Deutsch | Englisch |
Baader-Meinhof-Bande {f} Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe {f} (Terrorgruppe) [hist.]
| Baader-Meinhof Gang Baader-Meinhof Group (terrorist group)
Babingtonit {m} [min.]
| babingtonite
Baby-Sicherheitssitz {m}
| baby safety seat
Baby-Sicherheitssitze {pl}
| baby safety seats
Babyausstattung {f}
| baby equipment
Babybadewanne {f}
| baby bathtub
Babybadewannen {pl}
| baby bathtubs
Babybekleidung {f}
| baby clothes
| baby-sat babysat
Babyklappe {f} [ugs.]
| baby hatch
Babyklappen {pl}
| baby hatches
Babylon {n} [hist.] [geogr.]
| babylon
Babymuschel {f}
| baby shell
Babymuscheln {pl}
| baby shells
Babynahrung {f}
| baby food
Babypuder {n}
| baby powder
Babyschlitten {m}
| baby sled
Babyschuh {m}
| bootie
| to baby-sit to babysit {babysat babysat}
Babysitten {n} Babysitting {n} Beaufsichten ... eines Babys-Kleinkindes
| babysitting baby-sitting
| baby-sitting babysitting
Babysitter {m} Babysitterin {f} Kinderhüter {m}
| babysitter baby-sitter
Babysitting-Service {m}
| babysitting service
Babysitz {n}
| baby carrier infant carrier baby seat
Babyspielzeug {n}
| baby toy
Babysprache {f}
| babytalk baby talk
Babywiege {f}
| baby cradle
Bacchus {m}
| bacchus
Bacchusreiher {m} [ornith.]
| Chinese Pond Heron
Bach {m}
| stream
Bach {m} Flüsschen {n}
| brook creek rivulet riveret streamlet
Bach {m} Wildbach {m}
| beck [Br.]
Bache {f} [zool.]
| wild sow
Bäche {pl} Flüsschen {pl}
| brooks creeks rivulets riverets streamlets
Bäche {pl} Wildbäche {pl}
| becks
Bachen {pl}
| wild sows
Bachforelle {f} [zool.]
| brown trout brook trout
Bachforellen {pl}
| brown trouts brook trouts
Bachkrebs {m} [zool.]
| crawfish
Bachkrebse {pl}
| crawfishs
Bachlauf {m}
| course of the stream
Bachläufe {pl}
| courses of streams
Bächlein {n}
| streamlet
Bächlein {pl}
| streamlets
Bachstachelschwanz {m} [ornith.]
| Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper
Bachstelze {f} [ornith.]
| White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) Pied Wagtail
Bachstelze {f} [ornith.]
| wagtail
Bachstelzen {pl}
| wagtails
Bachufer {n}
| brookside
Bacillus {m} [med.]
| bacillus
back stehend (Wind im Segel) [naut.]
| backwinded
Back-Office {n} technische Abwicklung von Büro-Vorgängen
| back-office
Backaroma {n} [cook.]
| extracts (for baking)
Backblech {n}
| baking sheet baking tin baking tray cookie sheet [Am.]
Backbleche {pl}
| baking sheets baking tins baking trays cookie sheets
Backbone {n} [comp.]
| backbone
Backbord {n} backbord
| larboard
Backbord {n} Backbordseite {f}
| port port side
backbord backbords {adv}
| on the port side
backbords {adj}
| on the port beam
backen {vt}
| to bake
Backenbart {m}
| whisker whiskers
Backenbrecher {m} [techn.]
| jawcrusher jaw crusher jaw breaker
Backenbrecher {pl}
| jawcrushers jaw crushers jaw breakers
| baking
Backenknochen {m} Kinnbackenknochen {m} [anat.]
| maxillary bone
Backenzahn {m} [anat.]
| molar molar tooth back tooth grinder cheek tooth
Backenzähne {pl}
| molars molar teeth cheek teeth
Bäcker {m} Bäckerin {f}
| baker
Bäcker {pl} Bäckerinnen {pl}
| bakers
Bäckerallergie {f} [med.]
| flout allergy
Backerbsen {pl} Suppenperlen {pl} Backnüssli {pl} [Schw.] (Suppeneinlage) [cook.]
| fried batter pearls
Bäckerei {f}
| bakery
Bäckereien {pl}
| bakeries
Bäckermaschine {f} Teigknetmaschine {f}
| dough mixer
Bäckermaschinen {pl} Teigknetmaschinen {pl}
| dough mixers
Backfett {n}
| shortening
Backform {f} [cook.]
| baking dish baking pan
Backformen {pl}
| baking dishes baking pans
Backgammon {n}
| backgammon
Backhaul {m} Anbindung an den zentralen Netzknoten [comp.]
| backhaul
Backmischung {f} [cook.]
| cake mix
Backmittel {n} [cook.]
| baking agent
Backmittel {pl}
| baking agents
Backofen {m}
| baking oven oven
Backofen {m} heißer Raum
| furnace
Backöfen {pl}
| baking ovens ovens
Backpapier {n}
| baking pan liner paper baking parchment baking paper
Backpflaume {f} Pflaume {f} gedörrte Zwetschge {f} [cook.]
| prune
Backpflaumen {pl} Pflaumen {pl} gedörrte Zwetschgen
| prunes
Backpflaumenkompott {n} [cook.]
| stewed prunes
Backplane {f} [comp.]
| backplane
Backpulver {n} [cook.]
| baking powder
Backslash {m} zurückgelehnter Schrägstrich
| backslash
backstabile Füllung [cook.]
| bake stable filling
Backstag {n} [naut.]
| preventer running backstay
Backstein {m}
| brick
Backsteine {pl}
| bricks
Backstube {f}
| bakery
Backstuben {pl}
| bakeries
Backtemperatur {f} [cook.]
| baking temperature
Backtriebmittel {n} [cook.]
| raising agent
Backtriebmittel {pl}
| raising agents
Backware {f} Backwaren {pl}
| pastries baked goods bakery products
Backwarenindustrie {f}
| baking industry
Backwind {m}
| caught aback (wind)
Bad Bank {f} Abwicklungsbank {f} zentrales Geldinstitut zum Aufkauf uneinbringlicher Kredite
| Bad Bank
Bad in der Menge
| walkabout
Bad {n}
| bath
Bad {n} Mineralquelle {f} Heilquelle {f} Badeort {m} Heilbad {n}
| spa
Bad {n} Stadtbad {n} öffentliches Bad Badeanstalt {f}
| baths public baths
Badeanzug {m}
| bathing costume
Badeanzug {m} Schwimmanzug
| swimsuit bathing suit swimming costume
Badeanzüge {pl} Schwimmanzüge {pl}
| swimsuits bathing suits
Badegast {m}
| bather
Badegäste {pl}
| bathers
Badehaus {n}
| bathhouse
Badehäuser {pl}
| bathhouses
Badehose {f}
| swimming trunks swim pants
Badehosen {pl}
| swimming trunks
Badekabine {f}
| bathing hut
Badekabinen {pl}
| bathing huts
Badekappe {f}
| bathing cap
Badekappen {pl}
| bathing caps
Badelandschaft {f}
| swimming complex
Badelandschaft {f} (in einem Hotel etc.)
| landscaped swimming area (in a hotel etc.)
