol.]
| ground conductivity meter
bodenlos {adj}
| bottomless
Bodenmechanik {f} [geol.]
| soil mechanics
Bodenmerkmal {n}
| soilmark
Bodenmerkmale {pl}
| soilmarks
Bodenordnung {f}
| land readjustment land management
Bodenpersonal {n}
| ground crew ground personnel
Bodenplatte {f} [constr.]
| floor slab
Bodenplatte {f} Bodenfliese {f} [constr.]
| paving tiles
Bodenplatten {pl} Bodenfliesen {pl}
| paving tiles
Bodenpolitik {f}
| land policy
| base compression
Bodenprobe {f}
| soil sample sediment sample
Bodenproben {pl}
| soil samples sediment samples
Bodenprofil {n}
| soil profile
Bodenprofile {pl}
| soil profiles
Bodenrahmen {m}
| floor frame
Bodensatz {m}
| lees {pl}
Bodensatz {m}
| deposit
Bodensatz {m} [550+] [geol.]
| cumulate (of a magma)
Bodensatz {m} Satz {m}
| sediment
Bodenschäden {pl}
| soil damage
Bodenschätze {pl}
| treasures of the soil
Bodenschätze {pl} [min.]
| natural resources mineral resources mineral wealth
Bodenscherbe {f}
| bottom sherd basal sherd
Bodenschicht {f}
| formation
Bodenschubspannung {f}
| bottom shear stress
Bodenschwelle {f}
| ground sill
Bodenschwelle {f} Bremshügel {m} Moabiter Kissen Bremsschwelle {f} (auf der Fahrbahn)
| speed bump speed hump [Br.]
Bodenschwellen {pl}
| ground sills
Bodenschwellen {pl} Bremshügel {pl} Moabiter Kissen Bremsschwellen {pl}
| speed bumps speed humps
Bodensediment {n}
| bottom sediment
Bodensedimente {pl}
| bottom sediments
Bodensee {m} [geogr.]
| Lake Constance
Bodensenke {f}
| swale
Bodensenken {pl}
| swales
Bodensenkung {f}
| submergence of ground subsidence of ground depression of ground sagging
Bodenskelett {n}
| soil skeleton
Bodenstabilisierung {f} [700+]
| soil cementation ground cementation artificial cementation
Bodenstabilität {f}
| soil stability
bodenständig {adj}
| grassroots
bodenständig {adj}
| native indigenous radical rooted to the soil
Bodenstation {f}
| tracking station
Bodenstationen {pl}
| tracking stations
Bodenstativ {n}
| floor stand
Bodenstewardess {f}
| ground hostess
Bodenstewardessen {pl}
| ground hostesses
Bodenströmung {f} [geol.]
| bottom current
Bodenstruktur {f} [geol.]
| soil structure soil array
Bodentragfähigkeit {f}
| soil bearing capacity
Bodentransport {m}
| ground transport
Bodenturnen {n} [sport]
| floor exercises
Bodentyp {m}
| soil type
Bodentypen {pl}
| soil types
Bodenuntersuchung {f}
| ground survey
Bodenuntersuchungen {pl}
| ground surveys
Bodenvegetation {f} [bot.]
| groundcover ground vegetation
Bodenventil {n} [auto]
| bottom valve
Bodenventile {pl}
| bottom valves
Bodenverbesserung {f} [agr.]
| soil improvement amelioration
Bodenverdichtung {f}
| soil compaction soil consolidation soil densificaton
Bodenverfestiger {m} Bodenverdichter {m}
| compactor
Bodenverfestiger {pl} Bodenverdichter {pl}
| compactors
Bodenverfestigung {f}
| ground stabilization soil solidification
Bodenverschiebungen {pl}
| slippage of soil
Bodenverschmutzung {f}
| soil pollution
Bodenversiegelung {f}
| sealing of the soil surface
Bodenwasser {n}
| soil water bottom water
Bodenwasserspannung {f}
| soil moisture tension
Bodenwelle {f} Unebenheit {f} (in der Straße)
| bump
Bodenwellen {pl} Unebenheiten {pl}
| bumps
Bodenwindscherung {f} [aviat.]
| low-level wind shear
Bodenzusammensetzung {f}
| soil composition
Bodyboard {n} Boogieboard {n} Surfbrett zum Wellenreiten
| bodyboard boogie board
Bodybuilder {m} [sport]
| bodybuilder
Bodybuilder {pl}
| bodybuilders
Bodybuilding {n} Muskelaufbautraining {n} Muskelauf {m} [sport]
| bodybuilding
Bodycheck {m}
| bodycheck
Boehmralle {f} [ornith.]
| Streaky-breasted Crake
Böen {pl}
| gusts
Böen {pl}
| blasts
bog ab bog ein
| turned off
bog beugte
| flexed
Bogen {m}
| arc
Bogen {m}
| bow
Bogen {m}
| crescent crescent-shaped object
Bogen {m} [techn.]
| elbow
Bogen {m} Gewölbebogen {m} Gewölbe {n} [arch.]
| arch
Bögen {pl}
| arcs
Bögen {pl}
| bows
Bögen {pl} Gewölbebögen {pl} Gewölbe {pl}
| arches
Bogenansatz {m} [arch.]
| spring of an arch springing of an arch
Bogenbauer {m}
| bowyer
Bogenbauer {pl}
| bowyers
Bogenecke {f}
| corner of sheet
Bogenelastizität {f}
| arc elasticity
Bogenentladungsröhre {f}
| arc discharge tube
Bogenfenster {n}
| arched window
Bogenfenster {pl}
| arched windows
Bogengang {m}
| archway
Bogengang {m} Säulengang {m} Arkade {f}
| arcade
Bogengrad {n} (Winkelmaß)
| degree (angular measure)
Bogenhöhe {f}
| arch rise arc height
Bogenkante {f} Feston {n}
| scallop-edge scallop
Bogenlampe {f}
| arclamp
Bogenlänge {f} [math.]
