german | english |
Paar {n}
| couple
Paar {n}
| pair
Paar {n}
| twosome
Paarbildung {f}
| pair production
Paare {pl}
| couples
Paare {pl}
| pairs
Paare {pl}
| twosomes
paaren sich paaren [zool.]
| to couple
paaren sich paaren decken lassen [zool.]
| to mate
paarend sich paarend
| coupling
paarend sich paarend decken lassend
| mating
Paarfunktion {f}
| pairing function
Paarfunktionen {pl}
| pairing functions
Paarhufer {m} Paarzeher {m} [zool.]
| even-toed ungulate
Paarhufer {pl} Paarzeher {pl}
| even-toed ungulates
paarhufig {adj}
| cloven-hoofed
| matched
paarig anordnen
| to geminate
paarig gefiedert
| paripinnate
paarig gepaart {adj}
| geminate
| in pairs
Paarlauf {m} (Radrennen) [sport]
| partner race
Paarlauf {m} Paarlaufen {n} [sport]
| pair-skating pairs
Paarläufer {m} Paarläuferin {f}
| pair-skater
Paarläufer {pl} Paarläuferinnen {pl}
| pair-skaters
Paarreim {m}
| rhyming couplet
Paarreime {pl}
| rhyming couplets
paarte sich
| paired
Paarung {f}
| pairing
Paarung {f} [zool.]
| mating
Paarungen {pl}
| pairings
Paarungsabmaß {n} [techn.]
| mating allowance
Paarungsflug {m} [zool.]
| mating flight
Paarungsflüge {pl}
| mating flights
Paarungsmaß {f} [techn.]
| mating size
Paarungsruf {m} [zool.]
| mating cry mating call
Paarungsrufe {pl}
| mating cries mating calls
Paarungsverhalten {n} [zool.]
| mating behaviour
Paarungszeit {f} [zool.]
| mating season
Paarverhältnis {n}
| couplehood
| by pairs
paarweise [math.]
| pairwise
paarweise {adj}
| geminate
paarweise {adv} in Paaren
| in pairs
Pachnolith {m} [min.]
| pachnolite
Pacht {f} Mietbesitz {m}
| leasehold
Pacht {f} Miete {f}
| lease
Pachtbauer {m}
| tenant farmer
Pachtbauern {pl}
| tenant farmers
Pachtdauer {f}
| term of lease
pachten mieten leasen {vt} (von)
| to lease (from)
pachtend mietend leasend
| leaseing
Pächter {m}
| leaseholder
Pächter {m} Pächterin {f} Mieter {m} Mieterin {f}
| lessee
Pächter {pl} Mieter {pl}
| tenantry
Pächter {pl} Pächterinnen {pl} Mieter {pl} Mieterinnen {pl}
| lessees
pachtet mietet
| leases
Pachtzins {m}
| rent
Pack {n}
| pack
Päckchen {n}
| small parcel
Päckchen {pl}
| small parcels
Packeis {n}
| pack ice
Packen Sie die zerbrechlichen Sachen extra.
| Pack the breakables separately.
packen anpacken {vt}
| to grapple
packen einpacken verpacken {vt}
| to pack
packen ergreifen {vt}
| to clench
packen zupacken fassen ergreifen greifen zugreifen hinlangen [ugs.] {vt}
| to grip
packend anpackend
| grappling
packend einpackend verpackend
| packing
packend ergreifend
| clenching
packend zupackend fassend ergreifend greifend zugreifend hinlangend
| gripping
Packer {m}
| packer
Packesel {m}
| pack mule packhorse burro
Packlage {f}
| bottoming base
Packliste {f}
| packing list
Packmaterial {n}
| packing materials
Packmaterial {n} Verpackungsmaterial {n}
| dunnage
Packmittel {n}
| packaging
Packpapier {n}
| packing paper wrapping paper
Packpapier {n}
| brown paper
Packpferd {n} Lastpferd {m}
| pack horse
Packpferde {pl} Lastpferde {pl}
| pack horses
Packsattel {m}
| packsaddle
Packsättel {pl}
| packsaddles
Packstück {n}
| package
packt ein verpackt
| boxes
packt ein verpackt wickelt ein hüllt ein umhüllt
| wraps wraps up
packt um
| repacks
packt voll stopft voll
| crams
packt vor packt ab
| prepackages prepacks
packt packt an
| grapples
packt packt ein verpackt
| packs
packt packt zu fasst ergreift greift greift zu langt zu
| grips
packte ein verpackte
| boxed
packte ein verpackte wickelte ein hüllte ein umhüllte
| wrapped wrapped up
packte um
| repacked
packte voll stopfte voll
| crammed
packte vor packte ab
| prepackaged prepacked
packte packte an
| grappled
packte packte ein verpackte
| packed
packte packte zu fasste ergriff griff griff zu langte zu
| gripped
Packung Kekse
| packet of biscuits
Packung {f}
| packet pack [Am.]
Packung {f} (Dichtungen)
| packing
Packung {f} [techn.]
| packing
Packung {f} Maske {f} (Medizin Kosmetik)
| poultice
Packung {f} Paket {n} Päckchen {n}
| package
Packungen {pl} Pakete {pl} Päckchen {pl}
| packages
Packungsbeilage {f}
| package insert
Packungsbeilage {f} Beipackzettel {m} Gebrauchsinformation {f} (bei Medikamenten)
| package leaflet -PAL- package information leaflet -PIL-
Packungsbeilagen {pl}
| package inserts
Packungsbeilagen {pl} Beipackzettel {pl} Gebrauchsinformationen {pl}
| package leaflet package information leaflets
Packungsdichte von Kontakten
| contact packing density
Packungsdichte {f}
| packaging density packing density
Packungseinheit {f}
| bulk pack bulk quantity
Packungsgröße {f}
| packaging size
Packungsgrößen {pl}
| packaging sizes
Packungsstützring {m} (Stopfbuchse) [mach.]
| gland
Packungsstützringe {pl}
| glands
Packzettel {m}
| packing slip
Packzettel {pl}
| packing slips
Packzwirn {m}
| packthread
Pädagoge {m}
| pedagogue pedagog [Am.]
Pädagoge {m} Pädagogin {f}
| teacher educationist educationalist
Pädagogen {pl}
| pedagogues pedagogs
Pädagogen {pl} Pädagoginnen {pl}
| teachers educationists educationalists
Pädagogik {f} Erziehungswissenschaft {f}
| pedagogy [Am.] paedagogy [Br.] education
pädagogisch {adj}
| pedagogic pedagogical
pädagogisch {adv}
| pedagogically
pädagogische Psychologie
| educational psychology
pädagogische Strategien
| educational strategies
pädagogische Unterstützung und Beratung
| pedagogical support
Paddel {n}
| paddle
Paddel {n}
| paddles
Paddelboot {n}
| canoe
Paddelboote {pl}
| canoes
paddeln rudern {vi}
| to paddle
| paddling
Paddelrührwerk {n} [techn.]
| paddle agitator
Paddelrührwerke {pl}
| paddle agitators
Paddelschnecke {f} [mach.]
| screw paddle conveyor
Paddelschnecken {pl}
| screw paddle conveyors
| paddles
| paddled
Paddelwelle {f} [mach.]
| paddle shaft
Paddelwellen {pl}
| paddle shafts
Paddyreiher {m} [ornith.]
| Indian Pond Heron
Päderast {m}
| pederast paederast [Br.]
Päderasten {pl}
| pederasts paederasts
Päderastie {f} Knabenliebe {f}
| pederasty paederasty [Br.]
pädiatrisch die Kinderheilkunde betreffend [med.]
| pediatric [Am.] paediatric [Br.]
Pädophile {m,f}
| pedophile [Am.] paedophile [Br.]
Pädophilie {f}
| pedophilia [Am.] paedophilia [Br.]
Paella {f} [cook.]
| paella
paffen {vi}
| to puff away to puff
paffen {vi}
| to whiff
| puffing away puffing
| whiffing
Paffer {m}
| puffer
| puffs away puffs
| whiffs
| puffed away puffed
Page {m} [hist.]
| page
Pagelzement {m} [constr.]
| non-shrink grout
Pagen {pl}
| pages
Pagenfrisur {f} Pagenkopf {m}
| page-boy hait cut page-boy hair style pageboy bobbed hair
paginieren {vt}
| to paginate
| paginating
| paginated
| paginates
| paginated
Paginierung {f}
| pagination
Pago Pago (Hauptstadt von Amerikanisch-Samoa)
| Pago Pago (capital of American Samoa)
Pagode {f}
| pagoda
Pagoden {pl}
| pagodas
Pagodenkauz {m} [ornith.]
| Spotted Wood Owl
Pagodenstar {m} [ornith.]
| Black-headed Starling
Paillette {f} glitzerndes Plättchen auf Kleidung [textil.]
| sequin
Pailletten {pl}
| sequins
Paintball {m} Gotcha [ugs.] [sport] (Mannschaftsspiel mit Farbkugeln)
| paintball
Paisleymuster {n} Paisley [textil.]
| Paisley pattern Paisley Persian pickles
Paket {n}
| packet
Paket {n} Päckchen {n}
| parcel
Paket-Endstation {f}
| packet terminal
Paketannahme {f}
| parcel counter
Paketband {n}
| package tape
Paketbombe {f}
| parcel bomb
Paketbomben {pl}
| parcel bombs
Paketdienst {m}
| parcel service
Paketdienste {pl}
| parcel services
Pakete {pl}
| packets
Pakete {pl} Päckchen
| parcels
Paketfilter {m} [comp.]
| packet filter
| to packet
paketieren zusammenfügen {vt}
| to packetize
paketierend zusammenfügend
| packetizing
Paketierpresse {f} [techn.]
| baling press
Paketierpressen {pl}
| baling presses
paketiert zusammengefügt
| packetized
Paketkarte {f}
| parcel registration card
Paketkarten {pl}
| parcel registration cards
Paketkessel {m} [mach.]
| package boiler
Paketkessel {pl}
| package boilers
Paketpost {f}
| parcel post [Br.]
Paketpreis {m}
| package price
Paketpreise {pl}
| package prices
Paketschalter {m}
| parcel counter
Paketschalter {pl}
| parcel counters
paketvermittelt {adj}
| packet-switched
Paketvermittlungsnetz {n}
| packet switching network
Paketzusteller {m}
| parcel deliverer parcel postman [Br.]
Paketzusteller {pl}
| parcel deliverers parcel postmen
Paketzustellung {f}
| parcel delivery
Paketzustellungen {pl}
| parcel deliveries
Pakistan [geogr.]
| Pakistan (pk)
Pakistaner {m} Pakistanerin {f} Pakistani {m} [geogr.]
| Pakistani
pakistanisch {adj} [geogr.]
| Pakistani
Pakt {m}
| pact
Pakte {pl}
| pacts
paktfähig sein [pol.]
| to be capable of keeping a bargain trustworthy [Br.]