Badelandschaften {pl}
| swimming complexes
Bademantel {m}
| bath robe bathrobe
Bademäntel {pl}
| bath robes
Badematte {f} Badevorleger {m}
| bathtub mat bath mat
Badematten {pl} Badevorleger {pl}
| bathtub mats bath mats
Bademeister {m} Bademeisterin {f}
| bath attendant pool attendant
Bademeister {pl} Bademeisterinnen {pl}
| bath attendants pool attendants
Baden {n}
| bathing swimming
baden {vt}
| to bath
Baden-Württemberg {n} [geogr.]
| Baden-Wuerttemberg
baden durchnässen durchfeuchten {vt}
| to imbrue
baden schwimmen waschen
| to bathe
| bathing
| bathing
badend durchnässend durchfeuchtend
| imbruing
Badener {m} Badenerin {f} , Badenser - Badenserin
| person from Baden
Badeofen {m}
| bathwater heater bathing furnace
Badeöfen {pl}
| bathwater heaters bathing furnaces
Badeort {m}
| bathing resort swimming resort
Badeorte {pl}
| bathing resorts swimming resorts
Bäder {pl}
| baths bathhouses
Bäderkunde {f} Balneologie {f} (medizinische Wasseranwendungen) [med.]
| balneology (medical application of baths)
Bädertherapie {f} [med.]
| balneotherapy
Badesachen {pl} Badezeug {n}
| bathing clothes bathing gear bathing things swimming things
Badesalz {n} Badezusatz {m}
| bath salts
Badeschuh {m} Badelatsch {m}
| flip flop
Badeschuhe {pl} Badelatschen {pl}
| flip flops
Badeschuhe {pl} Badesandalen {pl} Badelatschen {pl} Badepuschen {pl} Badeschluffen {pl} Badeschlappen {pl} Badeschlapfen {pl} [Ös.] Badefinken {pl} [Schw.] Badeschlarpe {pl} [Schw.]
| shower sandals
Badesee {m}
| swimming pond
Badeseen {pl}
| swimming ponds
Badesteg {m}
| bathing jetty swimming pier
Badestege {pl}
| bathing jetties swimming piers
Badestelle {f}
| swimming spot bathing area
Badestellen {pl}
| swimming spots bathing areas
Badestrand {m} Strand {m}
| beach
Badestrände {pl} Strände {pl}
| beaches
| bathes
| imbrues
| bathed
| imbrued
Badeteich {m} Badeweiher {m}
| swimming pond
Badeteiche {pl} Badeweiher {pl}
| swimming ponds
Badetuch {n}
| bath towel swimming towel
Badetücher {pl}
| bath towels
Badewanne {f}
| bath bathtub bath tub
Badewannen {pl}
| bath tubs
Badewärter {m}
| bath attendant
Badewasser {n}
| bath water
Badezimmer {n}
| bathroom bath room
Badezimmer {pl}
| bathrooms bath rooms
Badezimmerschrank {m}
| bathroom cabinet
Badezimmerschränke {pl}
| bathroom cabinets
Badezimmerwaage {f}
| bathroom scales {pl}
Badezimmerwaagen {pl}
| bathroom scales
badisch {adj}
| Baden from Baden of Baden
Badmintonschuh {m}
| badminton shoe
Badmintonschuhe {pl}
| badminton shoes
Badtür {f}
| bath door
Badtüren {pl}
| bath doors
Baerammerfink {m} [ornith.]
| Tucuman Mountain Finch
Baerkolibri {m} [ornith.]
| Tumbes Hummingbird
baff sein platt sein [ugs.] verblüfft sein
| to be flabbergasted to be gobsmacked
Bagasse {f}
| bagasse
Bagatelldelikt {n} [jur.]
| petty crime
Bagatelldelikte {pl}
| petty crimes
Bagatelldiebstahl {m}
| petty theft
Bagatelldiebstähle {pl}
| petty thefts
Bagatelle {f}
| fleabite [fig.]
Bagatelle {f} Kleinigkeit {f}
| bagatelle
Bagatellen {pl}
| trivia
Bagatellen {pl} Kleinigkeiten {pl}
| bagatelles
bagatellisieren {vt}
| to trivialize
| trivializing
| trivialized
Bagel {n} kleines, rundes Brötchen [cook.]
| bagel
Bagger {m}
| excavator
Bagger {m}
| earthmover
Bagger {m} (im Wasser)
| dredger
Bagger {m} Löffelbagger {m}
| digger dipper dredger
Bagger {pl}
| excavators
Bagger {pl}
| dredgers
Bagger {pl} Löffelbagger {pl}
| diggers
Baggereimer {m} Baggerlöffel {m}
| scoop dredger bucket dredging bucket dipper shovel dipper
Baggereimer {pl} Baggerlöffel {pl}
| scoops dredger buckets dredging buckets dippers shovel dippers
Baggergut {n}
| dredged material
Baggerlader {m}
| backhoe loader
Baggerlader {pl}
| backhoe loaders
baggern {vt}
| to excavate to dig {dug dug}
| excavating digging
Baggerrinne {f}
| dredged channel
Baggerrinnen {pl}
| dredged channels
Baggerschaufel {f}
| excavator shovel bucket
Baggerschaufeln {pl}
| excavator shovels buckets
Baggersee {m}
| quarry pond (in a gravel pit) flooded gravel pit
Baggerseen {pl}
| quarry ponds flooded gravel pits
| excavates digs
| excavated dug
Baggerung {f}
| excavation (of soil)
Baghdad Bagdad (Hauptstadt von Irak)
| Baghdad (capital of Iraq)
Baglafechtweber {m} [ornith.]
| Baglafecht Weaver
Baguette {n} französisches Brot [cook.]
| baguette French stick French loaf French bread [Am.]
Baguettes {pl}
| baguettes French sticks French loaves French breads
Bahaismus {m} [relig.]
| Bahaism
Bahamaente {f} [ornith.]
| Bahama Pintail
Bahamagelbkehlchen {n} [ornith.]
| Bahama Yellowthroat
Bahamakolibri {m} [ornith.]
| Bahama Woodstar
Bahamas {pl} [geogr.]
| Bahamas (bs)
Bahamaschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
| Bahama Swallow
Bahamaspecht {m} [ornith.]
| Great Red-bellied Woodpecker
Bahamataube {f} [ornith.]
| Key West Quail Dove
Bahamatyrann {m} [ornith.]
| Loggerhead Kingbird
Bahamer {m} Bahamerin {f} [geogr.]
| Bahamian
bahamisch {adj} [geogr.]
| Bahamian
| to foment
Bähen {n} Warmwasserbehandlung {f} feuchte Umschläge
| fomentation
| fomenting
Bahiaameisenschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]
| Slender Antbird
Bahiabaumsteiger {m} [ornith.]
| Vila Nova Woodcreeper
Bahn brechen
| to break fresh ground
Bahn frei!
| Make way!