| arc length
Bogenleuchte {f} Lampe mit biegsamer Halterung
| gooseneck lamp
Bogenlicht {n}
| arclight
Bogenmaß {m}
| radian measure
Bogenmauerwerk {n} [constr.]
| arch masonry
Bogenminute {f}
| minute of arc arc minute
Bogenoffset {n} Bogenoffsetverfahren {n} (Druck)
| sheet offset
Bogenpapier {n}
| sheeted paper
Bogenrand {m}
| margin of sheet
Bogenschießen {n} [hist.] [sport]
| archery
Bogenschneider {m}
| sheet cutter
Bogenschütze {m} Bogenschützin {f} Schütze {m} Schützin {f}
| archer bow hunter bowman
Bogenschützen {pl} Bogenschützinnen {pl} Schützen {pl} Schützinnen {pl}
| archers bow hunters bowmen
Bogensekunde {f}
| second of arc arc second
Bogenspannweite {f} [arch.]
| arch span
Bogensprung {m}
| curvet
Bogensprünge {pl}
| curvets
Bogenstaumauer {f}
| arch dam arched dam
Bogenstaumauern {pl}
| arch dams arched dams
Bogenstück {n}
| curved section
Bogentor {n} [arch.]
| arched gateway
Bogentore {pl}
| arched gateways
Bogenwasserzeichen {n}
| sheet watermark
Bogenzahnkupplung {f} [mach.]
| geared coupling
Bogenzahnkupplungen {pl}
| geared couplings
Bogheadkohle {f} [min.]
| boghead coal algal coal parrot coal torbanite
Bogie {m} Achsaggregat {n} [techn.]
| bogie
Bogotá, Santa Fe de (Hauptstadt von Kolumbien)
| Bogotá, Santa Fe de (capital of Colombia)
Bogotìralle {f} [ornith.]
| Bogota Rail
Bohle {f} Holzbohle {f}
| plank
Bohlen {pl} Holzbohlen {pl}
| planks
Bohlenweg {m}
| togher trackway
Böhme {m} Böhmin {f}
| Bohemian
Böhmen {n} [geogr.]
| Bohemia
Böhmerwald {m} [geogr.]
| Bohemian Forest
böhmisch {adj}
| Bohemian
Bohne {f} Fisole {f} [Ös.] [bot.]
| bean
Bohnen {pl}
| beans
Bohnen {pl} (Kot)
| droppings
Bohneneintopf {m} [cook.]
| bean stew
Bohnenkaffee {m} [cook.]
| pure coffee
Bohnenkoralle {f} Hammerkoralle {f} (Euphyllia ancora) [zool.]
| hammer(head) coral
Bohnenkraut {n} [bot.] [cook.]
| savory
Bohnenranke {f} [bot.]
| bean stalk
Bohnenranken {pl}
| bean stalks
Bohnensalat {m} Fisolensalat {m} [Ös.] [cook.]
| green bean salad
Bohnenstange {f}
| bean pole
Bohnenstangen {pl}
| bean poles
Bohnenstengel {m} [bot.]
| beanstalk
Bohnenstengel {pl}
| beanstalks
Bohnermaschine {f} [electr.]
| floor buffer
Bohnermaschinen {pl}
| floor buffers
Bohr-Gewinde-Werkzeug {n}
| combination drill tap
Bohranlage {f}
| drilling rig
Bohranlagen {pl}
| drilling rigs
Bohranordnung {f}
| assembly for drilling
Bohransatz {m}
| drill site drilling site
Bohrarbeiten {pl}
| drilling work drilling operations
Bohrarbeiter {m}
| driller
Bohrarbeiter {pl}
| drillers
Bohrausrüstung {f}
| drilling equipment drilling outfit
Bohrbarkeit {f}
| drillability
Bohrbereich {m}
| drilling range bore range
Bohrbereiche {pl}
| drilling ranges bore ranges
Bohrbetrieb {m}
| operations of drilling
Bohrbild {n} [techn.]
| bore hole pattern
Bohrbilder {pl}
| bore hole patterns
Bohrbrunnen {m}
| bore well bored well drilled well driven well
Bohrbuchse {f} {m} [mach.]
| boring bush
Bohrbuchsen {pl}
| boring bushes
Bohreinrichtung {f}
| drill rig drill outfit drilling rig drilling outfit
Bohreinsatz {m} [mach.]
| drill bit auger bit
Bohreinsätze {pl}
| drill bits auger bits
Bohren {n} [mach.]
| boring drilling
bohren aufdringlich sein {vi}
| to persist to go on and on
bohren ausbohren {vt}
| to drill (out) to bore
bohrend aufdringlich seiend
| persisting going on and on
bohrend ausbohrend
| drilling boring
bohrend eine Bohrung niederbringend
| spudding
Bohrer {m}
| wimble
Bohrer {m}
| burr bur
Bohrer {m} [mach.]
| drill driller borer
Bohrer {m} [min.]
| bit crown boring bar steel auger
Bohrer {m} Bohrgerät {n} Bohrmaschine {f}
| drill
Bohrer {pl}
| drills drillers borers
Bohrer {pl}
| bits crowns boring bars steels augers
Bohrer {pl} Bohrgeräte {pl} Bohrmaschinen {pl}
| drills
Bohrerlehre {f} [techn.]
| drill gauge
Bohrerlehren {pl}
| drill gauges
Bohrerschleifmaschine {f} [mach.]
| drill sharpening machine bit sharpener tool grinder
Bohrerschleifmaschinen {pl}
| drill sharpening machines bit sharpeners tool grinders
Bohrfeld {n}
| oil field gas field
Bohrfelder {pl}
| oil fields gas fields
Bohrflüssigkeit {f} [mach.]
| drilling fluid
Bohrfortschritt {m}
| drilling progress drilling rate penetration rate penetration advance
Bohrfortschrittsschreiber {m} [min.]
| penetrometer
Bohrfräse {f}
| fraise
Bohrfräsen {pl}
| fraises
Bohrfutter {n}
| drill chuck chuck
Bohrfutterschlüssel {m} [techn.]