Paktfähigkeit {f} [pol.]
| ability to keep a bargain
Paladin {m} treuer Gefolgsmann ergebener Anhänger
| paladin
Paladinen {pl}
| paladins
Palagonit {m} [min.]
| palagonite
Palakuruhonigfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Scarlet-throated Honeyeater
paläobotanisch {adj}
| paleobotanical palaeobotanical
Paläobreite {f} [geol.]
| paleolatitude [Am.] palaeolatitude [Br.] paleomeridian [Am.] palaeomeridian [Br.]
Paläogen {n} [geol.]
| Paleogene [Am.] Palaeogene [Br.]
Paläogeographie {f} [geogr.] [hist.]
| paleogeography [Am.] palaeogeography [Br.]
paläogeographisch {adj}
| paleogeographical [Am.] palaeogeographical [Br.]
Paläografie {f} Paläographie {f} Lehre von alten Schriften
| palaeography [Br.] paleography [Am.]
paläoklimatisch {adj}
| paleoclimatic [Am.] palaeoclimatic [Br.]
Paläoklimatologie {f}
| paleoclimatology [Am.] palaeoclimatology [Br.]
Paläolithiker {m}
| Paleolithic
Paläolithikum {n} Altsteinzeit {f} [hist.]
| Paleolithic Palaeolithic old stone age
paläolithisch {adj} [geol.]
| Paleolithic [Am.] Palaeolithic [Br.]
paläolithologische Karte
| paleolithologic map
paläomagnetisch {adj} [geol.]
| paleomagnetic [Am.] palaeomagnetic [Br.]
Paläomagnetismus {m} [geol.]
| paleomagnetism [Am.] palaeomagnetism [Br.]
Paläontologe {m} Paläontologin {f}
| palaeontologist [Br.] paleotologist [Am.] fossilist
Paläontologen {pl} Paläontologinnen {pl}
| palaeontologists paleotologists fossilists
Paläontologie {f} (Wissenschaft vom Leben der Vorzeit)
| palaeontology [Br.] paleontology [Am.] fossilogy biological geology
paläontologisch {adj} [geol.]
| paleontological paleontologic [Am.] palaeontological palaeontologic [Br.]
Paläoökologie {f} [geol.]
| paleoecology [Am.] palaeoecology
Paläosom {n} [geol.]
| paleosome [Am.] palaeosome
Paläotemperatur {f} [geol.]
| paleotemperature [Am.] palaeotemperature
Paläozän {n} [geol.]
| Paleocene Palaeocene (series epoch)
Paläozoikum [geol.]
| Paleozoic [Am.] Palaeozoic [Br.]
paläozoisch {adj} [geol.]
| paleozoic palaeozoic
Palas {m}
| great hall
Palast {m} Palais {n}
| palace
palastartig {adj}
| palatial
palastartig {adv}
| palatially
Paläste {pl}
| palaces
Palästina [geogr.]
| Palestine (ps)
Palästinenser {m} Palästinenserin {f} [geogr.]
| Palestinian
Palästinenser {pl} Palästinenserinnen {pl}
| Palestinians
palästinensisch {adj} [geogr.]
| Palestinian
Palastrevolution {f}
| palace revolution
Palastrevolutionen {pl}
| palace revolutions
Palatalisierung {f} [ling.]
| palatalization
Palatschinke {f} [Ös.] [cook.]
| pancake (sometimes stuffed)
Palatschinken {pl} [Ös.]
| pancakes
Palau [geogr.]
| Palau (pw)
Palaubuschsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Palau Bush Warbler
Palaueule {f} [ornith.]
| Palau Scops Owl
Palaufächerschwanz {m} [ornith.]
| Palau Fantail
Palaufruchttaube {f} [ornith.]
| Palau Fruit Dove
palavern quatschen salbadern [ugs.] (über)
| to spout (about)
palavernd quatschend salbadernd
| spouting
palavert gequatscht salbadert [ugs.]
| spouted
Palawan-Halsbandeule {f} [ornith.]
| Palawan Scops Owl
Palawan-Spatelschwanzpapagei {m} [ornith.]
| Palawan Racket-tailed Parrot
Palawanblattvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Palawan Leafbird
Palawandickkopf {m} [ornith.]
| Palawan Whistler
Palawangrundschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
| Palawan Flycatcher
Palawanhornvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Palawan Hornbill
Palawanmistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Palawan Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker
Palawanwolltimalie {f} [ornith.]
| Palawan Wren Babbler
Palawanzweigtimalie {f} [ornith.]
| Palawan Tree Babbler
Palembang (Stadt in Indonesien)
| Palembang (city in Indonesia)
Palembang-Kugelfisch {m} (Tetraodon biocellatus) [zool.]
| figure-eight puffer
Paletot {m} weiter Überrock [textil.]
| paletot
Palette {f} (Farb-)
| palette
Palette {f} Holzpalette {f}
| pallet stillage wooden pallet
Paletten {pl}
| palettes
Paletten {pl} Holzpaletten {pl}
| pallets stillages wooden pallets
Paletten-Doktorfisch {m} (Paracanthurus hepatus) [zool.]
| blue tang
Palettendispenser {m} [techn.]
| palletizer pallet dispenser
Palettendispenser {pl}
| palletizers pallet dispensers
Palettenprofilkontrolle {f} [techn.]
| pallet profile check
Palettiergerät {n} [techn.]
| palletizer pallet loader
Palettiergeräten {pl}
| palletizers pallet loaders
Palikir (Hauptstadt von Mikronesien)
| Palikir (capital of Micronesia)
Palila [ornith.]
| Palila
Palimpsest {m,n} nach Reinigen neu beschriebenes Manuskript
| palimpsest
Palindrom {n}
| palindrome
Palindrome {pl}
| palindromes
Palingenese {f} [geol.]
| palingenesis palingeny
Palisade {f}
| palisade
Palisade {f}
| stockade
Palisaden {pl}
| palisades
Palisadenabsperrung {f}
| palisaded
Palisadenzaun {m}
| palisade trench
Palisadenzaun {m} Palisade {f}
| picket fence
palisadieren mit einer Palisade sperren
| to palisade
Palisander {m} , Rosenholz
| rosewood
Palladium {n} [chem.]
| palladium
palliativ lindernd krankheitsmildernd {adj} [med.]
| palliative
Palliativa {pl} Linderungsmittel {pl}
| palliative drugs
Palliativbehandlung {f} [med.]
| palliative treatment
Palliativbehandlungen {pl}
| palliative treatments
Palliativbestrahlung {f} [med.]
| palliative radiation
Palliativbestrahlungen {pl}
| palliative radiations
Palliativmedizin {f} palliative Medizin {f} [med.]
| palliative medicine
Palliativoperation {f} [med.]
| palliative surgery
Palliativoperationen {pl}
| palliative surgeries
Palliativum {n} Palliativ {n} Linderungsmittel {n} [med.]
| palliative drug
Palmaritodrossel {f} [ornith.]
| Unicoloured Thrush
Palmenkrähe {f} [ornith.]
| Palm Crow
Palmenlori {m} [ornith.]
| Palm Lorikeet
palmenreich {adj}
| palmy
| palmier
Palmenschwätzer {m} [ornith.]
| Palm Chat
Palmensegler {m} [ornith.]
| African Palm Swift
Palmentangare {f} [ornith.]
| Palm Tanager
Palmenwaldsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Palm Warbler
Palmenweber {m} [ornith.]
| Golden Palm Weaver
Palmenwedel {n} Palmenzweig {m}
| palm branch
Palmenwedel {pl} Palmenzweige {pl}
| palm branches
Palmerklarino [ornith.]
| Small Kauai Thrush
Palmertangare {f} [ornith.]
| Grey & Gold Tanager
Palmfett {n} [cook.]
| palm butter
Palmgeier {m} [ornith.]
| Palm-nut Vulture
Palmöl {n}
| palm oil
Palmomentalreflex {m} palmomentaler Reflex [med.]
| palm-chin reflex
Palmsonntag {m}
| Palm Sunday
Palmsteiger {m} [ornith.]
| Point-tailed Palmcreeper
Palmtaube {f} [ornith.]
| Laughing Dove
Palmwedel {m}
| palm leaf
Palmwedel {pl}
| palm leaves
Palmyrapalme {f} [bot.]
| palmyra palm
Palmyrapalmen {pl}
| palmyra palms
palpebral das Augenlid betreffend {adj} [med.]
| palpebral eyelid-related
Palpitation {f} Herzklopfen {n} [med.]
| palpitation (of the heart)
Palstek {m} [naut.]
| bowline bowline hitch
Pamelakolibri {m} [ornith.]
| Black-hooded Sunbeam
Pamirlaubsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Sulphur-bellied Willow Warbler
Pampa {f} [geogr.]
| pampa
Pampaammer {f} [ornith.]
| Great Pampa Finch
Pampahuhn {n} [ornith.]
| Red-winged Tinamou
Pampas {pl}
| pampas
Pampashase {m} Mara {m} [zool.]
| mara pampas hare (Dolichotis)
Pampashasen {pl} Maras {pl}
| maras pampas hares
Pampashuhn {n} [zool.]
| tinamou
Pampashühner {pl}
| tinamous
Pampaskatze {n} [zool.]
| pampas cat
Pampaskatzen {pl}
| pampas cats
Pampe {f} (Essen) [ugs.]
| stodge
Pampe {f} Mus {m} Brei {m}
| mush
Pampelmuse {f}
| shaddock
Pamphlet {n}
| lampoon
Panama [geogr.]
| Panama (pa)
Panamaammer {f} [ornith.]
| Black-striped Sparrow
Panamaer {m} Panamaerin {f} [geogr.]
| Panamanian
Panamagelbkehlchen {n} [ornith.]
| Chiriqui Yellowthroat
panamaisch {adj} [geogr.]
| Panamanian
Panamakanal {m} [geogr.]
| Panama Canal
Panamalaubtyrann {m} [ornith.]
| Yellow-green Tyrannulet
Panamapitpit {m} [ornith.]
| Viridian Dacnis
Panamaschopfohr {n} [ornith.]
| Buffy Tuftedcheek
Panamatyrann {m} [ornith.]
| Panama Flycatcher
Panayraupenfänger {m} [ornith.]
| Philippines Greybird
Panda {m} [zool.]
| panda
Pandas {pl}
| pandas
Pandemie {f} Epidemie {f} Seuche {f} mit großer Verbreitung
| pandemic
pandemisch {adj}
| pandemic
Pandschab {n} [geogr.]