Bahn {f}
| pathway path way
Bahn {f}
| tram
Bahn {f}
| rail
Bahn {f} [520+] [astron.]
| path orbit
Bahn {f} Eisenbahn {f}
| railway
Bahn {f} Kurs {m}
| course
Bahn {f} Papierrolle {f}
| web
Bahnabriss {m}
| web break
Bahnbeamte {m,f} Bahnbeamter
| railway official
Bahnbeamten {pl} Bahnbeamte
| railway officials
Bahnbeschleunigung {f}
| path acceleration tangential acceleration
Bahnbetriebswerk {n} Betriebswerk {n} (Bw)
| depot
bahnbrechend epochemachend epochal {adj}
| epoch-making epochal
bahnbrechend umwälzend {adj}
| groundbreaking
bahnbrechend wegweisend {adj}
| path-breaking pioneering
Bahnbrecher {m} [übtr.] Vorkämpfer {m}
| spearhead
Bahnbrecher {pl} Vorkämpfer {pl}
| spearheads
Bahndamm {m}
| railroad embankment
Bahndämme {pl}
| railroad embankments
Bahndienstwagen {m}
| maintenance car
Bahneinführung {f}
| web feeding
Bahnelemente {pl} [astron.]
| orbital elements
Bahnen {pl}
| pathways paths ways
Bahnen {pl}
| trams
Bahnfahrkarte {f} Eisenbahnfahrkarte {f} Zugfahrkarte {f}
| rail ticket train ticket
Bahnfahrkarten {pl} Eisenbahnfahrkarten {pl} Zugfahrkarten {pl}
| rail tickets train tickets
Bahnfahrplanauskunft {f}
| train schedule information
Bahnfahrt {f}
| train journey
Bahnfahrten {pl}
| train journeys
Bahnfracht {f}
| rail carriage
Bahngeschwindigkeit {f}
| speed
Bahngesellschaft {f} Eisenbahngesellschaft {f}
| railroad company [Am.] railway company [Br.]
Bahngesellschaften {pl} Eisenbahngesellschaften {pl}
| railroad companies railway companies
Bahnglättung {f}
| web glazing
Bahngleis {n}
| railway line [Br.] railroad line [Am.]
Bahnhof {m}
| railway station railroad station [Am.]
Bahnhof {m} -Bhf.-
| station -Sta. Stn- train station
Bahnhöfe {pl}
| railway stations railroad stations
Bahnhöfe {pl}
| stations train stations
Bahnhofsmission {f}
| railway mission
Bahnhofsmissionen {pl}
| railway missions
bahnkalandriert {adj} [techn.]
| web-calendered
Bahnkörper {m}
| roadbed
Bahnlinie {f}
| railway railway line railroad (line) [Am.]
Bahnlinien {pl}
| railway lines railroad lines
Bahnnetz {n}
| railway network [Br.] railroad network [Am.] rail network
Bahnpoststempel {m}
| railroad cancel
Bahnradrennen {n} Bahnradsport {m} [sport]
| track cycling
Bahnreise {f} Bahnfahrt {f}
| train ride
Bahnreisen {n}
| rail travel
Bahnreisen {pl} Bahnfahrten {pl}
| train rides
Bahnreisende {m,f} Bahnreisender
| train traveler
Bahnreisenden {pl} Bahnreisende
| train travelers
Bahnreisespezialist {m}
| rail travel specialist
Bahnreservierung {f}
| train reservation
Bahnspannung {f}
| web tension
Bahnsteig {m} Perron {m} [Schw.]
| platform track [Am.]
Bahnsteige {pl} Perrons {pl}
| platforms tracks
Bahnstrecke {f} Eisenbahnstrecke {f}
| (railway) line (railroad) track [Am.]
Bahnstrecken {pl} Eisenbahnstrecken {pl}
| lines tracks
bahnt an führt ein
| initiates
Bahntarife {pl}
| rates for rail travel
bahnte an führte ein
| initiated
Bahntransport {m} Eisenbahntransport {m}
| rail transport
Bahnübergang {m}
| level crossing railroad crossing [Am.]
Bahnübergänge {pl}
| level crossings railroad crossings
Bahnverkehr {m} Zugverkehr {m}
| rail traffic
Bahnwärter {m} Stellwärter {m}
| signalman
Bahnwärter {pl} Stellwärter {pl}
| signalmen
Bahrain [geogr.]
| Bahrain (bh)
Bahre {f} Totenbahre {f}
| bier
Bahre {f} Trage {f} Krankentrage {f}
| stretcher
Bahren {pl} Totenbahren {pl}
| biers
Bahren {pl} Tragen {pl} Krankentragen {pl}
| stretchers
Bahrtuch {n}
| pall
Bahrtücher {pl}
| palls
| foments
| fomented
Baikalsee {m} [geogr.]
| Lake Baikal
Bailout {n} Rettung aus (finanzieller) Not
| bailout
Bairdvireo {m} [ornith.]
| Cozumel Vireo
Baiser {n} [cook.]
| meringue
Baisertorte {f} [cook.]
| meringue cake
Baisse {f} Börsenbaisse {f} [fin.]
| bear market
Baissespekulation {f} [fin.]
| bearish speculation bearish operation
Baissetendenz {f} [fin.]
| bearish tendency
Baissier {m} Börsenspekulant {m}
| bear
Bajoc {n} [geol.]
| Bajocian (Stage)
Bajonett {n}
| bayonet
Bajonettbahn {f} [techn.]
| bayonet groove
bajonettieren mit dem Bajonett aufspießen
| to bayonet
bajonettierend mit dem Bajonett aufspießend
| bayoneting
bajonettiert mit dem Bajonett aufgespießt
| bayoneted
Bajonettkupplung {f} [techn.]
| bayonet clutch
Bajonettrahmen {m} [techn.]
| bayonet slots {pl}
Bajonettverbindung {f} [techn.]