| chuck key
Bohrgerät {n} (kleinkalibrig)
| boring tackel boring implement
Bohrgestänge {n}
| drill pipe boring rod drill rod
Bohrhammer {m}
| hammer-drill Hilti [tm]
Bohrhammer {m}
| rock drill hammer drill percussion drill reciprocating drill stoper hammerpick
Bohrhämmer {pl}
| rock drills hammer drills percussion drills reciprocating drills stopers hammerpicks
Bohrhämmer {pl}
| hammer-drills Hiltis
Bohrinsel {f} Ölbohrinsel {f}
| drilling platform oil rig
Bohrinseln {pl} Ölbohrinseln {pl}
| drilling platforms oil rigs
Bohrkern {m}
| drill core boring kernel
Bohrkerne {pl}
| drill cores boring kernels
Bohrkernprobe {f}
| core sample
Bohrkernproben {pl}
| core samples
Bohrknarre {f} Sperrhaken {m} Sperrklinke {f}
| ratchet brace
Bohrknarren {pl} Sperrhaken {pl} Sperrklinken {pl}
| ratchet braces
Bohrkolonne {f}
| boring workteam
Bohrkolonnen {pl}
| boring workteams
Bohrkopf {m} [techn.]
| drill head boring head cutting head drill bit
Bohrköpfe {pl}
| drill heads boring heads cutting heads drill bits
Bohrkrone {f}
| drill bit crown core bit
Bohrkronen {pl}
| drill bits crowns core bits
Bohrlehre {f} [techn.]
| boring jig drilling jig
Bohrlehren {pl}
| boring jigs drilling jigs
Bohrleistung {f}
| penetration rate boring capacity drilling capacity
Bohrloch {n} Bohrung {f}
| drill hole drilled hole borehole (drilled) well bore
Bohrlochabstand {m}
| spacing of holes
Bohrlochabweichung mit dem Schichtenfallen
| down structure deflection of the hole
Bohrlochabweichung {f} [min.]
| well dip
Bohrlöcher {pl} Bohrungen {pl}
| drill holes drilled holes boreholes wells bores
Bohrlochgeophysik {f} [geol.]
| well logging
Bohrlochmessung {f} [geol.]
| bore-hole measurement bore-hole survey drill-hole surveying well logging
Bohrlochmund {m}
| mouth of bore
Bohrlochwand {f}
| perimeter of bore hole
Bohrlochwand {f} [geol.]
| (bore-)hole wall wall of a well
Bohrmaschine {f} [mach.]
| drilling machine drill machine machine drill power drill
Bohrmaschinen {pl}
| drilling machines drill machines machine drills power drills
Bohrmehlprobe {f} [geol.]
| drill cuttings sample dry sample
Bohrmeißel {m}
| boring tool drill bit
Bohrmeißel {pl}
| boring tools drill bits
Bohrmeister {m}
| drillmaster
Bohrmeister {pl}
| drillmasters
Bohrmesser {n}
| boring bar bit
Bohrmuschel {f} [zool.]
| drill mussel
Bohrmuscheln {pl}
| drill mussels
Bohrpfahl {m} [constr.]
| drilled pile bored pile foundation pile
Bohrpfähle {pl}
| drilled piles bored piles foundation piles
Bohrpfahlwand {f} [arch.]
| secant pile wall
Bohrpfahlwände {pl}
| secant pile walls
Bohrprobe {f}
| drill test
Bohrproben {pl}
| drill tests
Bohrprofil {n}
| profile of a bore drill log well log well section
Bohrprotokoll {n}
| boring log boring report boring record sheet
Bohrprotokolle {pl}
| boring logs boring reports boring record sheets
Bohrsäule {f}
| drill bar drill column drifter bar single jack
Bohrschablone {f} [techn.]
| drilling template drilling jig
Bohrschablonen {pl}
| drilling templates drilling jigs
Bohrschema {n}
| drill (hole) pattern hole layout
Bohrschlamm {m} Bohrschmant {m} Bohrtrübe {f} [550+] [geol.]
| boring sludge bore detritus drilling mud drilling fluid sludge cuttings drill cuttings ditch cuttings slime silt
Bohrschneide {f} [mach.]
| drill bit drill crown jack bit brace bit boring head
Bohrschraube {f} [techn.]
| drilling screw
Bohrschrauben {pl}
| drilling screws
Bohrspindel {f} [techn.]
| drill spindle
Bohrspülung {f} Bohrflüssigkeit {f}
| boring sludge bore detritus drilling mud [fluid] sludge cuttings drill cuttings ditch cuttings slime silt
Bohrständer {m}
| drill stand
Bohrständer {pl}
| drill stands
Bohrstange {f}
| boring bar drill rod
Bohrstangen {pl}
| boring bars drill rods
bohrt nach reibt auf räumt weitet auf
| reams
bohrt vor
| pre-drills
bohrt bohrt aus
| drills bores
bohrte nach rieb auf räumte weitete auf
| reamed
bohrte vor
| pre-drilled
bohrte bohrte aus
| drilled bored
Bohrtechnik {f}
| boring technique drilling engineering
Bohrteufe {f}
| boring depth drilling depth
Bohrturm {m}
| drilling derrick wellhead boring tower boring trestle drill tower drill rig
Bohrtürme {pl}
| drilling derricks wellheads boring towers boring trestles drill towers drill rigs
Bohrung {f}
| bore drill hole
Bohrung {f} [geol.]
| drilling boring
Bohrungen {pl}
| bores drills holes
Bohrungsdrücken {n} [techn.]
| spin extrusion
Bohrungsdrückmaschine {f} [techn.]
| spin extrusion machine
Bohrungsdrückmaschinen {pl}
| spin extrusion machines
Bohrungsmitte {f}
| hole centre
Bohrvorrichtung {f}
| drilling jig boring jig
Bohrvorrichtungen {pl}
| drilling jigs boring jigs
Bohrwagen {m}
| jumbo
Bohrwerk {n}
| boring mill
Bohrwerke {pl}
| boring mills
Bohrwerkzeug {n} [670.2+680+] [mach.]