| Punjab
Panflöte {f} [mus.]
| pipes of Pan
Panflöten {pl}
| pipes of Pan
Pangäa {f} Pangaea {f} Urkontinent der Erde [geol.]
| Pangaea
Panganipieper {m} [ornith.]
| Pangani Longclaw
Panhardstab {m} [techn.]
| Panhard rod
panieren {vt} [cook.]
| to crumb to bread to coat with breadcrumbs
| crumbing breading
Paniermehl {n} [cook.]
| breadcrumbs
| crumbed breaded
| crumbs breads
| crumbed breaded
Panik ausgelöst in Panik versetzt
| panicked
Panik auslösen
| to create a scare
Panik auslösen in Panik versetzen
| to panic
Panik auslösend in Panik versetzend
| panicking
Panik {f}
| panic
Panik {f} Bangemachen {n} Schwarzseherei {f}
| alarmism
panikartig {adj}
| panicky
Panikattacke {f}
| panic attack
Panikattacken {pl}
| panic attacks
Panikkäufe {pl}
| panic buying
Panikmacher {m} Panikmacherin {f} Bangemacher {m} Bangemacherin {f}
| alarmist
Panikmacher {pl} Panikmacherinnen {pl} Bangemacher {pl} Bangemacherinnen {pl}
| alarmists
panisch {adj}
| panic
panisch {adv}
| panicly
panisch kopflos von Angst ergriffen von panischem Schrecken gepackt {adj}
| panic-stricken
panisch überängstlich {adj}
| panicky
panische Angst haben
| to feel panicky
| more panic
Pankarditis {f} Entzündung aller Schichten der Herzwand [med.]
| pancarditis
Pankreasadenom {n} [med.]
| pancreatic adenoma
Pankreasinselzelladenom {n} [med.]
| pancreatic islet cell adenoma
Pankreasinsuffizienz {f} [med.]
| pancreatic insufficiency
Pankreastumor {m} [med.]
| pancreatic tumor
Pankreastumoren {pl}
| pancreatic tumors
Pankreatitis {f} Bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung {f} Entzündung der Bauchspeicheldrüse [med.]
| pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas
Panne {f} Missgeschick {n} Malheur {n}
| mishap slip-up
Panne {f} Motorschaden {m}
| breakdown
Pannen {pl} Motorschäden {pl}
| breakdowns
Pannendienst {m} Pannenhilfe {f}
| breakdown service
Pannendienste {pl} Pannenhilfen {pl}
| breakdown services
Pannenstreifen {m}
| service lane breakdown lane
Pannenstreifen {pl}
| service lanes breakdown lanes
Panniculitis {f} Entzündung des Unterhaut-Fettgewebes [med.]
| panniculitis
Pannon {n} [geol.]
| Pannonian (stage)
Panoptikum {n} (von Kuriositäten)
| collection of curios
Panorama {n}
| panorama
Panorama-Durchsichtsucher {m}
| panorama optical finder
Panoramablick {m}
| panoramic view
Panoramablicke {pl}
| panoramic views
Panoramafenster {n}
| picture window [Am.]
Panoramafenster {pl}
| picture windows
| panoramic
panoramisch {adv}
| panoramically
Pansen {m} [anat.]
| rumen
Panter {m} Panther {m} [alt]
| panther
Panter {pl} Panther {pl}
| panthers
Pantheismus {m}
| pantheism
Panthermeise {f} [ornith.]
| Elegant Tit
Pantherzaunkönig {m} [ornith.]
| Stripe-backed Wren
| pantomimic
Pantoffel {m}
| slipper scuff
Pantoffelblume {f} (Calceolaria) [bot.]
| slipperwort
Pantoffelblumen {pl}
| slipperworts
Pantoffelheld {m}
| henpecked husband
Pantoffeln {pl}
| slippers
Pantoffeltierchen {n} Paramecium {n} [zool.]
| paramecium
Pantoffeltierchen {pl} Paramecien {pl}
| paramecia
Pantomime aufführen
| to pantomime
Pantomime {f}
| mime dumb show pantomime
Pantomime {m,f} Pantomimin {f}
| mime
Panzer {m} [biol.] (Morph.)
| wear-resistant housing shield
Panzer {m} [mil.]
| tank panzer
Panzer {m} Rüstung {f}
| armor [Am.] armour [Br.]
Panzer {pl}
| tanks
Panzer {pl}
| wear-resistant housings shields
Panzerabwehr {f}
| antitank
Panzerabwehrmine {f} [mil.]
| anti-tank mine AT mine
Panzerabwehrminen {pl}
| anti-tank mines
Panzerabwehrwaffe {f} [mil.]
| anti-tank weapon
Panzerabwehrwaffen {pl}
| anti-tank weapons
Panzerbordkanone {f} [mil.]
| tank gun
Panzerbordkanonen {pl}
| tank guns
Panzerbüchse {f} [mil.]
| anti-tank rifle
Panzerbüchsen {pl}
| anti-tank rifles
Panzerdivision {f} [mil.]
| armoured division [Br.] armored division [Am.]
Panzerdivisionen {pl}
| armoured divisions armored divisions
Panzerfaust {f} [mil.]
| bazooka rocket-propelled grenade rocket-powered grenade -RPG-
Panzerglas {n}
| bullet-proof glass
Panzergrenadier {m} Panzergrenadiertruppe {f} [mil.]
| mechanised infantry [Br.] mechanized infantry [Am.]
Panzerjäger {m} [mil.]
| tank destroyer
Panzerjäger {pl}
| tank destroyers
Panzerkommandant {m} [mil.]
| tank commander
Panzerkommandanten {pl}
| tank commanders
Panzerkommunismus {m} [pol.]
| tank-backed communism
panzern {vt}
| to armour plate
| armour-plating
Panzerplatte {f} [techn.]
| armour plate [Br.] armor plate [Am.]
Panzerplatten {pl}
| armour plates armor plates
Panzerrohr {n}
| armoured conduit [Br.] armored conduit [Am.]
Panzerrohre {pl}
| armoured conduits armored conduits
Panzerrohrgewinde {n} -PG-
| armoured conduit thread
Panzerschiff {n}
| ironclad
Panzerschiffe {pl}
| ironclads
Panzersperre {f} [mil.]
| tank trap
Panzersperren {pl}
| tank traps
Panzersteckrohr {n}
| high-strength plastic sleeve conduit
Panzersteckrohre {pl}
| high-strength plastic sleeve conduits
Panzertruppe {f} Panzercorps {n} [mil.]
| armoured corps [Br.] armored corps [Am.] tank force
Panzertruppen {pl}
| tank forces
Panzertür {f}
| steel-reinforced door
Panzertüren {pl}
| steel-reinforced doors
Panzerung {f}
| plating armour-plating armour [Br.] armor
Panzerung {f}
| hard facing hard surface
Panzerung {f} (Erzaufbereitung) [min.]
| anti-wear lining
Panzerungen {pl}
| hard facings hard surfaces
Panzerwels {m} (Coridoradinae) [zool.]
| cory (cat)
Panzytopenie {f} [med.]
| pancytopenia
Papa {m} Paps {m}
| dad daddy pa
Papagei {m} [ornith.]
| parrot
Papageibreitrachen {n} [ornith.]
| Long-tailed Broadbill
Papageien {pl}
| parrots
Papageienblatt {n} [bot.] (Alternanthera)
| scarlet hygro
Papageienfisch {m} [zool.]
| Parrotfish
Papageienfische {pl}
| Parrotfishes
Papageienkrankheit {f} [med.]
| parrot fever
Papageienplaty {m} (Xiphphorus variatus) [zool.]
| variatus platy
Papageischnabel-Darwinfink {m} [ornith.]
| Large Insectivorous Tree Finch
Papageischnabelgimpel {m} [ornith.]
| Maui Parrotbill
Papageischnabelpfäffchen {n} [ornith.]
| Parrot-billed Seedeater
Papageischnabelsaltator [ornith.]
| Black-throated Grosbeak
Papageischnabelsperling {m} [ornith.]
| Parrot-billed Sparrow
Papageischnabeltaube {f} [ornith.]
| Thick-billed Green Pigeon
Papageitangare {f} [ornith.]
| Grass-green Tanager
Papageitaucher {m} [ornith.]
| Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica)
Paparazzi {pl}
| paparazzi
Paparazzo {m}
| paparazzo
Papaya {f} [bot.]
| papaya papaia pawpaw
Papayabaum {m} [bot.]
| papaya tree
Papeete (Hauptstadt von Französisch-Polynesien)
| Papeete (capital of French Polynesia)
Papel {f} Knötchen {n} Hautknötchen {n} [med.]
| papule mole
Papier {n}
| paper
papierartig papierähnlich {adj}
| papery paperlike
Papierbogen {m}
| sheet of paper
Papierbogen {m}
| piece of paper
Papierbögen {pl}
| sheets of paper
Papierdicke {f}
| paper caliper paper thickness
Papiere {pl}
| papers
Papierfabrik {f}
| papermill paper mill
Papierfabriken {pl}
| papermills paper mills
Papierfähnchen {n}
| paper pennant
Papierfetzen {m}
| scrap of paper
Papierflugzeug {n} Papierflieger {m}
| paper plane paper airplane
Papierflugzeuge {pl} Papierflieger {pl}
| paper planes paper airplanes
papierfrei {adj}
| paper-free
Papiergeld {n}
| rag money
Papierhalter {m}
| bail bar
Papierhandtuch {n}
| paper towel
Papierhandtücher {pl}
| paper towels
Papierherstellung {f}
| paper production
Papierklemmbrett {n}
| clipboard
| Recycle bin (Microsoft Windows)
Papierkorb {m}
| wastebasket waste-paper basket
Papierkörbe {pl}
| wastebaskets waste-paper baskets
Papierkram {m} [ugs.]
| red tape bumf bumph [coll.]