| bayonet joint
Bajonettverschluss {m}
| bayonet socket bayonet coupling
bajuwarisch {adj}
| Bajuwaric
Bake {f}
| countdown marker marker buoy
Bake {f}
| beacon
Bakelit {n}
| bakelite
Bakelitpapier {n}
| bakelite paper
Baken {pl}
| beacons
Bakkalaureat {n} Hochschulreife {f}
| baccalaureate
Bakkalaureus der Philosophie
| Bachelor of Arts -BA-
Bakkalaureus {m} der Chirurgie
| Bachelor of Surgery [Br.] -BS-
Bakkalaureus {m} der Ingenieurwissenschaften
| Bachelor of Engineering -BEng-
Bakkalaureus {m} der Literatur(wissenschaft)
| Bachelor of Literature -BLit-
Bakkalaureus {m} der Literaturwissenschaft
| Bachelor of Letters -BLitt-
Bakkalaureus {m} der Medizin
| Bachelor of Medicine -BM-
Bakkalaureus {m} der Naturwissenschaften
| Bachelor of Science [Am.] -BS- -BSc-
Bakkalaureus {m} der Theologie
| Bachelor of Divinity -BD-
Bakkalaureus {m} der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
| Bachelor of Economic Science -BScEcon-
Bakkalaureus {m} des Rechts
| Bachelor of Law -BL-
Bakkalaureus {m} Bachelor {m} [stud.]
| bachelor
Bakterie {f} Bakterium {n} Spaltpilz {m} [biol.] [med.]
| bacterium
bakteriell {adj}
| bacterial
bakteriell {adv}
| bacterially
Bakterien {pl}
| bacteria bacteriums
Bakterienkultur {f}
| bacterial culture
Bakterienstamm {m}
| strain
Bakteriologe {m} Bakteriologin {f}
| bacteriologist
Bakteriologen {pl} Bakteriologinnen {pl}
| bacteriologists
Bakteriologie {f} Bakterienkunde {f} [biol.]
| bacteriology
bakteriologisch {adj}
| bacteriological
bakteriologisch {adv}
| bacteriologically
bakteriostatisch keimhemmend antibiotisch {adj} [med.]
| bacteriostatic antibiotic
| bactericidal
Bakterizid {n}
| bactericide
Bakterizide {pl}
| bactericides
Baku (Hauptstadt von Aserbaidschan)
| Baki Baku (capital of Azerbaijan)
Bakzutat {f} [cook.]
| baking ingredient
Bakzutaten {pl}
| baking ingredients
Balalaika {f} [mus.]
| balalaika
Balance {f}
| balance
Balanceakt {m}
| balancing act
Balanceakte {pl}
| balancing acts
Balanced Scorecard {f} ausgewogene Wertungsliste
| balanced scorecard -BSC-
Balanceregler {m}
| balance control
Balanceregler {pl}
| balance controls
| to poise
balancieren die Balance halten {vi}
| to balance to achieve a balance
| balancing
| poising
Balanciersegment {n} [techn.]
| balancing weight
Balanciersegmente {pl}
| balancing weights
| balanced
| poises
| poised
Balancierzapfen {m} [techn.]
| balancing bolt
Balancierzapfen {pl}
| balancing bolts
Balanitis {f} Entzündung der Eichel {f} [med.]
| balanitis
Balaton {m} Plattensee {m} [geogr.]
| Lake Balaton
Bald danach sollte er abreisen.
| He was expected to depart soon thereafter.
bald das eine, bald das andere
| sometimes this, sometimes that first this, then that
bald {adv}
| soon
bald gegenwärtig {adv}
| presently
Baldachin {m} Betthimmel {m}
| canopy
baldig {adj}
| quick speedy
baldig {adv}
| early
baldig kurz bevorstehend {adj}
| early
baldige Rückantwort
| early answer
baldigst {adv}
| at your earliest convenience
baldmöglichst {adv} zum baldmöglichsten Zeitpunkt
| earliest possible soonest possible
baldmöglichst schnellstmöglich {adv} so schnell wie möglich
| as soon as possible (asap ASAP)
Baldrian {m} [bot.]
| valerian
Balearen {pl} [geogr.]
| Balearics the Balearic Islands
Balearen-Sturmtaucher {m} [ornith.]
| Balearic Shearwater
Balearensturmtaucher {m} [ornith.]
| Balearic Shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus)
Balg {m}
| bag
Bälge {pl}
| bags
Balgenauszug {m}
| bellows unit
Balgmanometer {n}
| bellows pressure gauge
Balkan {m} Balkanstaaten {pl} [geogr.]
| the Balkans
balkanisieren zersplittern {vt} [pol.]
| to balkanize
balkanisierend zersplitternd
| balkanizing
balkanisiert zersplittert
| balkanized
Balkanisierung {f} Aufsplitterung {f} Zersplitterung {f} (von Vielvölkerstaaten in kleine Nationalstaaten) [pol.]
| balkanization political fragmentation
Balken {m}
| timber
Balken {m}
| lamella
Balken {m} Hauptbalken {m}
| balk [Am.] baulk [Br.]
Balken {m} Holm {m} Dorn {m}
| arbor
Balken {m} Stahlbalken {m} [constr.]
| joist
Balken {m} Träger {m} [constr.]
| beam
Balken {pl} Stahlbalken {pl}
| joists
Balken {pl} Träger {pl}
| beams
Balkenanzeige {f}
| bargraph
Balkenbreite {f}
| beam width
Balkenbrücke {f}
| beam bridge
Balkendiagramm {n}
| bar chart
Balkendiagramme {pl}
| bar charts
Balkenhöhe {f}
| beam depth
Balkenschuh {m}
| joist hanger
Balkenschuhe {pl}
| joist hangers
Balkenspirale {f}
| barred spiral
Balkenspiralen {pl}
| barred spirals
Balkenstempel {m}
| bars cancel
Balkentheorie {f}
| beam theory
Balkon {m} Galerie {f}
| balcony
Balkone {pl}
| balconies
Balkonentwässerung {f}
| balcony drainage
Ball spielen
| to play ball
Ball {m} [math.]
| ball
Ball {m} [sport]
| ball
Ball {m} Knäuel {n} Kugel {f}
| ball
Ball {m} Schulball {m} Abschlussball {m} (einer High school)
| prom school prom Senior Prom
Ball {m} Tanzball {m} Tanzfest {n}
| ball formal dance formal [Am.]
Ballabwehr {f} Parade {f} [sport]
| save
Ballade {f}
| ballad lay
Balladen {pl}
| ballads lays
Balladendichtung {f}
| balladry
Balladendichtungen {pl}
| balladries
Balladesänger {m} Liedermacher {m}
| balladeer
Balladesänger {pl}
| balladeers
Ballast und Treibgut
| flotsam and jetsam
Ballast {m}
| ballast
Ballast {m} [690.020+] [constr.]
| inert material
Ballaste {pl}
| ballasts
Ballaststoffe {pl}
| roughage dietary fiber
Ballastwiderstand {m}
| fix resistance
Ballbehauptung {f} [sport]
| keeping possession of the ball
Ballbeherrschung {f} [sport]
| ball control
Ballbesitz {m} [sport]
| ball possession
Bällchen {n}
| small ball
Bälle {pl}
| balls
Bälle {pl}
| balls
Bälle {pl} Schulbälle {pl} Abschlussbälle {pl}
| proms
Ballen {m} [anat.]