| boring tool drilling tool
Bohrwerkzeuge {pl}
| boring tools drilling tools
Bohrwinde {f} [mach.]
| brace
Bohrwinden {pl}
| braces
böig {adj} [aviat.]
| bumpy
böig {adj} böiger Wind [naut.]
| squally squally wind
Boje zur Wellenmessung
| waverider buoy
Boje {f}
| buoy
Bojen {pl}
| buoys
Bokmakiriwürger {m} [ornith.]
| Bokmakierie Shrike
Bolero {m}
| bolero
Bolid {m} Bolide {m} leuchtstarker Meteorit [astron.]
| bolide fireball
Bolide {m} [ugs.]
| fast car
Bolivianer {m} Bolivianerin {f} [geogr.]
| Bolivian
Bolivien [geogr.]
| Bolivia (bo)
Böller {m}
| saluting gun
Bollerwagen {m}
| handcart transport wagon
Bollwerk {n}
| stronghold
Bollwerk {n}
| bulwark
Bollwerke {pl}
| bulwarks
bolovianisch {adj} [geogr.]
| Bolivian
Bolschewik {m} [pol.] [hist.]
| bolshevik
Bolschewiken {pl} Bolschewiki {pl}
| bolsheviks
bolschewistisch {adj} [pol.] [hist.]
| Bolshevist Bolshevik
Boltzmann-Konstante {f} Boltzmannsche Konstante {f} [phys.]
| Boltzmann constant
Bolus {m} [med.]
| bolus
Bolusinjektion {f} intravenöse Schnellinjektion {f} [med.]
| bolus injection
Bolzen {m}
| bolt stud
Bolzen {m} (Geodäsie)
| stomp
Bolzen {m} [min.]
| (corner) post bunton racking punch(eon) straddle brob
Bolzen {m} Stift {m}
| pin gib
Bolzen {pl}
| bolts
Bolzen {pl} Stifte {pl}
| pins gibs
bolzen {vi} [sport] [ugs.]
| to kick the ball around
Bolzenbefestigung {f}
| bolt attachment
Bolzenbefestigungen {pl}
| bolt attachments
Bolzenbohrung {f} [techn.]
| pin bore
| kicking the ball around
Bolzengelenk {n}
| pin joint
Bolzengelenke {pl}
| pin joints
Bolzengewinde {f}
| bolt thread
Bolzenkopf {m}
| bolt head
Bolzenköpfe {pl}
| bolt heads
Bolzenkupplung {f} [mach.]
| pin coupling
Bolzenkupplungen {pl}
| pin couplings
Bolzenloch {n} [techn.]
| bolt hole stud hole pin hole
Bolzenlochausführung {f} [techn.]
| type of stud hole
Bolzenlochdurchmesser {m} [techn.]
| stud hole diameter
Bolzenlöcher {pl}
| bolt holes stud holes pin holes
Bolzenschweißung {f} [mach.]
| stud (arc) welding
Bolzenzentrierung {f} [techn.]
| bolt centering
Bolzplatz {m} [sport]
| amateur football field amateur soccer field [Am.]
Bolzplätze {pl}
| amateur football fields amateur soccer fields
bombardieren zerbomben {vt} [mil.]
| to bomb to bombard
bombardierend zerbombend
| bombing bombarding
bombardiert zerbombt
| bombed bombarded
Bombardierung {f} [mil.]
| shellfire
Bombastik {f}
| bombast
bombastisch {adj}
| pretentious
bombastisch schwülstig {adj}
| fustian
Bombay-Beule {f} Biskra-Beule {f} [med.]
| cutaneous-dermal leishmaniasis
Bombe {f} Abwurfwaffe {f} [mil.]
| bomb bombshell
Bombe {f} unerwartete Überraschung {f}
| bombshell
Bomben {n}
| bombs
Bombenabwurf {m} [mil.]
| bombing
Bombenalarm {m} [mil.]
| bomb scare
Bombenangriff {m} Bombardement {n} [mil.]
| bomb attack air raid bombardment
Bombenangriffe {pl} Bombardementen {pl}
| bomb attacks air raids bombardments
Bombenanschlag {m}
| bomb attack bombing raid
Bombenanschläge {pl}
| bomb attacks bombing raids
Bombenattrappe {f} Sprengsatzattrappe {f} [mil.]
| fake bomb
Bombenattrappen {pl} Sprengsatzattrappen {pl}
| fake bombs
Bombendrohung {f}
| bomb threat
Bombendrohungen {pl}
| bomb threats
Bombenentschärfer {m} Entschärfer {m} [mil.]
| bomb technician
Bombenentschärfer {pl} Entschärfer {pl}
| bomb technicians
Bombenerfolg {m}
| huge success
Bombenerfolg {m} großartige Sache {f} großer Erfolg {m}
| wow
Bombenerfolge {pl}
| huge successes
Bombenfabrik {f} [mil.]
| bomb factory
Bombengeschäft {n}
| roaring trade
Bombengroßangriff {m} [mil.]
| clobbering
Bombenleger {m} Bombenlegerin {m,f}
| bomb planter
Bombenräumtrupp {m} [mil.]
| bomb disposal unit
Bombenräumung {f} [mil.]
| bomb disposal
Bombenschacht {m} [mil.]
| bomb bay
Bombenschächte {pl}
| bomb bays
Bombenschütze {m} [mil.]
| bombardier
Bombenschützen {pl}
| bombardiers
bombensicher todsicher {adj}
| dead certain
Bombenstimmung {f} [ugs.]
| fantastic atmosphere
Bombentrichter {m} [mil.]
| bomb crater
Bombentrichter {pl}
| bomb craters
Bomber {m} [mil.]
| bomber
Bomber {pl}
| bombers
bombig prima {adj}
| bang-up
Bommel {f,m}
| bobble pompom
Bommeln {pl}
| bobbles pompoms
Bon {m}
| voucher bon
Bonapartetaube {f} [ornith.]