Papierkrieg {m}
| paper-warfare
papierlos {adj}
| paperless
Papierofen {m}
| paper kiln
Papierproduktion {f}
| paper production
Papierrolle {f}
| paper roll
Papierrollen {pl}
| paper rolls
Papierschacht {m}
| paper tray paper feeder
Papierschächte {pl}
| paper trays paper feeders
Papierschicht {f}
| layer of paper covering of paper
Papierschichten {pl}
| layers of paper coverings of paper
Papierserviette {f}
| paper napkin
Papierservietten {pl}
| paper napkins
Papiersorte {f} Papierqualität {f}
| paper grade
Papierstapel {m}
| stack of paper
Papierstapel {pl}
| stacks of paper
Papierstau {m}
| lint
Papierstau {m} Papierstauung {f}
| paper jam jam
Papierstauung {f} (Drucker)
| jamming
Papierstreifen {m}
| wrapper
Papierstückchen {pl}
| paper shavings
Papiertaschentuch {n} Tempo {n} [tm]
| paper handkerchief (soft) tissue Kleenex [tm]
Papiertaschentücher {pl}
| paper handkerchiefs tissues
Papiertiger {m}
| paper tiger
Papiertransport nach dem Druck
| space after
Papiertransport vor dem Druck
| space before
Papiertuch {n}
| cleansing tissue
Papiertücher {pl}
| cleansing tissues
Papiertüte {f} Papiersack {m}
| paper bag
Papiertüten {pl} Papiersäcke {pl}
| paper bags
Papiervorschub nach dem Drucken [comp.]
| advance after
Papiervorschub nach dem Drucken [comp.]
| skip after
Papiervorschub vor dem Drucken [comp.]
| advance before
Papiervorschub vor dem Drucken [comp.]
| skip before
Papierwährung {f}
| paper currency
Papierware {f}
| stationery
Papierwaren {pl}
| stationeries
Papierzuführung {f} Papierzufuhr {f}
| paper feed feed
papillär warzenförmig {adj} [med.]
| papillary
Papille {f}
| papilla
Papillen {pl}
| papillae
Papillenödem {n} [med.]
| papilloedema
Papillitis {f} Entzündung einer Papille [med.]
| papillitis
Papismus {m}
| papism
Papist {m} Papistin {f}
| papist
Papisten {pl} Papistinnen {pl}
| papists
Pappband {n}
| paperback
Pappdeckel {m} Pappe {f}
| cardboard pasteboard
Pappe {f}
| paperboard
Pappeinband {m}
| paperback
Pappel {f} [bot.]
| poplar
Pappeln {pl}
| poplars
Pappelschwärmer {m} (Falter) [zool.]
| poplar hawkmoth (Laothoe populi)
Pappelwaldsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Cerulean Warbler
Papphütte {f}
| cardboard shack
Papphütten {pl}
| cardboard shacks
pappiger Schnee
| cloggy snow
Pappkarton {m}
| cardbox
Pappkartons {pl}
| cardboxes
Pappmaché {n} Pappmaschee {n}
| papier-mâché papier-mache
Pappnase {f}
| false nose cardboard nose
Pappnasen {pl}
| false noses cardboard noses
Pappschachtel {f}
| cardboard box
Pappschachteln {pl}
| cardboard boxes
Pappschnee {m}
| sticky snow
Paprika {f} (Schote)
| green pepper sweet pepper capsicum
Paprika {m} (Gewürz) [cook.]
| paprika
Paprikaschote {f}
| paprika pepper bell pepper
Paprikaschoten {pl}
| paprika peppers bell peppers
Papst {m} Pontifex (maximus) {m}
| Pope Catholic Pope Pontiff
Päpste {pl}
| Popes
Papstfink {m} [ornith.]
| Painted Bunting
päpstlich {adj}
| papal
Papsttum {n}
| papacy
| Papuan
Papua-Neuguinea [geogr.]
| Papua New Guinea (pg)
Papuaadler {m} [ornith.]
| New Guinea Harpy Eagle
Papuaatzel [ornith.]
| Yellow-faced Mynah
Papuabaumrutscher {m} [ornith.]
| Papuan Treecreeper
Papuabrillenvogel {m} [ornith.]
| New Guinea Mountain White-eye
Papuahonigfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Mimic Meliphaga
Papuakleiber {m} [ornith.]
| Papuan Sitella
Papualalage {f} [ornith.]
| Black-browed Triller
Papualaubsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Island Leaf Warbler
Papualederkopf {m} [ornith.]
| New Guinea Friarbird
Papualori {m} [ornith.]
| Papuan Lory
Papuamistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Olive-crowned Flowerpecker
Papuanachtschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
| Papuan Nightjar
Papuapapageiamadine {f} [ornith.]
| Papuan Parrot Finch
Papuapieper {m} [ornith.]
| New Guinea Pipit
Papuasalangane {f} [ornith.]
| Idenburg River Swiftlet
Papuaschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
| Papuan Microeca Flycatcher
Papuaschwalm {m} [ornith.]
| Papua Frogmouth
Papuasegler {m} [ornith.]
| New Guinea Spinetailed Swift
Papuasericornis [ornith.]
| Papuan Sericornis
Papuasittich {m} [ornith.]
| Green-winged King Parrot
Papuateichhuhn {n} [ornith.]
| Dusky Moorhen
Papuaweih {m} [ornith.]
| Crested Baza
Papuawürgatzel [ornith.]
| Black-headed Butcher Bird
Papyrus {m}
| papyrus
Papyrusgirlitz {m} [ornith.]
| Papyrus Canary
Papyrusrohrsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Rufous Swamp Warbler
Papyruswürger {m} [ornith.]
| Mufumbiri Shrike
Parabel {f} [math.]
| parabola
Parabel {m} (Gleichnis)
| parable
Parabelbogen {m}
| parabolic arc
Parabelbögen {pl}
| parabolic arcs
parabelförmig {adj}
| parabolic
Parabolantenne {f}
| dish antenna
Parabolantennen {pl}
| dish antennas
parabolisch {adv}
| parabolically
Parade {f} Korso {m}
| parade
Paradebeispiel {n}
| prime example poster child [fig.]
Paradebeispiele {pl}
| prime examples
Paradeiser {m} [Ös.]
| tomato
Paradeiser {pl} [Ös.]
| tomatoes
Paraden {pl}
| parades
Paradeplatz {m} [mil.]
| parade parade ground
| to flaunt
| to prance
| flaunting
| prancing
paradierend {adv}
| prancingly
| flaunts
| pranced
| prances
| flaunted
| pranced
Paradies {n}
| paradise
Paradiese {pl}
| paradises
Paradiesglanzvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Paradise Jacamar
paradiesisch {adj}
| paradisiac paradisiacal
Paradieskasarka [ornith.]
| Paradise Shelduck
Paradieskranich {m} [ornith.]
| Blue Crane
Paradiesliest [ornith.]
| White-tailed Kingfisher
Paradiessittich {m} [ornith.]
| Paradise Parrot
Paradiesvogel {m} (Sternbild) [astron.]
| Apus bird of paradise
Paradiesvogel {m} [ornith.]
| bird of paradise
Paradiesvögel {pl}
| birds of paradise
Paradigma {n}
| paradigm
Paradigmen {pl}
| paradigms
Paradigmenwechsel {m}
| paradigm shift
Paradigmenwechsel {pl}
| paradigm shifts
paradox {adj}
| paradoxical paradoxial paradoxal
paradoxe Hormontherapie
| contrahormonal therapy
| more paradoxical
paradoxerweise seltsamerweise {adv}
| paradoxically
Paradoxon {n} Paradox {n}
| paradox
Paraffin {n}
| paraffin
paraffiniert {adj}
| coated with paraffin wax
Paragenese {f} [min.]
| paragenesis association assemblage
paragenetisch {adj} [min.]
| paragenetic associate
paragenetische Abfolge
| paragenetic succession
parageosynklinal {adj}
| parageosynclinal
Parageosynklinale {f} [550+] [geol.]
| parageosyncline minor geosyncline marginal geosyncline intracratonal geosyncline
Paragestein {n} [550+] [geol.]
| para-rock
Paragliding {n} Gleitschirmfliegen {n} [sport]
| paragliding
Paragneis {m} [min.]
| paragneiss sedimentary gneiss
Paragonit {m} [min.]
| paragonite
Paragraf {m} Paragraph {m} [alt]
| section article
Paragraf {m} Paragraph {m} [alt]
| paragraph
Paragrafen {pl} Paragraphen {pl}
| sections articles
Paragrafen {pl} Paragraphen {pl} [alt]
| paragraphs
Paragrafen-Zeichen {n} Paragraphen-Zeichen {m} [alt]
| paragraph sign section sign (§)
Paragrafendickicht {n} Paragraphendickicht {n} Paragrafendschungel {m} Paragraphendschungel {m} [übtr.]
| jungle of paragraphs
Paraguay [geogr.]
| Paraguay (py)
Paraguayer {m} Paraguayerin {f} [geogr.]
| Paraguayan
paraguayisch {adj} [geogr.]
| Paraguayan
paralisch {adj}
| paralic
parallaktische Achse
| equatorial axis
Parallaxe {f}
| parallax
parallel gelaufen zu parallel verlaufen zu
| run parallel to
parallel geschaltet
| connected in parallel
parallel laufen zu parallel verlaufen zu {vi}
| to run parallel to
parallel laufend zu parallel verlaufend zu
| running parallel to
parallel schalten
| to shunt
parallel schalten {vt}
| to connect in parallel
parallel schaltend
| connecting in parallel
parallel zu
| in parallel with parallel to
parallel {adj} (zu) [math.]
| parallel (to)
Parallel-Buckelpiste {f}
| dual moguls
Parallel-Schnittstelle {f}
| parallel interface
parallel-seriell {adj}
| parallel-to-serial parallel-serial
Parallel-Seriell-Umsetzung {f}
| parallel-to-serial conversion
Parallel-Serien-Umschalter {m}
| dynamicizer
Parallel-Übertragung {f}
| carry look
Parallelanschlag {m} [mach.]
| rip fence
Parallelbetrieb {m}
| parallel operation
Parallelbezeichnung {f} Pseudonym {n}
| alias
Parallelbezeichnungen {pl} Pseudonymen {pl}
| aliases
Paralleldrahtleitung {f} [electr.]
| twin-lead cable
Paralleldrahtleitungen {pl}
| twin-lead cables
parallele Auslöschung
| parallel extinction
parallele Rechnerstrukturen
| parallel computer architecture
Parallele {f} [math.]
| parallel
Parallele {f} Gegenstück {n}
| parallel
Parallelen {pl} Gegenstücke {pl}
| parallels
Parallelendmaß {n}
| gauge block
paralleler Flansch
| parallel flange
Parallelflächner {m}
| parallel-epiped
Parallelgesellschaft {f}
| parallel society
Parallelgesellschaften {pl}
| parallel societies
Parallelimport {m} Paralleleinfuhr {f}
| parallel import
Parallelimporte {pl} Paralleleinfuhren {pl}
| parallel imports
Parallelinstallation {f} [comp.]
| parallel installation
Parallelinstallationen {pl}
| parallel installations
| to parallelize
| parallelizing
| parallelized
Parallelisierung {f}
| parallelizing
Parallelismen {pl}
| parallelisms
Parallelität {f} (Reifen)
| toe
Parallelität {f} Parallelismus {m}
| parallelism
Parallelkoordinaten {pl}
| parallel coordinates
Parallelogramm {n}
| parallelogram
Parallelogramm {n}
| rhomboid
Parallelogramme {pl}
| parallelograms
Parallelrechner {m} [comp.]