| ball
Ballen {m} Bündel {n}
| roll
Ballen {pl} Bündel {pl}
| rolls
ballen fest zusammendrücken pressen zusammenpressen umklammern {vt}
| to clench
ballend fest zusammendrückend pressend zusammenpressend umklammernd
| clenching
Ballenpresse {f}
| baling press
Ballenpressen {pl}
| baling presses
Ballenreißer {m}
| bale shredder
Ballenreißer {pl}
| bale shredders
Ballenumreifung {f}
| bale strapping
Ballerina {f}
| ballerina
Ballerinas {pl}
| ballerinas
Ballermann {m} [ugs.] (Lokal für exzessives Feiern im Urlaub)
| lager-lout land
Ballermanntypen {pl} (betrunkene Randalierer)
| lager-louts
ballern {vi} [ugs.] (exzessiv feiern)
| to lager-lout
| lager-louting
Balleröffnung {f}
| ball opening
Ballett {n}
| ballet
Ballette {pl}
| ballets
Balletttänzer {m} Ballettänzer {m} [alt]
| ballet dancer
Balletttänzer {pl} Ballettänzer {pl} [alt]
| ballet dancers
Ballgefühl {n} [sport]
| feel for the ball
Ballhupe {f}
| bulb horn
Ballhupen {pl}
| bulb horns
ballig {adj}
| lumpy convex dished
ballig {adj} [techn.]
| crowned spherical
Balligkeit {f} [techn.]
| crowning crown height convexity
Balliste {f} [mil.] [hist.]
| ballista
Ballisten {pl}
| ballistas
Ballistik {f}
| ballistics
ballistisch {adj}
| ballistic
ballistisch {adv}
| ballistically
ballistische Rakete
| ballistic missile
Balljunge {m} Ballbube {m} [sport]
| ball boy
Balljungen {pl} Ballbuben {pl}
| ball boys
Ballkleid {n}
| ball dress
Ballkleider {pl}
| ball dresses
Ballmanweber {m} [ornith.]
| Tai Malimbe
Ballon {m}
| balloon
Ballone {pl} Ballons {pl}
| balloons
Ballonfahren {n}
| ballooning
Ballonfahrer {m} Ballonfahrerin {f}
| balloonist
Ballonfahrer {pl} Ballonfahrerinnen {pl}
| balloonists
Ballonfahrt {f}
| balloon ride
Ballonfahrten {pl}
| balloon rides
Ballonreifen {m}
| balloon tyre balloon tire [Am.]
Ballonreifen {pl}
| balloon tyres balloon tires
Ballonwerbung {f}
| balloon advertising
Ballsaal {m}
| ball room ballroom
Ballsaal {m} Tanzsaal {m}
| ballroom
Ballsäle {pl}
| ball rooms ballrooms
Ballsäle {pl} Tanzsäle {pl}
| ballrooms
Ballspende {f} Damenspende {f} (bei Ballveranstaltungen)
| ball gift ladies ball gift (at balls)
Ballspiel {m}
| ball game ballgame
Ballspiele {pl}
| ball games ballgames
Ballspieler {m} Ballspielerin {f}
| ballplayer
Ballspieler {pl}
| ballplayers
Ballsportarten {pl} Ballsport {m} [sport]
| ball sports
ballt sich zusammen agglomeriert
| agglomerates
ballt zusammen vereinigt sich verbindet sich
| conglomerates
ballte sich zusammen agglomerierte
| agglomerated
ballte zusammen vereinigte sich verband sich
| conglomerated
Ballungsgebiet {n} Ballungsraum {m}
| congested urban area conurbation agglomeration area
Ballungsgebiete {pl} Ballungsräume {pl}
| congested urban areas conurbations agglomeration areas
Ballungsraum {m}
| megalopolis
Ballungszentren {pl}
| centres of ... centers of ...
Ballungszentrum {n}
| centre of ... center of ...
Ballverlust {m} [sport]
| turnover
Ballverluste {pl}
| turnovers
Ballwechsel {m} (beim Tennis)
| rally
Ballwurfmaschine {f} [sport]
| tennis-ball serving machine
Ballwurfmaschinen {pl}
| tennis-ball serving machines
Balsa {n} [bot.]
| balsa
Balsaholz {n}
| balsa wood
Balsam {m}
| balsam balm
Balsam {m} (für)
| salve (to)
Balsam {n}
| balm
Balsaskreischeule {f} [ornith.]
| Balsas Screech Owl
Baltenstaat {m}
| Baltic state
Baltimoretrupial [ornith.]
| Northern Oriole
baltisch {adj}
| Baltic
balzen [zool.]
| to perform the courtship display to mate
Balzen {n} Balz {f} [zool.]
| courtship
Balzverhalten {n} [zool.]
| courtship behaviour courtship behavior [Am.]
Bamako (Hauptstadt von Mali)
| Bamako (capital of Mali)
Bambus {n} [bot.]
| bamboo
Bambusammer {f} [ornith.]
| Japanese Grey Bunting
Bambuskuckuck {m} [ornith.]
| Rufous Coucal
Bambuslaubsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Warbler
Bambuspapageiamadine {f} [ornith.]
| Bamboo Parrot Finch
Bambusrohr {n}
| bamboo shoot
Bambusrohre {pl}
| bamboo shoots
Bambusrohrsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Mountain Yellow Warbler
Bambusschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
| Brown-breasted Flycatcher
Bambussprossen {pl} [cook.]
| bamboo shoots
Bambuszellstoff {m}
| bamboo pulp
Bamendabülbül {m} [ornith.]
| Cameroun Olive Greenbul
Bamendafeinsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Bamenda Apalis
Bamendalappenschnäpper {m} [ornith.]
| Bamenda Wattle-eye
Bammel {m} Schiss {m} [ugs.]
| funk
Banachraum {m} [math.]
| Banach space
Banachscher Fixpunktsatz [math.]
| Banach fixed-point theorem
banal {adj}
| banal
banal {adv}
| banally
banal abgedroschen {adj}
| hackneyed
banal platt fade {adj}
| platitudinous commonplace
Banalität {f}
| banality
Banalität {f}
| triteness
Banalitäten {pl}
| banalities
Banana-split {n} [cook.]
| banana-split
Banane {f} [bot.] [cook.]
| banana
Bananen {pl}
| bananas
| high-rise saddle
Bananenschale {f}
| banana skin
Bananenschalen {pl}
| banana skins
Bananenstecker {m} [electr.]
| banana jack banana plug
Banause {m} Prolet {m} Proletin {f} Ignorant {m} Ignorantin {f} [pej.]
| peasant farmer [Am.] [pej.]