| Grey-headed Dove
Bonapartewaldsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Citrine Warbler
Bonbon {n}
| goody
Bonbon {n}
| sweetmeat
Bonbon {n}
| candy
Bonbon {n} Lutschtablette {f} Pastille {f}
| lozenge
Bonboneinwickelpapier {n}
| candy wrapping paper
Bonbons {pl}
| sweetmeats
Bonbons {pl}
| candies
Bonder {m} (Gerät zum Aufbringen von Chips auf einen Träger)
| die bonder
Bondkopf {m}
| bond head
Bondköpfe {pl}
| bond heads
Bondkraft {f}
| bond force
Bondparameter {pl}
| bonding parameters
Bongo {n} [mus.]
| bongo bongo drum
Bongos {pl}
| bongos
Bonhomie {f} Jovialität {f}
| bonhomie
Bonifatius ging nach Friesland, wie das die keltischen Missionare immer getan hatten.
| Boniface went to Frisia in the time-honoured-time-honored manner of the Celtic missionaries.
Boninhonigfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Bonin Island Honeyeater
Boninsturmvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Bonin Petrel
Bonn (Stadt in Deutschland)
| Bonn (city in Germany)
Bonobo {m}
| bonobo (Pan paniscus)
Bonobos {pl}
| bonobos (Pan paniscus)
Bonsai {n} kleinwüchsige Bäume oder Sträucher [bot.]
| bonsai
Bonthaingrundschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
| Lompobattang Flycatcher
Bonus {m} Prämie {f} Provision {f}
| premium
Bonusprogramm {n}
| bonus program
Bonusprogramme {pl}
| bonus programs
Bonuspunkt {m}
| bonus point
Bonuspunkte {pl}
| bonus points
Bonusrücklage {f}
| bonus reserve
Bonze {m} [relig.]
| bonze
Boogie-Woogie {m} [mus.]
| boogie-woogie
Boolesche Algebra {f}
| algebra of logic Boolean algebra
Boom {m} Konjunktur {f} Hochkonjunktur {f} Aufschwung {m}
| boom
Boot {n} Kahn {m}
| boat
Boote {pl} Kähne {pl}
| boats
booten starten [comp.]
| to boot
bootend startend
| booting
Bootfahrt {f}
| boating
Bootleg {n} inoffiziell vertriebener Tonträger
| bootleg
Boots- und Schiffbauer {m}
| boat and ship builder
Boots- und Schiffbauer {pl}
| boat and ship builders
Bootsanleger {m}
| levy [Am.]
Bootsbau {m}
| boat building industry
Bootsbauer {m}
| boatbuilder
Bootschwanz-Nachtschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
| Brown Nightjar
Bootschwanzgrackel [ornith.]
| Boat-tailed Grackle
Bootsfahrer {m} Bootsfahrerin {f}
| boater
Bootsfahrt {f}
| boat trip
Bootsführer {m}
| boatman
Bootsgrab {n}
| boat grave
Bootshaken {m}
| boat hook
Bootshaken {pl}
| boat hooks
Bootshändler {m} Bootshändlerin {f}
| yachting broker
Bootshändler {pl} Bootshändlerinnen {pl}
| yachting brokers
Bootshaus {n}
| boat house boathouse
Bootshäuser {pl}
| boat houses boathouses
Bootsheck {n}
| boattail
Bootslack {m}
| spar varnish
Bootsstange {f}
| quant
Bootsverleih {m}
| boats for hire
Bor {n} [chem.]
| boron
Bor... [chem.]
| boric
Borabaumsteiger {m} [ornith.]
| Concolor Woodcreeper
Boraboraliest [ornith.]
| Borabora Kingfisher
Boracit {m} [min.]
| boracite
Borancistensänger {m} [ornith.]
| Boran Cisticola
Borax {m} [min.]
| borax
Borax {n} [chem.]
| borax
Bord {n} (eines Schiffes)
| side (of a ship)
Bord {n} Deck {n} [naut.]
| board
| shipboard
Bordbrett {n}
| shelf
Bordbuch {n}
| log logbook
Bordbucheintrag {m}
| logbook entry
Bordbucheinträge {pl}
| logbook entries
Bordbücher {pl}
| logs logbooks
Bordcomputer {m}
| on-board computer
Bordcomputer {m} (Schiff) [naut.]
| seaborne computer
Bordcomputer {m} in Raum- oder Luftfahrzeugen
| airborne computer
Bordcomputer {pl}
| on-board computers
Bordeaux (Stadt in Frankreich)
| Bordeaux (city in France)
Bördeldichtring {m} [techn.]
| flared conical nipple
Bordelektronik {f} [techn.]
| on-board electronics (vehicles) avionics (aircraft)
Bördelkantenschutz {m}
| clinched flange protection
Bördelkantenversiegelung {m} [techn.]
| clinch flange sealing
Bordell {n} Freudenhaus {n} Laufhaus {n} Puff {m} [ugs.]
| brothel whorehouse
Bordelle {pl} Freudenhäuser {pl} Laufhäuser {pl} Puffs {pl}
| brothels whorehouses
bördeln mit Rand versehen
| to border to bead to flange
Bördelnaht {f} [techn.]
| flanged seam
Bördelring {m}
| beaded ring
Bördelringe {pl}
| beaded rings
Bördelscheibe {m} [techn.]
| flared disk [Am.] flared disc [Br.]