| parallel computer simultaneous computer
Parallelrechner {pl}
| parallel computers simultaneous computers
Parallelregister {n} [comp.]
| parallel register
Parallelregister {pl}
| parallel registers
Parallelreißer {m}
| surface gauge
Parallelschaltung {f}
| parallel connection
Parallelschaltung {f}
| shunt circuit
Parallelschaltung {f} von Federn
| springs in parallel
Parallelschaltungen {pl}
| parallel connections
Parallelschieferung {f} [550+] [geol.]
| bedding cleavage
Parallelschnittstelle {f}
| auxiliary interface
Parallelschnittstelle {f} Interface parallel {n}
| interface (parallel)
Parallelschraubstock {m}
| parallel-jaw vise
Parallelschraubstöcke {pl}
| parallel-jaw vises
Parallelschraubzwinge {f}
| parallel screw clamp
Parallelschraubzwingen {pl}
| parallel screw clamps
Paralleltitel {m}
| parallel title
Parallelübertragungssignal {n}
| parallel transfer register
Parallelumlauf {m}
| parallel circulation
Parallelverschiebung {f} [550+] [geol.]
| parallel displacement (crystallography) translatory shift
Parallelwährung {f}
| parallel currency
paralog {adj}
| paralogous
| to paralyse
| paralysing
| paralysed
| paralytic
paramagnetisch {adj}
| paramagnetic
Paramagnetismus {m}
| paramagnetism
Paramaribo (Hauptstadt von Surinam)
| Paramaribo (capital of Suriname)
Parameter einer Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung
| parameter of a probability distribution
Parameter {m} [math.]
| parameter
Parameter {m} [min.]
| parameter intercept (of crystals)
Parameter {m} Kenngröße {f}
| parameter
Parameter {pl} Kenngrößen {pl}
| parameters
Parameterdarstellung {f} [math.]
| parametric representation
Parameterextraktion {f}
| parameter extraction
parameterisieren parametrisieren
| to parameterize to parametrize to parametrise [Br.]
parameterisierend parametrisierend
| parameterizing parametrizing parametrising
parameterisiert parametrisiert
| parameterized parametrized parametrised
parametrierbar {adj}
| parametrizable
Parametrierbarkeit {f}
| parameterability
Parametrierung {f}
| parametrization
| parametric
| parametrical
parametrisch {adv}
| parametrically
parametrisches Programmieren
| parametric programming
parametrisches Verfahren
| parametric procedure
Parametrisierung {f} Parametrierung {f} [math.]
| parametrization parametrizing parameterization parameterisation [Br.]
Paramilitarität {f}
| paramilitary
Paramopieper {m} [ornith.]
| Paramo Pipit
paramorph {adj}
| paramorphous paramorphic
Paramorphose {f}
| paramorphosis paramorphism
Paranoia {f} systematisierter Wahn
| paranoia
| paranoidal
paranoid {adj}
| paranoid
| paranoiac
Paranuss {f} [bot.]
| Brazil nut
paraphieren abzeichnen unterzeichnen {vt}
| to initial
paraphierend abzeichnend unterzeichnend
| initialing
paraphiert abgezeichnet unterzeichnet
| initialed
Paraphilie {f} Perversion {f} abnormale sexuelle Vorlieben
| paraphilia
paraphyletisch {adj} [biol.]
| paraphyletic
Parapsychologie {f}
| parapsychology
Parapsychologie {f}
| psychic research
Parapsychologie {f}
| psychical
parapsychologisch {adv}
| psychically
Parasit {m} Schädling {m}
| parasite
parasitär parasitisch schmarotzend {adj} [biol.]
| parasitic parasetical
parasitäre Krankheit
| parasitic disease
Parasiten {pl} Schädlinge {pl}
| parasites
parasitisch {adv}
| parasitically
Parasitismus {m} Schmarotzertum {n}
| parasitism
| in (the) para position
Parästhesie {f} Fehlempfindung {f} [med.]
| paraesthesia
Parastirnvogel {m} [ornith.]
| Para Oropendola
Parasympathomimetikum {n} [med.]
| parasympathomimetic
parataktisch {adj} [gramm.]
| paratactic
Parataxe {f} [gramm.]
| parataxis
parathyreoidal {adj} die Nebenschilddrüse betreffend [med.]
| parathyroid
Parathyreoidea {f} Nebenschilddrüse {f} [med.]
| parathyroid
Paratyphus {m} [med.]
| paratyphoid paratyphoid fever
Paratypus {m}
| paratype allotype
paravenös {adj} neben einer Vene liegend [med.]
| paravenous
Paravent {m} {n} mobile Wand {f}
| folding-screen room-divider
Parazentese {f} Trommelfellschnitt {m} [med.]
| paracentesis
Pärchen {n}
| couple twosome
Pärchen {n} [zool.]
| pair
Pärchen {pl}
| couples twosomes
Pärchen {pl}
| pairs
Parcours {n}
| showjumping course
Pardusco [ornith.]
| Pardusco
Parenchym {n} Grundgewebe {n} [biol.]
| parenchyma
parenteral {adj} unter Umgehung des Verdauungstraktes [med.]
| parenteral
Parese {f} teilweise Lähmung {f} [med.]
| paresis
paretisch teilweise gelähmt geschwächt {adj} [med.]
| paretic
Parfüm {n} Parfum {n} Duftstoff {m}
| perfume scent
Parfüme {pl}
| perfumes
Parfümerie {f}
| perfumery
Parfümerien {pl}
| perfumeries
Parfümfläschchen {n}
| scent bottle
Parfümhändler {m} Parfümhändlerin {f}
| perfumer
Parfümhändler {pl} Parfümhändlerinnen {pl}
| perfumers
| to scent
parfümieren mit Duft erfüllen {vt}
| to perfume to put perfume on
| perfuming
| perfumed
| perfumes
| perfumed
pari {adv}
| par at par
parieren {vt}
| to parry
| parrying
| parried
| parries
| parried
parietal {adj} eine Wand betreffend [med.]
| parietal
Parietallappen {m} [anat.]
| parietal lobe
Paris (Hauptstadt von Frankreich)
| Paris (capital of France)
Pariser Kommune {f} [hist.]
| Paris Commune
Pariser {m} (Kondom) [ugs.]
| French letter
Pariser {m} Pariserin {f}
| Parisian
Parität {f} Gleichstellung {f}
| parity
Paritäten {pl}
| parities
paritätisch {adj}
| equal on equal terms
paritätisch {adj}
| parity ...
Paritätsfehler {m} Prüfbitfehler {m} [comp.]
| parity error bad parity
Paritätsfehler {pl} Prüfbitfehler {pl}
| parity errors
Paritätsprüfung {f}
| parity check
Paritätsprüfungen {pl}
| parity checks
Park {m}
| Park -Pk-
Park {m} Grünanlage {f}
| park
Parka {m} Anorak {m} [textil.]
| parka
Parkanlage {f}
| parkway grounds
Parkanlagen {pl}
| parkways
Parkas {pl} Anoraks {pl}
| parkas
Parkaufseher {m}
| parker
Parkausweis {m} Parkwapperl {n} [Süddt.] Parkpickerl {n} [Ös.]
| parking permit
Parkausweise {pl} Parkwapperle {pl} Parkpickerle {pl}
| parking permits
Parkbank {f}
| park bench
Parkbänke {pl}
| park benches
Parkdeck {n} [auto]
| parking level
Parkdecks {pl}
| parking levels
Parken verboten.
| No parking.
Parken {n}
| parking
parken {vt} {vi} [auto]
| to park
| parking
parkend haltend {adj}
| stationary
Parkett {n}
| parquet
Parkett {n} (Theater)
| stalls [Br.]
Parkettboden {m} Parkettfußboden {m}
| parquet floor
| to parquet
parkettieren täfeln auslegen
| to inlay {inlaid inlaid}
| parqueting
parkettierend täfelnd auslegend
| inlaying
| parqueted
| parquets
parkettiert getäfelt ausgelegt
| inlaid
| parqueted
Parkettleger {m}
| parquet flooring fitter
Parkettleger {pl}
| parquet flooring fitters
Parkfläche {f}
| parking place
Parkflächen {pl}
| parking places
Parkgebühr {f}
| parking fee parking tax
Parkgebühren {pl}
| parking fees parking taxes
Parkhaus {n}
| multi-storey car park multi-storey parking garage
Parkhäuser {pl}
| multi-storey car parks multi-storeys parking garages
Parkinsonismus {m} Symptomatik der Parkinson-Krankheit [med.]
| Parkinsonism
Parkkralle {f} [auto]
| Denver boot
Parkkrallen {pl}
| Denver boots
Parkleuchte {f} Parklicht {n} [auto]
| parking light
Parkleuchten {pl} Parklichter {pl}
| parking lights
Parklücke {f} Parkbox {f} (einzelner) Parkplatz {m} Abstellplatz {m} Parkfeld {n} [auto]
| parking space parking spot [coll.]
Parklücken {pl} Parkboxen {pl} Abstellplätze {pl} Parkfelder {pl}
| parking spaces parking spots parkings
Parkour {m} Stadthindernislauf {m} [sport]
| parkour freerunning
Parkplatz {m}
| car park parking lot [Am.]
Parkplatz-Party {f} (Picknick auf der Heckklappe eines Autos)
| tailgate party [Am.]
Parkplätze {pl}
| car parks parking lots
Parkplatzkoeffizient {m}
| car parking coefficient
Parkplatzsuchverkehr {m} [auto]
| (parking) search traffic
Parkraumbewirtschaftung {f} [pol.]
| on-street parking management on-street parking pricing
Parkraumüberwachung {f}
| parking control
Parkrempler {m} (Schaden) [auto]
| trival damage while parked
Parkrempler {m} (Vorgang) [auto]
| trival damage while-when parking
Parkrempler {pl}
| trival damages while-when parking
Parkrempler {pl}
| trival damages while parked
Parks {pl} Parke {pl} Grünanlagen {pl}
| parks
Parkschaden mit Unfallflucht
| parking lot hit-and-run parking lot hit-and-run incident
Parkschaden {m} [auto]
| damage while parked damage while parked incident
Parkschäden {pl}
| damages while parked damage while parked incidents
Parkscheibe {f}
| parking disk [Am.] parking disc [Br.]