| ligated
band an band fest
| tethered
band auf schnürte auf band los band ab
| untied undid
band los
| unbound
band los
| unclamped
band wieder
| reattached
band zusammen
| interconnected
Band {f} Musikgruppe {f} Musikkapelle {f} Kapelle {f}
| band
Band {m} -Bd.- Jahrgang {m} (eines Buches)
| volume -vol.- (of a book)
Band {n}
| band
Band {n}
| ribbon
Band {n}
| tape
Band {n}
| tie
Band {n} (Förderband)
| belt
Band {n} Bandspule {f}
| reel
Band {n} Ligament {n} [anat.]
| ligament
band-externe Signalgebung
| out-of-band signalling
band-interne Signalgebung
| in-band signalling
band verband band zusammen
| ties
band verband verknüpfte
| linked
Bandabgleich {m}
| assembly line balancing
Bandabsetzer {m} [techn.]
| stacker
Bandabsetzer {pl}
| stackers
Bandabstand {m}
| band gap
Bandachat {m} [min.]
| banded agate ribbon agate
Bandage {f}
| bandage
Bandagen {pl}
| bandages
| to strap up
Bandagist {m} [med.]
| surgical truss maker
Bandagisten {pl}
| surgical truses makers
Bandamadine {f} [ornith.]
| Cut-throated Weaver
Bandameisenpitta [ornith.]
| Brown-banded Antpitta
Bandammer {f} [ornith.]
| Grey-hooded Bunting
Bandammerfink {m} [ornith.]
| Ringed Warbling Finch
Bandanfang {m}
| beginning of tape
Bandantenne {f}
| band aerial
Bandantrieb {m}
| tape drive
Bandar Seri Begawan (Hauptstadt von Brunei)
| Bandar Seri Begawan (capital of Brunei)
Bandaufnahme {f}
| tape recording
Bandaufnahmen {pl}
| tape recordings
Bandbeschichten {n} Bandbeschichtung {f}
| coil coating
bandbeschichteter Stahl
| coil-coated steel
Bandblock {m}
| tape block
Bandbreite (Frequenz) {f} Streifenbreite {f}
| bandwidth
Bandbreite {f}
| bandwidth
Bandbreite {f} Breite {f} eines Bandes
| strip width
Bandbreite {f} Skala {f} Spektrum {n}
| spectrum
Bandbreiten {pl}
| bandwidths
Bandbrücke {f}
| conveyor bridge
Bandbrücken {pl}
| conveyor bridges
Bande {f} (Billardtisch)
| cushion
Bande {f} Clique {f}
| cliques
Bande {f} Rasselbande {f}
| caboodle
Bande {f} Rotte {f} Zusammenrottung {f}
| rout gang mob
Bande {f} Schar {f} Trupp {m} Kolonne {f}
| band
Bande {f} Verbrecherbande {f}
| gang
Bände {pl} -Bde.-
| volumes -vols.-
Bandeisen {n} Bandstahl {m}
| steel strip
Bändel {n}
| ribbon shoelace
Bandelfe {f} [ornith.]
| Purple-collared Woodstar
Banden {pl} Cliquen {pl}
| cliques
Banden {pl} Rotten {pl} Zusammenrottungen {pl}
| routs gangs mobs
Banden {pl} Verbrecherbanden {pl}
| gangs
Bandende {n}
| end of tape -EOT-
Bandende {n} Nachspann {m}
| trailer
Bandendeetikett {n}
| tape trailer label
Bandendeetiketten {pl}
| tape trailer labels
Bandenkämpfer {m}
| guerrilla
Bandenwerbung {f}
| perimeter advertising perimeter ad
Bänder {pl}
| belts
Bänder {pl}
| bands
Bänder {pl}
| ribbons
Bänder {pl}
| tapes
Bänder {pl}
| ties
Banderder {m}
| earthing strip
Banderder {pl}
| earthing strips
Banderdungsschelle {f} [electr.]
| strip earth band
Banderdungsschellen {pl}
| strip earth bands
Bändergneis {m} [min.]
| banded gneiss
Bänderhabicht {m} [ornith.]
| Australian Goshawk
Bänderjaspis {m} [min.]
| banded jasper ribbon jasper riband jasper
Bändernachtschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
| Semi-collared Nighthawk
Banderole {f}
| banderole
Banderolen {pl}
| banderoles
Banderoliermaschine {f}
| banderoling machine
Banderoliermaschinen {pl}
| banderoling machines
Bänderriss {m} [med.]
| torn ligament
Bändersiva [ornith.]
| Chestnut-tailed Minla
Bänderspecht {m} [ornith.]
| Chilean Flicker
Bänderstruktur {f}
| ribbon structur
Bänderton {m} [min.]
| banded clay ribbon clay varved clay bedded clay leaf clay laminated clay
Bänderung {f}
| lamination banding foliation veining
Bandetikett {n} Datenträgeretikett {n}
| volume label
Bandetiketten {pl} Datenträgeretiketten {pl}
| volume labels
Bandfertigung {f} Bandproduktion {f} Fließfertigung {f}
| line production
Bandfilter {m}
| bandpass filter
Bandfilter {pl}
| bandpass filters
Bandförderer {m} Laufband {n}
| ropebelt conveyor belt conveyor
Bandführung {f}
| tape treading path
Bandhenkel {m} seitlicher Henkel
| strap handle
Bandhubwagen {m} [techn.]
| coil lift truck
bändigen unter Kontrolle halten {vt}
| to control
bändigen zähmen {vt}
| to subdue
bändigen zügeln {vt}
| to quell
bändigend unter Kontrolle haltend
| controlling
bändigend zähmend
| subduing
bändigend zügelnd
| quelling
| subdues
| subdued
Bandit {m} Räuber {m}
| bandit
Banditen {pl}
| bandits
Banditentum {n}
| banditry
Bandkatalog {m}
| catalogue in book form
Bandkeil {m}
| belt key
Bandkontakt {m}
| strip contact
Bandlaufregler {m}
| strip position controller
Bandlaufwerk {n}
| tape drive
Bandlaufwerke {pl}
| tape drives
Bandleiter {m} Bandleiterin {f} Chef einer Musikgruppe
| bandleader
Bandleiter {pl} Bandleiterinnen {pl}
| bandleaders
Bandlöten {n}
| fillet brazing
Bandlücke {f}
| bandgap
Bandmaß {n}
| measuring tape
Bandmaße {pl}
| measuring tapes
Bandmatrix {f} [math.]
| band matrix banded matrix
Bandmatrizen {pl}
| band matrices banded matrices
Bandmeisensänger {m} [ornith.]
| Banded Tit Warbler
Bandnudel {f} [cook.]
| ribbon noodle tagliatelle
Bandnudeln {pl}
| ribbon noodles
Bandpass {m}
| bandpass
Bandpassfilter {m} [electr.]
| band-pass filter
Bandpflanzenmäher {m} [ornith.]
| Red-breasted Plantcutter
Bandplattierung {f} [mach.]
| strip weld cladding
Bandring {m} Bandbund {n}
| coil
Bandrolle {f}
| reel
Bands {pl} Musikgruppen {pl} Musikkapellen {pl} Kapellen {pl}
| bands
Bandsäge {f} Bandsägemaschine {f} [techn.]