Bördelscheiben {pl}
| flared disks flared discs
Bördelverschraubung {f} [techn.]
| flanged screw fitting
Bördelverschraubungen {pl}
| flanged screw fittings
Bördelwerkzeug {n} [techn.]
| bordering tool
Bördelwerkzeuge {pl}
| bordering tools
Border-Collie {m} (Hunderasse) [zool.]
| Border Collie
Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung {f} -BPS- [psych.]
| borderline personality disorder -BPD-
Bordflugzeug {n}
| ship plane
Bordflugzeuge {pl}
| ship planes
Bordfunker {m}
| radio operator
Bordgang {m} [naut.]
| gangboard
Bordkarte {f} Bordpass {m}
| boarding card boarding pass boarding ticket
Bordkarten {pl} Bordpässe {pl}
| boarding cards boarding passes boarding tickets
Bordmechaniker {m}
| flight mechanic
Bordmechaniker {pl}
| flight mechanics
Bordnetz {n} (eines Fahrzeugs)
| vehicle electrical system
Bordpapiere {pl}
| embarkation papers
Bordpasskontrolle {f}
| boarding pass control
Bordrechner {m} bei Fahrzeugen
| on-board computer
Bordrestaurant {n}
| on-board restaurant
Bordscheibe {f}
| flanged wheel
Bordstein {m} Randstein {m}
| curb curbstone curbside [Am.] kerbside [Br.]
Bordstein {m} Steinrand {m}
| kerb [Br.]
Bordsteinanscheuerung {f} (Reifen)
| curbstone chafing [Am.]
Bordsteinaufprall {m} (Reifen)
| edge climb
Bordsteinkante {f}
| kerb edge of the kerb [Br.] curb [Am.]
Bordsteinkanten {pl}
| kerbs edges of the kerb [Br.] curbs [Am.]
Bordüre {f}
| border
Bordüre {f} Rand {m}
| trim
Bordüren {pl}
| borders
Bordwaffen {pl} [mil.]
| armament
Bordwand {f}
| plate side plate
Bordwand {f}
| tailboard tailgate
boreal {adj} [geogr.]
| boreal
Borfritte {f}
| borax frit
Borgen macht Sorgen. [Sprw.]
| He who does lend, loses his friend. [prov.]
Borgen macht Sorgen. [Sprw.]
| Better buy than borrow. [prov.]
Borglas {n}
| boron glass
Borkenkäfer {m} [zool.]
| bark beetle
Borkenkäfer {pl}
| bark beetles
Borneobronzemännchen {n} [ornith.]
| Dusky Mannikin
Borneobuschsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Kinabalu Scrub Warbler
Borneobuschwachtel {f} [ornith.]
| Red-breasted Tree Partridge
Borneodickkopf {m} [ornith.]
| Bornean Mountain Whistler
Borneomistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Bornean Fire-breasted Flowerpecker
Borneostutzschwanz {m} [ornith.]
| Bornean Stubtail
Borneowolltimalie {f} [ornith.]
| Bornean Wren Babbler
Borniertheit {f}
| localism
Bornit {m} [min.]
| bornite peacock copper
Boronatroncalcit {m} [min.]
| boronatrocalcite stiberite raphite ulexite
Borosilikat {n} [chem.]
| borosilicate
Borough {n} Stadt mit Selbstverwaltung {f} [hist.]
| borough
Borreliose {f} Lyme-Borreliose {f} Lyme-Krankheit {f} [med.]
| Lyme disease Lyme borreliosis
Borretsch {m} [bot.]
| borage
Borsalbe {f} [med.] [pharm.]
| boric ointment
Borsäure {f} [chem.]
| boric acid
Borschtsch {m} [cook.]
| borsch
Börse {f} Aktienbörse {f} Wertpapierbörse {f} Effektenbörse {f}
| stock exchange
Börsen {pl} Aktienbörsen {pl} Wertpapierbörsen {pl} Effektenbörsen {pl}
| stock exchanges
Börsen... Devisen...
| exchange
Börsenbericht {m} [fin.]
| market report
Börsenbericht {m} [fin.]
| exchange-report
Börsenberichte {pl}
| market reports
Börsenblatt {n} [fin.]
| financial newspaper
Börsenblätter {pl}
| financial newspapers
Börseneinführung {f} Erstemission {f} Neuemission {f} [fin.]
| Initial Public Offering -IPO-
Börseneinführungskosten {pl} [fin.]
| stock exchange admission fee
Börsenfernschreiber {m}
| quotation ticker
Börsenfernschreiber {pl}
| quotation tickers
Börsengeschäft {n} [fin.]
| stock exchange transaction
Börsengeschäfte {pl}
| stock exchange transactions
Börsenhandel {m} [fin.]
| stock exchange dealing
Börsenhändler {m} Börsenhändlerin {f} [fin.]
| stock exchange trader
Börsenhändler {pl} Börsenhändlerinnen {pl}
| stock exchange traders
Börsenindex {m} [fin.]
| market index stock market index
Börsenindex {m} [fin.]
| stock exchange index
Börsenkurs {m} [fin.]
| market-price
Börsenkurs {m} Kurs {m} Börsennotierung {f} Kursnotierung {f} Quotation {f} [fin.]
| quotation
Börsenkursindex {m} [fin.]
| stock exchange price index stock exchange quotation
Börsenmakler {m} Börsenmaklerin {f} Effektenmakler {m} Effektenmaklerin {f} Effektenhändler {m} Effektenhändlerin {f} [fin.]
| stock broker securities broker
Börsenmakler {pl} Börsenmaklerinnen {pl} Effektenmakler {pl} Effektenmaklerinnen {pl} Effektenhändler {pl} Effektenhändlerinnen {pl}
| stock brokers securities brokers
börsennotiert {adj}
| quoted
Börsenordnung {f}
| stock exchange regulations
Börsenpapiere {pl} [fin.]
| listed stock
Börsenpreisindex {m} [fin.]
| stock market price index
Börsenreport {m}
| contango
Börsenschluss {m}
| close of the market
Börsenspekulant {m}
| stock jobber
Börsenspekulant {m} Börsenspekulantin {f} [fin.]
| stock exchange speculator
Börsenspekulanten {pl}
| stock jobbers
Börsenspekulanten {pl} Börsenspekulantinnen {pl}
| stock exchange speculators
Börsenspekulation {f} [fin.]
| speculation on the stock exchange gambling on the stock exchange
Börsentermingeschäft {n} [fin.]
| time bargain
Börsenumsatzsteuer {f} [fin.]
| stock exchange transfer tax
Börsenwert {m} [fin.]