Parkscheiben {pl}
| parking disks parking discs
Parkservice {m}
| valet parking
Parkstreifen {m}
| lay by
Parksünder {m} Parksünderin {f}
| parking offender
Parksünder {pl} Parksünderinnen {pl}
| parking offenders
| parks
| parked
Parkuhr {f} Parkometer {n}
| parking meter
Parkuhren {pl} Parkometer {pl}
| parking meters
Parkverbot {n}
| parking prohibition
Parlament {n} Abgeordnetenhaus {n} [pol.]
| parliament
Parlamentär {m} Parlamentärin {f}
| peace envoy negotiator
Parlamentärflagge {f}
| flag of truce white flag
Parlamentarier {m}
| parliamentarian
parlamentarisch {adj} [pol.]
| parliamentary
parlamentarische Begleitung {f} (politischer Vorhaben)
| parliamentary monitoring (of political projects)
parlamentarische Demokratie {f}
| parliamentary democracy
Parlamente {pl} Abgeordnetenhäuser {pl}
| parliaments
Parlamentsabgeordnete {m,f} Parlamentsabgeordneter
| Member of Parliament
Parlamentsausschuss {m} parlamentarischer Ausschuss [pol.]
| parliamentary committee
Parlamentsausschüsse {pl} parlamentarische Ausschüsse
| parliamentary committees
Parlamentsdebatte {f}
| parliamentary debate
Parlamentsdebatten {pl}
| parliamentary debates
Parlamentspräsident {m}
| speaker of the parliament
Parlamentspräsidenten {pl}
| speakers of the parliament
Parmaschinken {m} [cook.]
| Parma ham ham from Parma
Parmesan {m} Parmesankäse {m} [cook.]
| Parmesan Parmigiano-Reggiano
Parodie {f}
| parody
Parodie {f}
| mimicry
Parodie {f}
| spoof
Parodien {pl}
| parodies
parodieren {vt}
| to burlesque
parodieren {vt}
| to parody
parodieren verballhornen {vt}
| to spoof
| burlesquing
| parodying
parodierend verballhornend
| spoofing
| burlesqued
| parodied
| parodies
parodiert verballhornt
| spoofed
parodiert verballhornt {adj}
| spoof
| parodied
parodistisch {adj}
| parodistic
Parodontose {f} Parodontosis {f} Zahnfleischschwund {m} [med.]
| periodontitis pyorrhea periodontal disease
Parole {f} Kennwort {n}
| password watchword
Parolen {pl} Kennwörter {pl}
| passwords watchwords
Paronomasie {f}
| paronomasia
Paronychie {f} Nagelhautentzündung {f} [med.]
| paronychia
Parotitis {f} Entzündung der Ohrspeicheldrüse [med.]
| parotitis
Paroxismus {m}
| paroxysm
paroxysmal anfallsartig {adj} [med.]
| paroxysmal in sudden attacks
Parsimonie {f} [biol.]
| parsimony
Partei "Arbeit & soziale Gerechtigkeit - Die Wahlalternative" -WASG- [pol.]
| Labour and Social Justice Party (Germany)
Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus {f} -PDS- [pol.]
| Party of Democratic Socialism (Germany)
Partei ergreifen (für)
| to take sides to side with
Partei {f} [jur.]
| party
Partei {f} [pol.]
| party
Parteianhänger {m} Parteianhängerin {f}
| partisan partizan
Parteianhänger {pl} Parteianhängerinnen {pl}
| partisans partizans
Parteibuch {n}
| membership book
Parteibücher {pl}
| membership books
Parteien {pl}
| parties
Parteienfinanzierung {f}
| party financing
Parteigeist {m}
| factiousness
Parteigeist {m} Parteigesinnung {f}
| party spirit
Parteigünstling {m} [pej.] [pol.]
| (political) party minion [pej.]
Parteigünstlinge {pl}
| party minions
parteiintern parteigeistig {adj}
| factional
parteiisch urteilen
| to be biased
parteiisch {adj}
| biased partial
parteiisch {adj}
| partisan partizan
Parteilinie {f}
| party line
parteilos {adv}
| impartially
Parteimitglied sein in der Partei sein
| to be a member of the party
Parteimitglied {n} Parteigenosse {m}
| party member member of a party
Parteiorgan {n}
| party organ
Parteipolitik {f}
| party politics
parteipolitisch {adj}
| party political
Parteiprogramm {n}
| party platform
Parteispaltung {f} [pol.]
| cave [Br.]
Parteisprecher {m} Parteisprecherin {f}
| party spokesperson
parteisüchtig {adv}
| factiously
Parteitag {m}
| party congress
Parteiversammlung {f}
| party meeting
Parteiversammlungen {pl}
| party meetings
Parteivorsitzende {m}
| chairman of a party
Parteivorsitzenden {pl}
| chairmen of a party
Parteizugehörigkeit {f}
| party affiliation
Parterre {n}
| ground floor first floor [Am.]
Parterre {n}
| orchestra
Partialsumme {f} [math.]
| partial sum
Partialtiden {pl}
| partial tides
Partie {f}
| party
Partie {f} Spiel {n}
| game
Partie {f} Spielpaarung {f} (zwischen) [sport]
| fixture (between) [Br.]
partiell differenzierbar [math.]
| partial differentiable
partiell {adj}
| partial
partielle Aufschmelzung
| partial melting fractional melting
partielle Integration
| integration by parts
partielle Oxidation
| partial oxidation
partielle Prothese
| partial denture
| more partial
Partien {pl} Spiele {pl}
| games
Partikel abgeben
| to shed particles
Partikel {n} Teilchen {n}
| particle grain
Partikel {pl} Teilchen {pl}
| particles grains
Partikelanzahl {f} Teilchenkonzentration {f}
| particle concentration
Partikelfilter {m}
| particulate filter
Partikelfilter {pl}
| particulate filters
Partikelgröße {f} Teilchengröße {f}
| particle size
Partikelreinheitsklassen {pl} der Luft
| airborne particulate cleanliness class
Partikelseparierung {f}
| particle separation
Partikelzähler {m}
| particle counter
Partikelzähler {pl}
| particle counters
partikuläre Oberflächenreinheit
| particulate surface cleanliness
Partikularhavarie {f}
| particular average -p.o.-
Partikularismus {m} [phil.]
| particularism
Partisan {m} Partisanin {f}
| guerilla guerrilla
Partisanen {pl} Partisaninnen {pl}
| guerillas guerrillas
Partition {f}
| partition
Partitionen {pl}
| partitions
| to partition
Partitionierung {f}
| partitioning
| partitive
Partizip Perfekt
| past participle
Partizip Präsens
| present participle
Partizip {n} Mittelwort {n} [gramm.]
| participle
Partizipation {f}
| participation
Partner {m}
| mate
Partner {m}
| pard
Partner {m} Geschäftspartner {m}
| associate partner
Partner {m} Partnerin {f} Lebenspartner {m} Lebenspartnerin {f} (in wilder Ehe nicht verheiratet)
| cohabitant common-law husband common-law wife
Partner {pl}
| mates
Partner {pl}
| pards
Partner {pl} Geschäftspartner {pl}
| associate partners
Partner {pl} Partnerinnen {pl} Lebenspartner {pl} Lebenspartnerinnen {pl}
| cohabitants common-law husbands common-law wives
Partnerfirma {f}
| associated company
Partnerfirmen {pl}
| associated companies
Partnergrundel {f} (Amblyeleotris spp.) Symbiosegrundel {f} (Cryptocentrus spp. Stonogobiops spp.) [zool.]
| watchman goby
Partnerschaft {f}
| partnership
Partnerschaften {pl}
| partnerships
partnerschaftlich {adj}
| fair based on partnership
partnerschaftliches Verhalten
| cooperation
Partnerstadt {f}
| twin town twin city
Partnerstädte {pl}
| twin towns twin cities
Partnertausch {m}
| partner-swapping
Partnervermittlung {f}
| dating agency
Partnervermittlungen {pl}
| dating agencies
partout {adv}
| unconditionally
Parturitio {f} Geburtsvorgang {m} [med.]
| parturition giving birth
Party {f} Fete {f}
| party
Party, zu der jeder Gast ein Getränk mitbringt
| bottle-party
Party-Service {m}
| party catering service
Partygänger {m} Partygängerin {f}
| partygoer
Partygänger {pl} Partygängerinnen {pl}
| partygoers
Partykleid {n}
| party dress
Partykleider {pl}
| party dresses
Partylaune {f}
| party spirit party mood
Partymuffel {m} Spaßbremse {f} [ugs.]
| party-pooper party pooper [coll.]
Partymuffel {pl} Spaßbremsen {pl}
| party-poopers party poopers
Parzelle {f}
| parcel
Parzelle {f} Landparzelle {f} ein Stück Land
| plot lot parcel of land
Parzellen {pl}
| parcels
Parzellen {pl} Landparzellen {pl}
| plots lots parcels of land
parzellieren {vt} [agr.]
| to parcel out
| parceling out
| parceled out
Parzellierung {f} parzellierte Fläche {f}
| subdivision
Parzen {pl} (Schicksalsgöttinnen der römischen Mythologie)
| Parcae the Fates
Pasadena (Stadt in USA)
| Pasadena (city in USA)
Pascal {n} [comp.]
| Pascal
Pasch {m} (Würfelspiel)
| doublets
Paspel {f}
| piping edging
Pass auf das Baby auf!
| Mind the baby!
Pass auf dich auf!
| Take care!
Pass auf!
| Look out!
Pass auf, was Du sagst! Hüte Deine Zunge!
| Watch your mouth!
Pass {m} [sport]
| pass
Pass {m} Ausweis {m}
| pass
Pass {m} Gebirgspass {m} [geogr.]
| pass col
Pass {m} Reisepass {m}
| passport
Passage {f}
| passage
Passagen {pl}
| passages
Passagier {m} (Flug)
| pax
Passagier {m} Reisender {m}
| passenger
Passagierdampfer {m}
| passenger steamer
Passagierdampfer {pl}
| passenger steamers
Passagiere {pl}
| passengers
Passagierflugzeug {n}
| passenger plane
Passagierliste {f}
| waybill manifest of passengers
Passagierlisten {pl}
| waybills manifests of passengers
passagierlos {adj}
| riderless
Passagierschiff {n}
| passenger ship
Passagierschiffe {pl}
| passenger ships
Passahfest {n} Passah {n}
| Passover
Passant {m} Passantin {f} Vorübergehende {m,f} Vorübergehender
| passer-by passerby
Passanten {pl} Passantinnen {pl} Vorübergehenden {pl} Vorübergehende
| passers-by
Passat {m} Passatwind {m} [meteo.]
| the Trades trade wind geostrophic wind
Passatströmung {f}
| equatorial current
Passbild {n} Passfoto {n}
| passport photograph passport photo
Passbilder {pl} Passfotos {pl}
| passport photographs passport photos
Pässe {pl} Gebirgspässe {pl}
| passes cols
Pässe {pl} Reisepässe {pl}
| passports
Passempfänger des Quarterbacks
| wide receiver -WR-
Passempfänger {m} [sport]
| receiver (American football)
passen (zu) harmonieren (mit) {vi}
| to blend (with)
Passen Sie auf!
| Be careful!