| band saw
Bandsägen {pl} Bandsägemaschinen {pl}
| band saws
Bandscheibe {f} Zwischenwirbelscheibe {f} [anat.]
| intervertebral disk [Am.] intervertebral disc [Br.] spinal disk spinal disc
Bandscheiben {pl} Zwischenwirbelscheiben {pl}
| intervertebral disks intervertebral discs
Bandscheibendegeneration {f} [med.]
| intervertebral disk degeneration
Bandscheibensyndrom {n} [med.]
| spinal disk syndrome discopathy
Bandscheibenvorfall {m} Bandscheibenriss {m} [med.]
| prolapsed intervertebral disc herniated disc disc herniation slipped disc
Bandschieflaufüberwachung {f} [mach.]
| belt training
Bandschlangenadler {m} [ornith.]
| Smaller Banded Snake Eagle
Bandschleife {f}
| tape loop
Bandschleifen {pl}
| tape loops
Bandschleifmaschine {f} [techn.]
| belt sander
Bandschleifmaschinen {pl}
| belt sanders
Bandschloss {n}
| belt lock
Bandschlupf {m}
| tape slippage
Bandschlüssel {m}
| strap wrench
Bandschräglauf {m}
| tape skew
Bandschreiber {m} Streifenschreiber {m}
| strip chart recorder
Bandschwanzdrongo [ornith.]
| New Ireland Drongo
Bändsel {n} [naut.]
| marline
Bandspannungsregulierung {f}
| tape tension controller
Bandspule {f}
| spool
Bandspulen {pl}
| spools
Bandspuler {m}
| tape spooler
Bandspuler {pl}
| tape spoolers
Bandstab {m}
| flat bar
Bandstäbe {pl}
| flat bars
Bandstacheldraht {m} Klingendraht {m} oder NATO-Draht {m} [ugs.]
| razor wire
Bandstahl {m}
| strip steel hoop
Bandstrecke {f}
| conveyor road
Bandstrecken {pl}
| conveyor roads
Bandtaube {f} [ornith.]
| Band-tailed Pigeon
Bandtragrolle {f} [techn.] (Förderer)
| belt idler
Bandtragrollen {pl}
| belt idlers
Bandtransport- und Führeinrichtung {f} (Schweißen) [mach.]
| strip feeding and guiding system (welding)
Bandung (Stadt in Indonesien)
| Bandung (city in Indonesia)
Bandwaage {f} [techn.]
| conveyor type weigher
Bandwaagen {pl}
| conveyor type weighers
Bandwärter {m}
| conveyor attendant conveyor beltman
Bandwiege {f}
| coil cradle
Bandwurm {m} [zool.]
| tapeworm
Bandwürmer {pl}
| tapeworms cestoda
Bandwurmsatz {m} [ugs.] [ling.]
| run-on sentence
Bandwurmsätze {pl}
| run-on sentences
Bangalore (Stadt in Indien)
| Bangalore (city in India)
Bangemacher {m} Bangemacherin {f} Panikmacher {m} Panikmacherin {f}
| scaremonger
Bangemacher {pl} Bangemacherinnen {pl} Panikmacher {pl} Panikmacherinnen {pl}
| scaremongers
Banggaikrähe {f} [ornith.]
| Banggai Crow
Bangladesh [geogr.]
| Bangladesh (bd)
Banglandescher {m} Banglandescherin {f} Einwohner {m} von Bangladesh Bangladeshi {m,f} [geogr.]
| Bangladeshi
Bangstangare {f} [ornith.]
| Blue & Gold Tanager
Bangstyrann {m} [ornith.]
| Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant
Bangui (Hauptstadt der Zentralafrikanischen Republik)
| Bangui (capital of Central African Republic)
Banjo {n} [mus.]
| banjo
Banjos {pl}
| banjos
Banjul (Hauptstadt von Gambia)
| Banjul (capital of Gambia)
Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich
| Bank for International Settlements
Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich -BIZ-
| Bank for International Settlements -BIS-
Bank {f}
| settle
Bank {f} [geol.]
| bank massive bed massive layer measure
Bank {f} Bankinstitut {n} [fin.]
| bank
Bank {f} Gruppe {f}
| bank
Bank {f} Sitzbank {f}
| bench
Bankabbuchung {f}
| bank direct debit
Bankabrechnung {f}
| statement
Bankangestellte {m,f} Bankangestellter Bankmitarbeiter {m} Bankmitarbeiterin {f} Banker {m} Bankfachmann {m}
| bank employee bank assistant banker
Bankauskunft {f}
| information from a bank credit report from a bank
Bankauswahlverfahren {n} zur Umschaltung in Speichermodulen
| bank switching
Bankbeamte {m}
| bank clerk
Bankbeamten {pl}
| bank clerks
Bankbeleg {m}
| bank receipt
Bankbelege {pl}
| bank receipts
Bankbetriebslehre {f}
| banking management
Bankbuch {n}
| passbook
Bankbücher {pl}
| passbooks
Bankdarlehen {n} [fin.]
| bank loan bank credit bank advance
Bankdarlehen {pl}
| bank loans bank credits bank advances
Bankdaten {pl}
| bank data
Bankdirektor {m}
| bank director
Bankdirektoren {pl}
| bank directors
Bankdrücken {n} [sport]
| bench press
Bänke {pl} Sitzbänke {pl}
| benches
Bankeinlage {f} [fin.]
| bank deposit
Bankeinlagen {pl}
| bank deposits
Bankeinzug {m}
| automatic debit transfer system
Bänkelsänger {m}
| balladeer
Banken {pl} Bankinstitute {pl}
| banks
Bankenaufsicht {f}
| bank supervision
Bankenaufsichtspolitik {f}
| banking supervision policy
Bankenkonsortium {n}
| group of banks banking syndicate consortium of banks
Bankenrichtlinie {f}
| directive on banking
bankenüblich {adj}
| normal bank ...
bankenübliche Zinssätze
| normal bank interest rates
Bankett {n} Bankettessen {n} Festessen {n}
| banquet banquet meal
Bankette {pl}
| banquets
Banketteilnehmer {m}
| banqueter
Banketteilnehmer {pl}
| banqueters
Bankettservice {m}
| banquet service catering service
Bankfach {n} Safe {m}
| bank deposit safe
Bankfächer {pl} Safes {pl}
| bank deposit safes
Bankfeiertag {m}
| bank holiday [Am.]