| stock exchange value
Börsenwerte {pl}
| stock exchange values
Börsenzeitung {f} [fin.]
| financial paper
Börsenzeitungen {pl}
| financial papers
Börsenzettel {m} Kurszettel {m} Börsenbericht {m} [fin.]
| stock list stock exchange list stocklist
Börsenzettel {pl} Kurszettel {pl} Börsenberichte {pl}
| stock lists stock exchange lists stocklists
Börsianer {m} Börsianerin {f} [fin.]
| stock exchange operator stock exchange speculator
Börsianer {pl} Börsianerinnen {pl}
| stock exchange operators stock exchange speculators
Borste {f}
| bristle
Borsten {pl}
| bristles
Borstenbartvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Bristle-nosed Barbet
Borstenbrachvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Bristle-thighed Curlew
Borstenhäherling {m} [ornith.]
| Himalayan Streaked Laughing Thrush
Borstenmantelbülbül {m} [ornith.]
| Hairy-backed Bulbul
Borstenrabe {m} [ornith.]
| Fan-tailed Raven
Borstentyrann {m} [ornith.]
| Tawny-breasted Flycatcher
Borstenwurm {m} [zool.]
| bristle worm
Borte {f} Tresse {f} Litze {f}
| lace
Borten {pl} Tressen {pl} Litzen {pl}
| laces
Borwasser {n} [pharm.]
| boracic lotion
bösartig {adj}
| ill-natured
bösartig böswillig boshaft bedrohend {adj}
| malicious
bösartig brutal teuflisch {adj}
| vicious
bösartig übelwollend {adj}
| malevolent malefic
bösartig übelwollend {adv}
| malevolently
Bösartigkeit {f}
| malignity
Bösartigkeit {f}
| sinisterness
Bösartigkeit {f} Boshaftigkeit {f}
| viciousness
Bösartigkeit {f} Böswilligkeit {f}
| malice
Bösartigkeit {f} Malignität {f} [med.]
| malignancy
Boschhammer {m} [tm] [constr.]
| electric hammer
Böschung {f} Uferböschung {f}
| embankment
Böschungsbruch {m} [geol.]
| circular slip
Böschungsfläche {f}
| surface of constant slope
Böschungsfuß {m}
| toe toe of slope toe of spoil bank
Böschungskante {f}
| coved edge
Böschungsneigung {f}
| batter (of a dam)
Böschungsversagen {n}
| slope failure
Böschungswinkel {m}
| angle of slope angle of elevation
böse geworden
| got angry become angry
böse Überraschung {f} Störung {f}
| upset
böse Vorahnung {f} schlechtes Vorgefühl
| premonition
böse Waldgeister
| evil forest-woodland spirits
böse werden
| to get angry to become angry
böse werdend
| getting angry becoming angry
böse {adj} (auf über)
| angry (at about)
Böse {n} Böses Übel {n}
| evil
böse schlecht schlimm {adv}
| wickedly
böse schlecht schlimm gemein niederträchtig {adj}
| wicked
böse schlecht übel verhext {adj}
| evil
böse unheilvoll schlecht {adj}
| malign
böser Geist
| ghoul
böses Blut [übtr.]
| ill feeling
böses Blut [übtr.]
| bad blood [fig.]
böses Spiel
| wicked game
Bösewicht {m}
| badman [Am.]
Bösewicht {m} Schurke {m} Schuft {m}
| villain
Bösewichte {pl}
| badmen
Bösewichte {pl} Schurken {pl} Schufte {pl}
| villains
Bösgläubigkeit {f} [jur.]
| bad faith
boshaft schadenfroh mutwillig bösartig {adj}
| mischievous
boshafte Bemerkung
| vicious remark
Boshaftigkeit {f}
| evilness
Boshaftigkeit {f}
| shrewishness
Boshaftigkeit {f} Gehässigkeit {f}
| spite
Bosheit {f}
| cursedness
Bosheit {f}
| fiendishness
Bosheit {f}
| impishness
Bosheit {f}
| malignity
Bösheit {f}
| rancorousness
Bosheit {f} Arglist {f}
| malice
Bosheit {f} Böswilligkeit {f} Niederträchtigkeit {f}
| maliciousness
Bosheit {f} Verruchtheit {f}
| wickedness
Bosheiten {pl}
| malices
Bosheiten {pl}
| malignities
Böskeit {f}
| invidiousness
Boskop {m} Boskoop {m} (Apfel) [bot.]
| russet
Bosnien-Herzegowina [geogr.]
| Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina (ba)
Bosnier {m} Bosnierin {f} [geogr.]
| Bosnian
bosnisch {adj} [geogr.]
| Bosnian
Boson {n} [phys.]
| boson
Bosonen {pl}
| bosons
Bosporus {m} [geogr.]
| Bosporus
Boss {m}
| top dog [coll.]
Boston (Stadt in USA)
| Boston (city in USA)
böswillig boshaft {adv}
| maliciously
Böswilligkeit {f} Boshaftigkeit {f}
| malevolence
Böswilligkeiten {pl}
| malevolences
| bade bid
bot an
| proffered
bot an
| tendered
Bot {m} Internet-Bot {m} autonom arbeitendes Computerprogramm (z. B. für Suchmaschinen oder Chat) [comp.]
| bot Internet bot web robot
Bot-Netz {n} Netz vieler ferngesteuert arbeitender Computerprogramme, meist für dubiose Absichten verwendet (Internet-Attacken Spam-Versand) [comp.]
| bot net
bot bereitete spendete
| afforded
Botanik {f} Pflanzenkunde {f} Pflanzenlehre {f}
| botany
Botaniker {m} Botanikerin {f}
| botanist
Botaniker {pl} Botanikerinnen {pl}
| botanists
botanisch {adj}
| botanical botanic
botanische Bezeichnung {f}
| botanical name
botanischer Garten
| botanical garden botanic garden
Bote {m}
| summoner
Bote {m}
| carrier
Bote {m} Botin {f} Überbringer {m} Überbringerin {f}
| messenger intelligencer
Boten {pl}
| summoners
Boten {pl}
| carriers
Boten {pl} Botinnen {pl} Überbringer {pl} Überbringerinnen {pl}
| messengers intelligencer
| messenger RNA -mRNA-
Botengang {m}
| errand
Botengänge machen
| to run errands
Botschaft {f}
| message
Botschaft {f} [pol.]
| embassy
Botschaften {pl}
| embassies
Botschafter {m} Repräsentant {m}
| ambassador
Botschafter {pl} Repräsentanten {pl}
| ambassadors
Botschafterin {f}
| ambassadress
Botschafterinnen {pl}
| ambassadresses
Botschaftskanzlei {f}
| chancellery
Botschaftskanzleien {pl}
| chancelleries
Botschaftsrat {m}
| counsellor [Br.] counselor [Am.]