Passen Sie auf!
| Look out!
Passen Sie gut auf!
| Pay close attention!
passen {vi} (Kartenspiel)
| to pass
passen stehen {vi} (zu) sich eignen {vr} für
| to suit
passen zusammenpassen {vi}
| to fit
| being suitable
| passing
passend {adj}
| companion
passend {adj}
| matching
passend {adv}
| aptly
passend {adv}
| befittingly
passend {adv}
| suitably
passend {adv}
| appositely
passend geeignet angemessen günstig recht {adj}
| fitting
passend geeignet einschlägig richtig recht {adj}
| appropriate
passend harmonierend
| blending
passend richtig geeignet angemessen {adj}
| proper
passend stehend sich eignend für
| suiting
passend treffend {adj}
| apropos
passend treffend {adj}
| apt
passend treffend gelungen {adj}
| happy
passend wohlangebracht {adj}
| seasonable
passend zusammenpassend
| fitting
Passerinitangare {f} [ornith.]
| Scarlet-rumped Tanager
Passfeder {f} [techn.]
| key fitted key
Passfedern {pl}
| keys fitted keys
Passfläche {f} Paßfläche {f} [alt] [mach.]
| mating surface
Passflächen {pl} Paßflächen {pl}
| mating surfaces
Passform {f}
| fit
Passgang {m}
| amble
passierbar {adv}
| passably
passieren durchgehen
| to pass
passieren sich ereignen {vi}
| to transpire
passieren sieben seihen durchseihen {vt} (durch ein Sieb)
| to strain
passierend durchgehend
| passing
passierend sich ereignend
| transpiring
passierend siebend seihend durchseihend
| straining
Passierschein {m} Durchlassschein {m}
| permit pass
Passierscheine {pl} Durchlassscheine {pl}
| permits passes
| passes
passiert durchgegangen
| passed
passiert ereignet
| transpired
passiert ereignet sich
| transpires
passiert gesiebt geseiht durchgeseiht
| strained
| passed
passierte ereignete sich
| transpired
passiv (Zahlungsbilanz) {adj}
| unfavorable [Am.] unfavourable [Br.]
passiv {adv}
| passively
Passiv {n} [gramm.]
| passive
passiv untätig {adj}
| passive
Passiva {pl} [fin.]
| liabilities
passive Handelsbilanz
| adverse trade balance
passive Rechnungsabgrenzung
| deferred income
| more passive
passiver Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten
| deferral deferred income and accrued expenses
passiver Wortschatz
| recognition vocabulary
passiver Zweipol
| passive two terminal network
Passivhaus {n} [constr.]
| passive house
Passivhäuser {pl}
| passive houses
passivieren durch Oberflächenbehandlung schützen [techn.]
| to passivate
Passivität {f}
| passivity
Passivitäten {pl}
| passiveness
Passivposten {m}
| debit item
Passivrauchen {n}
| second-hand smoking
Passivsaldo {n}
| debit balance
Passivsaldo {n} Unterbilanz {f}
| adverse balance
Passkerbstift {m}
| half-length taper grooved pin
Passkontrolle {f}
| passport inspection passport check
| fitting length -FL-
Passmarke {f} Passkreuz {n}
| register mark registration mark
Passmaß {n} Paßmaß {n} [alt] [techn.]
| fit size
Passmaße {pl} Paßmaße {pl}
| fit sizes
Passscheibe {f} [techn.]
| adjusting washer
Passschraube {f} [techn.]
| fit bolt fitting bolt fitted bolt
Passschraube {f} [techn.]
| fitting screw locating screw
Passschrauben {pl}
| fit bolts fitting bolts fitted bolts
Passschrauben {pl}
| fitting screws locating screws
Passstift {m} (zur Positionierung) [techn.]
| register pin
Passstift {m} Zylinderstift {m} [techn.]
| dowel pin dowel
Passstifte {pl}
| register pins
Passstifte {pl} Zylinderstifte {pl}
| dowel pins dowels
Passstraße {f}
| mountain pass road pass road
Passstraßen {pl}
| mountain pass roads pass roads
Passstück {n} [techn.]
| adaptor adapter
Passstück {n} [techn.]
| fitting element fitting piece
Passstück {n} [techn.]
| special sized pipe
Passstücke {pl}
| adaptors adapters
Passstücke {pl}
| fitting elements fitting pieces
Passstücke {pl}
| special sized pipes
| is suitable
passt an
| accommodates
passt an
| suits to
passt an bringt in Einklang
| assimilates
passt an passt ein richtet aus
| adjusts
passt auf gibt Acht sieht zu
| watches
Passt es dir morgen?
| Is tomorrow convenient to you?
Passt gut auf euch auf.
| Take good care of yourselves.
passt neu an
| readapts
passt neu an
| reassimilates
passt neu an passt wieder an
| readjusts
passt sich an richtet sich
| conforms
| was suitable
passte an
| accommodated
passte an
| suited to
passte an brachte in Einklang
| assimilated
passte an passte ein richtete aus
| adjusted
passte auf gab Acht sah zu
| watched
passte neu an
| readapted
passte neu an
| reassimilated
passte neu an passte wieder an
| readjusted
passte sich an richtete sich
| conformed
Passteile {pl}
| matched parts
| were suitable
Passung {f} Sitz {m}
| fit
Passungsrost {m}
| fretting corrosion frictional corrosion
Passungsspiel {n} [mach.]
| fitting clearance
Passwort {n}
| keyword
Passwortschutz {m}
| password protection
Paste {f} Brei {m}
| paste
Pastell {n}
| pastel
Pastellfarbe {f}
| pastel colour pastel color [Am.]
pastellfarben {adj} Pastell...
| pastel
Pastellfarben {pl}
| pastel colours pastel colors
Pastellmaler {m} Pastellmalerin {f}
| pastelist
Pastellmaler {pl} Pastellmalerinnen {pl}
| pastelists
Pastellmalerei {f}
| pastel drawing
Pastellton {n} Pastell {n}
| pastel shade
Pastelltöne {pl} Pastelle {pl}
| pastel shades
Pasten {pl} Breie {pl}
| pastes
Pastetchen {n}
| patty
Pastetchen {pl}
| patties
Pastete aus Aal mit Kartoffelpüree
| pie and mash
Pastete {f} [cook.]
| pie [Br.]
Pastete {f} [cook.]
| pasty pâté
Pasteten {pl}
| pies
Pasteten {pl}
| pasties
pasteurisieren keimfrei machen
| to pasteurize to pasteurise [Br.]
pasteurisierend keimfrei machend
| pasteurizing pasteurising [Br.]
pasteurisiert keimfrei gemacht
| pasteurized pasteurised
pasteurisiert keimfrei gemacht {adj}
| pasteurized pasteurised [Br.]
pasteurisiert macht keimfrei
| pasteurizes
pasteurisierte machte keimfrei
| pasteurized
Pasteurisierung {f}
| pasteurization
Pastille {f}
| pastille
Pastillen {pl}
| pastilles
Pastillierung {f}
| pastillation
Pastinake {f} Moorwurzel {f} Pastinakwurzel {f} [bot.]
| parsnip
Pastinaken {pl}
| parsnips
pastoral pfarramtlich {adj}
| pastoral
Pastorale {f}
| pastoral
Pastoraltheologie {f} [relig.]
| pastoral theology
pastös {adj}
| paste-like
Pastrami {f} geräucherter, scharf gewürzter Schinken (Rindfleisch) [cook.]
| pastrami
Patagonien {n} [geogr.]
| Patagonia
Patagonienmöwe {f} [ornith.]
| Brown-hooded Gull
Patagonienspottdrossel {f} [ornith.]
| Patagonian Mockingbird
Patagoniensteißhuhn {n} [ornith.]
| Patagonian Tinamou
Patch {m} Korrektur für Programmierfehler [comp.]
| patch
patchen {vt} Fehler beheben [comp.]
| to patch
patchend Fehler behebend
| patching
Patchwork {n}
| patchwork
Pate {m} Taufpate {m}
| godfather godparent
Paten {pl} Taufpaten {pl}
| godfathers godparents
Patenkind {n} Pate {m} Täufling {m}
| godchild
Patenkinder {pl} Täuflinge {pl}
| godchildren
Patenschaft {f}
| sponsorship
Patensohn {n}
| godson
Patensöhne {pl}
| godsons
Patenstadt {f}
| sister town sister city
Patenstädte {pl}
| sister towns sister cities
Patenstelle {f}
| sponsorship
Patenstellen {pl}
| sponsorships
Patent angemeldet
| patent pending patent applied for
Patent {n}
| patent
Patentamt {n}
| patent office
Patentämter {pl}
| patent offices
Patentanmeldegebühr {f} Patentgebühr {f}
| (patent) filing fee
Patentanmelder {m} Patentanmelderin {f}
| applicant for a patent
Patentanmelder {pl} Patentanmelderinnen {pl}
| applicants for a patent
Patentanmeldung {f}
| patent application application for a patent caveat [Am.]