Botswana [geogr.]
| Botswana (bw)
Bottich {m} Trog {m} Zuber {m} Schaff {n} [Süddt.]
| tub
Bottnischer Meerbusen [geogr.]
| Gulf of Bothnia
Bottom-Brake {f} (Fahrrad)
| bottom brake
Botulismus {m} Nahrungsmittelvergiftung {f}
| botulism
Boubouwürger {m} [ornith.]
| Tropical Boubou
Boudinage {f} [550+] [geol.]
| boudinage
Bougainvillea {f} Drillingsblume {f} [bot.]
| bougainvillea bougainvilla
Bougainvillehonigfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Bougainville Honeyeater
Bougainvillemonarch {m} [ornith.]
| Bougainville Monarch
Bouguer-Schwereanomalie {f}
| Bouguer anomaly
Bouguersche Anomalie
| Bouguer anomaly
Bouillon {n} Fleischbrühe {f} [cook.]
| bouillon
Boulangerit {m} [min.]
| boulangerite
Bouldern {n} Klettern an Feslblöcken
| bouldering
Boulevard {m}
| Boulevard -Blvd-
Boulevard {n} Prachtstraße {f}
| boulevard
Boulevardpresse {f} Regenbogenpresse {f} Klatschpresse {f}
| tabloid press gutter press yellow press
Boulevardreporter {m} Boulevardreporterin {f}, Klatschreporter {m} Klatschreporterin {f}
| tabloid reporter
Boulevardreporter {pl} Boulevardreporterinnen {pl}, Klatschreporter {pl} Klatschreporterinnen {pl}
| tabloid reporters
Boulevardzeitung {f} Boulevardblatt {n} Klatschzeitung {f}
| tabloid newspaper tabloid
Boulevardzeitungen {pl} Boulevardblätter {pl} Klatschzeitungen {pl}
| tabloid newspapers tabloids
Bourbon {m} Bourbon-Whiskey {m}
| Bourbon Bourbon whiskey
Bourbone {m} Bourbonin {f}
| Bourbon
Bourbonen {pl} Bourboninnen {pl}
| Bourbons
Bournonit {m} Schwarzspießglanz {m} [min.]
| bournonite endellionite
Boutique {f}
| boutique millinery
Boutique-Hotel {n} kleines luxuriöses, teures Hotel
| boutique hotel
Boutiquen {pl}
| boutiques millineries
Bouvet-Insel [geogr.]
| Bouvet Island (bv)
Bouviernektarvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Southern Orange-tufted Sunbird
Bovist {m} bofist {m} [bot.]
| puffball
Bowdenzug {m} [techn.]
| Bowden wire Bowden cable
Bowle {f} (Gefäß)
| punchbowl bowl
Bowle {f} (Getränk)
| (cold) punch
Bowlen {pl}
| punchbowls bowls
Bowling gespielt gekegelt
| bowled
Bowling spielen kegeln
| to bowl
Bowling spielend kegelnd
| bowling
Bowlingbahn {f}
| bowling alley
Bowlingbahnen {pl}
| bowling alleys
Bowlingkugel {f}
| bowling ball
Bowlingkugeln {pl}
| bowling balls
Bowlingspiel {n} Bowling {n}
| bowling bowls
Box {f} (Pferdebox)
| box
Box {f} [sport]
| pit
Boxen {n} [sport]
| boxing
Boxen {pl}
| boxes
boxen {vi}
| to box
boxen {vt}
| to scuff to punch to spar
Boxenaufsicht {f}
| pit observer
Boxenausfahrt {f}
| pit lane exit
| boxing
| scuffing punching sparring
Boxengasse {f}
| pit lane
Boxengassen {pl}
| pit lanes
Boxenstopp {m}
| pit stop
Boxenstopps {pl}
| pit stops
Boxer {m}
| pugilist pug
Boxer {m} Boxerin {f} [sport]
| boxer
Boxer {pl}
| pugilists pugs
Boxer {pl} Boxerinnen {pl}
| boxers
Boxeraufstand {m} [hist.]
| Boxer Rebellion
Boxermotor {m}
| opposed cylinder engine engine with pistons reciprocating
Boxermotoren {pl}
| opposed cylinder engines engines with pistons reciprocating
Boxershorts {pl}
| boxer shorts
Boxhandschuh {m}
| boxing glove
Boxhandschuhe {pl}
| boxing gloves mittens
Boxkampf {m}
| boxing match boxing contest
Boxkämpfe {pl}
| boxing matches boxing contests
Boxpalette {f}
| box pallet
Boxpaletten {pl}
| box pallets
Boxspring-Matratze {f} Matratze mit Taschenfederkern im Gestell
| boxspring mattress
| boxes
| boxed
Boygroup {f} [mus.]
| boygroup
Boygroups {pl}
| boygroups
Boykott {m}
| boycott
boykottieren {vt}
| to boycot
| boycotting
Boykottierende {m,f} Boykottierender
| boycotter
Boykottierenden {pl} Boykottierende
| boycotters
| boycotted
| boycots
| boycotted
Boykottierung {f}
| boycotting
Boysenbeere {f} eine Art Brombeere [bot.]
| boysenberry
Bozen (Stadt in Italien)
| Bolzano (town in Italy)
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