Patentanmeldungen {pl}
| patent applications applications for a patent caveats
Patentanspruch {m}
| claim in patent patent claim
Patentansprüche {pl}
| claims in patent patent claims
Patentanwalt {m} Patentanwältin {f}
| patent attorney [Am.] patent agent
Patentdauer {f}
| term of the patent
Patente {pl}
| patents
Patenteinspruch {m}
| opposition to patent
Patenteinsprüche {pl}
| opposition to patents
Patenterteilungsverfahren {n}
| patent granting procedure
Patenterteilungsverfahren {pl}
| patent granting procedures
patentfähig patentwürdig {adj}
| patentable
| more patentable
Patentgesetz {n}
| Patents Act
Patentierbarkeit {f}
| patentability
patentieren lassen
| to patent
patentieren {vt}
| to patent
| patenting
| patented patent
Patentierung {f} Patenterteilung {f}
| grant of a patent
Patentinhaber {m} Patentinhaberin {f}
| patent holder patentee
Patentinhaber {pl} Patentinhaberinnen {pl}
| patent holders patentees
Patentkette {f}
| chandelier chain
Patentklassifikation {f}
| patent classification
Patentklassifikationen {pl}
| patent classifications
Patentlizenzvereinbarung {f}
| patent licensing agreement
Patentlizenzvereinbarungen {pl}
| patent licensing agreements
Patentnutzungsmissbrauch {n}
| abuse of patent
Patentnutzungsmissbräuche {pl}
| abuses of patent
Patentochter {f}
| goddaughter
Patentöchter {pl}
| goddaughters
Patentrecht {n} [jur.]
| patent law patent rights
patentrechtlich {adv}
| by patent law
Patentreff {m} [naut.]
| jiffy reefing
Patentregister {n} Patentrolle {f}
| patent register register of patents
Patentregister {pl} Patentrollen {pl}
| patent registers registers of patents
Patentrezept {n} Patentlösung {f}
| nostrum
Patentrezept {n} Spezialrezept {n}
| patent remedy
Patentrezepte {pl} Patentlösungen {pl}
| nostrums
Patentschrift {f}
| patent specification
Patentschriften {pl}
| patent specifications
Patentschutz {m}
| protection by patent
Patentschutzbereich {m}
| scope of the protection by patent
Patentstreit {m}
| patent row
Patentstreitigkeit {m}
| patent dispute
Patentstreitigkeiten {pl}
| patent disputes
Patentübertragung {f}
| assignment of patent transfer of a patent
Patenturkunde {f}
| patent certificate
Patenturkunden {pl}
| patent certificates
Patentverletzung {f}
| patent infringement
Patentverletzungen {pl}
| patent infringements
Patentvorwegnahme {f}
| anticipatory reference
Pater {m}
| padre
Pater {m}
| Father -Fr.-
| paternalistic
Paternoster {m} Paternosteraufzug {m}
| paternoster
Paternoster {pl} Paternosteraufzüge {pl}
| paternosters
pathogen krankmachend {adj} [med.]
| pathogen
Pathogenese {f} Krankheitsentwicklung {f} [med.]
| pathogenesis
pathogenetisch {adj} [med.]
| pathogenetic
pathogenetische Entwicklung (naturgesetzlicher) Verlauf
| natural history
Pathogenität {f} [med.]
| pathogenicity
Pathologe {m} Pathologin {f} [med.]
| pathologist
Pathologen {pl} Pathologinnen {pl}
| pathologists
Pathologie {f} [med.]
| pathology
pathologisch {adv}
| pathologically
Pathos {n}
| emotionalism pathos emotiveness
Patience {f}
| patience
Patience {f} Solitär {m} (Spiel)
| solitaire
Patiencen legen
| to play patience
Patient mit Rezidiv Rückfallpatient {m} [med.]
| recidivist
Patient {m} Patientin {f} [med.]
| patient
Patienten {pl} Patientinnen {pl}
| patients
Patientenakte {f} Krankenakte {f} [med.]
| medical record medical file
Patientenakten {pl} Krankenakten {pl}
| medical records medical files
Patientenbeteiligung {f}
| patient participation
Patientenblatt {n} [med.]
| patient document
patientenfreundlich {adj} [med.]
| patient-friendly
Patientensicherheit {f}
| patient safety
Patientenumfrage {f}
| patient survey
Patientenumfragen {pl}
| patient surveys
Patientenverfügung {f} [jur.]
| living will
Patientenzufriedenheit {f}
| patient satisfaction
Patin {f} Taufpatin {f} Patentante {f} Gotte {f} Godl {f} [Ös.]
| godmother
Patina {f}
| patina
patiniert {adj}
| patinized
Patinnen {pl} Taufpatinnen {pl} Patentanten {pl}
| godmothers
Patisserie {f} Feinbäckerei {f}
| patisserie
Patna (Stadt in Indien)
| Patna (city in India)
Patriarch {m}
| patriach
patriarchalisch {adj}
| patriarchal
Patriarchat {n}
| patriarchate
Patriarchen {pl}
| patriaches
Patriarchie {f}
| patriarchy
Patriarchien {pl}
| patriarchies
patriarchisch {adj}
| patriarchic
patrilineal patrilinear {adj} in der Erbfolge der väterlichen Linie folgend
| patrilineal patrilinear
Patrilinearität {f} Vaterfolge {f}
| patrilineality
Patriot {m} Patriotin {f}
| patriot
Patrioten {pl} Patriotinnen {pl}
| patriots
patriotisch {adj}
| patriotic
patriotisch {adv}
| patriotically
| more patriotic
Patriotismus {m} Vaterlandsliebe {f} Nationalbewusstsein {n} vaterländische Gesinnung {f}
| patriotism
Patrizier {m} [hist.]
| patrician
Patrizier {pl}
| patricians
Patrizierhaus {n} [arch.]
| patrician house
Patrizierhäuser {pl}
| patrician houses
Patriziertum {n}
| the patrician classes
patrizisch {adj}
| patrician
Patronatserklärung {f}
| letter of comfort
Patrone {f}
| cartridge
Patrone {f}
| shell [Am.]
Patronen {pl}
| cartridges
Patronen {pl}
| shells
Patronenhülse {f} [mil.]
| cartridge case bullet casing
Patronenhülsen {pl}
| cartridge cases bullet casings
Patronenlager {n} [mil.]
| firing chamber
Patronenlager {pl}
| firing chambers
Patrouille {f}
| patrol
Patrouillen {pl}
| patrols
| to patrol
| patrolling
| patrolled
patt setzen
| to stalemate
patt setzend
| stalemating
patt {adj}
| stalemate deadlock
Patt {n}
| stalemate deadlock
Patt {n} (Schach)
| stalemate
Patzer {m}
| fluff
patzig [ugs.] pampig [ugs.] kratbürstig unwirsch fuchtig {adj}
| stroppy [Br.] [coll.]
Pauke {f} [mus.]
| kettledrum
Pauke {f} Kesselpauke {f} [mus.]
| timbal
pauken [ugs.] gründlich studieren
| to read up {read read}
Pauken {pl}
| kettledrums
Pauken {pl} Kesselpauken {pl}
| timbals
pauken Pauke spielen
| to drum
paukend gründlich studierend
| reading up
Paukenhöhle {f} [anat.]
| tympanic cavity cavity in the middle ear
Paukenschlag {m}
| beat of the drum
Paukenschläge {pl}
| beats of the drum
Pauker {m} Einpauker {m} [ugs.]
| crammer
Pauker {pl} Einpauker {pl}
| crammers
Paukfach {n}
| swot subject a bear of a course
Paukist {m}
| timpanist
Paukisten {pl}
| timpanists
Paukschule {f}
| crammer (school)
Paulownie {f} Blauglockenbaum {m} [bot.]
| paulownia tree pawlonia tree
Pauraquenachtschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
| Common Pauraque
pausbäckig {adj}
| chubby faced
pauschal festsetzen
| to set a flat rate for
pauschal vergüten
| to pay a lump sum for to pay a flat rate for
pauschal {adj}
| general sweeping
pauschal {adj} (Summe)
| lump all-in ...
pauschal umfassend alles einschließend
| blanket
Pauschalangebot {n}
| package deal
Pauschalbetrag {m} Pauschalsumme {f}
| lump sum lumped sum
Pauschalbezahlung {f} Pauschalzahlung {f} einmalige Bezahlung {f}
| lump payment
pauschale Erhöhung
| across-the-board increase
Pauschale {f} geschätzter Betrag
| estimated amount
Pauschalgebühr {f} Pauschalpreis {m} Pauschale {f} Einheitspreis {m} Flatrate {f}
| flat rate
Pauschalgebühren {pl} Pauschalpreise {pl} Pauschalen {pl} Einheitspreise {pl} Flatrates {pl}
| flat rates
| compounding
| compounded
Pauschalprämie {f}
| all-inclusive premium
Pauschalpreis {m}
| all-inclusive price inclusive price
Pauschalpreis {m}
| inclusive terms
Pauschalpreise {pl}
| all-inclusive prices inclusive prices
Pauschalreise {f}
| package tour package holiday
Pauschalreise {f}
| all-expense tour
Pauschalreisen {pl}
| package tours package holidays
Pauschalreisen {pl}
| all-expense tours
Pauschalsatz {m} Gesamtzinssatz {m}
| all in rate
Pauschalvertrag {m}
| lump-sum contract
Pauschalverträge {pl}
| lump-sum contracts
Pauschalzahlung {f}
| composition payment
Pauschalzahlungen {pl}
| composition payments
Pause machen
| to rest
Pause {f}
| break pause
Pause {f} (Schule)
| break recess [Am.]
Pause {f} (Sport Theater)
| interval intermission [Am.]
Pause {f} Blaupause {f} (Kopie)
| blueprint cyanotype
Pause {f} Durchlichtkopie {f}
| tracing trace copy
Pause {f} Flaute {f}
| lull
Pause {f} Pausezeichen {n} [mus.]
| rest
| to calk
Pausen {pl}
| breaks pauses
Pausen {pl}
| intervals intermissions
Pausen {pl}
| breaks recesses
Pausen {pl} Blaupausen {pl}
| blueprints
Pausen {pl} Unterbrechungen {pl}
| rests
pausen durchpausen eine Kopie machen
| to trace
| calking
pausend durchpausend eine Kopie machend
| tracing
Pausenhalle {f}
| break hall
Pausenzeichen {n} (Radio)
| interval signal tuning signal
pausieren {vi}
| to pause
| pausing
| paused
| pauses
| paused
Pauspapier {n}
| tracing paper
| calks
| calked
Pavao [ornith.]
| Red-ruffed Fruitcrow
Pavian {m} [zool.]
| baboon
pavianartig {adj} [zool.]
| baboonish
Paviane {pl}
| baboons
Pavillon {m}
| pavilion
Pavillons {pl}
| pavilions
Pavuasittich {m} [ornith.]
| White-eyed Conure
Pay-TV {n} Bezahlfernsehen {n}
| pay TV
Pazifik {m} Pazifischer Ozean Stiller Ozean [geogr.]
| Pacific Pacific Ocean
Pazifikpieper {m} [ornith.]
| Buff-bellied Pipit (Anthus rubescens)
Pazifiksegler {m} [ornith.]
| Fork-tailed Swift
Pazifiktaucher {m} [ornith.]
| Pacific Diver
pazifisch {adj} [geogr.]
| Pacific
Pazifischer Goldregenpfeifer {m} [ornith.]
| Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva)
Pazifischer Hafenschweinswal {m} [zool.]
| vaquita cochito Gulf of California porpoise (Phocoena sinus)
pazifischer Raum
| Pacific Area
Pazifischer Wasserpieper {m} [ornith.]
| Buff-bellied Pipit
Pazifischer Weissstreifendelfin {m} [zool.]
| Pacific white-sided dolphin white-striped dolphin lag hookfin porpoise hook-finned porpoise (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
Pazifismus {m} [pol.]
| pacifism
Pazifist {m} Pazifistin {f} [pol.]
| pacifist
Pazifisten {pl} Pazifistinnen {pl}
| pacifists
pazifistisch {adj}
| pacifistic