Bankfiliale {f} [fin.]
| branch of a bank bank office
Bankfilialen {pl}
| branches of a bank bank offices
Bankgebühren {pl} [fin.]
| bank charges
Bankgeheimnis {n}
| confidentiality in banking
Bankguthaben {n} [fin.]
| bank balance cash in bank
Bankguthaben {pl}
| bank balances
Bankhaken {m} [mach.]
| bench dog
Bankhaken {pl}
| bench dogs
Bankhalter {m}
| banker
Bankhalter {pl}
| bankers
Bankhobel {m} [mach.]
| bench plane
Bankhobel {pl}
| bench planes
Bankier {m} Bankkaufmann {m} Bankkauffrau {f}
| banker
Bankiers {pl}
| bankers
bankig {adj} [geol.]
| (thickly) bedded stratified in thick beds
bankinterner Zahlungsverkehr
| interbank payment transactions
Bankivahuhn {n} [ornith.]
| Red Jungle-fowl
Bankkaufmann {m} Bankkauffrau {f}
| bank clerk stock market clerk
Bankkaufmänner {pl} Bankkauffrauen {pl}
| bank clerks stock market clerks
Bankkennzahl {f} BIC-Code {m} SWIFT-BIC SWIFT-Code {m} [fin.]
| bank identifier code -BIC-
Bankkonten {pl}
| bank accounts
Bankkonto {n}
| bank account
Bankkunde {m} Bankkundin {f}
| bank customer
Bankkunden {pl} Bankkundinnen {pl}
| bank customers
Bankleitzahl {f} -BLZ- [fin.]
| bank code number bank identification code bank sorting code bank routing number
Banknote {f} [fin.]
| banknote [Br.] bill [Am.]
Banknoten mit kleinem Nennwert
| small denominations
Banknotenpapier {n} Wertzeichenpaper {n}
| banknote paper
| broke
Bankrott machen Pleite gehen
| to smash [fig.]
bankrott {adv}
| bankruptly
bankrott zahlungsunfähig {adj}
| bankrupt
Bankrotterklärung {f}
| declaration of bankruptcy
Bankrotterklärungen {pl}
| declarations of bankruptcy
Bankrotteur {m} Bankrotteurin {f}
| banrupt
Bankschalter {m} [fin.]
| counter (at a bank)
Bankschalter {pl}
| counters
Bankspesen {pl} [fin.]
| bank charges
Banküberfall {m}
| bank raid bank hold-up
Banküberfälle {pl}
| bank raids bank hold-ups
Banküberweisung {f} [fin.]
| bank transfer
Banküberweisungen {pl}
| bank transfers
Banküberziehung {f} [fin.]
| bank overdraft
Banküberziehungen {pl}
| bank overdrafts
banküblich {adj}
| standard banking practice
Bankung {f} [geol.]
| banking structure massive bedding
Bankverbindung {f} (einer Bank) [fin.]
| correspondent
Bankverbindungen {pl} (einer Bank)
| correspondents
Bankverkehr {m} [fin.]
| bank transactions
Bankvollmacht {f} [fin.]
| third-party mandate: signing powers
Bankwesen {n} [fin.]
| banking banking system
Bankzusammenbruch {m} [fin.]
| bank failure
Bankzusammenbrüche {pl}
| bank failures
Bannbulle {f}
| bull of excommunication
| averting
Banner {n} Transparent {n}
| banner
Banner {pl}
| banners
Bannerwerbung {f} Balkenwerbung {f}
| banner ad
Bannerwerbungen {pl} Balkenwerbungen {pl}
| banner ads
Bannfluch {m} Bannspruch {m}
| excommunication
Bantangewicht {n} [sport]
| bantamweight
Baobabsegler {m} [ornith.]
| Mottle-throated Spinetailed Swift
Baotou (Stadt in China)
| Baotou (city in China)
bar auf die Hand bar auf die Kralle [ugs.]
| cash on the nail [coll.]
bar gegen Versandpapiere Kasse gegen Dokumente
| cash against documents -c.a.d.-
bar zahlen bar bezahlen
| to pay cash
bar {adj} [fin.]
| cash
Bar {f} Nachtlokal {n} Nachtklub {m}
| bar nightclub
Bar {f} Theke {f} Schanktisch {m} Büfett {n}
| bar
Bär {m} [zool.]
| bear
Bar {n} [meteo.]
| bar
Baracke {f}
| wooden hut
Baracken {pl}
| wooden huts
Barackenstadt {f}
| shantytown
Barackenstädte {pl}
| shantytowns
Baratterie {f} Betrügerei {f}
| barratry
Baratterien {pl} Betrügereien {pl}
| barratries
Barausschüttung {f} Bardividende {f} ausgeschüttete Dividende {f}
| cash dividend
Barauszahlung {f}
| cash payment
Barauszahlungen {pl}
| cash payments
Barbados [geogr.]
| Barbados (bb)
Barbar {m} Barbarin {f}
| barbarian
Barbarei {f} Barberismus {m}
| barbarism
Barbarei {f} Unmenschlichkeit {f}
| barbarity
Barbaren {pl}
| barbarians
barbarisch {adj}
| barbarian barbaric
barbarisch {adv}
| barbarianly
barbarisch {adv}
| barbarically
barbarisch grausam unmenschlich {adj}
| barbarous
barbarisch grausam unmenschlich {adv}
| barbarously
Barbe {f} [zool.]
| barbel
Barben {pl}
| barbels
Barbesitzer {m} Kneipenwirt {m}
| barkeeper
Barbesitzer {pl} Kneipenwirten {pl}
| barkeepers
Barbestand {m} Barmittel {pl} Kassenbestand {m}
| cash reserve cash in hand
Barbier {m}
| barber
Barbier-Falterfisch {m} Schwarznasen-Falterfisch {m} (Johnrandallia nigrirostris) [zool.]
| barberfish
Barbiere {pl}
| barbers
Barbitursäurepräparat {n}
| barbiturate
Barbitursäurepräparate {pl}
| barbiturates
Barbotine {f}
| barbotine
Barcelona (Stadt in Spanien)
| Barcelona (city in Spain)
Barchent {m} [textil.]
| fustian
Bardame {f}
| barmaid
Bardamen {pl}
| barmaids
Barde {f} keltischer Sänger
| bard
Barden {pl} keltische Sänger
| bards
Bareinnahme {f}
| cash receipts
Bareinnahmen {pl}
| cash receipts baren bars
Bären {pl}
| bears
bärenartig {adj}
| ursine
Bärendienst {m} [übtr.] schlechter Dienst
| disservice
Bärenfell {n}
| bearskin
Bärenfelle {pl}
| bearskins
Bärenhüter {m} [astron.] (Sternbild)
| Bear Watcher (Boötes)
Bärenklau {m} Akanthus
| acanthus
Bärentraube {f} [bot.]
| bearberry manzanita kinnikinnick
Bärentrauben {pl}
| bearberries manzanitas
Bärenzwinger {m}
| bear pit
Bärenzwinger {pl}
| bear pits
barer Unsinn
| utter nonsense
barettartige Frauenhüte
| toques
barettartiger Frauenhut
| toque
| unshod
Barfuß-Wasserskifahrer {m}
| barefooter
barfuß barfüßig {adj}
| barefoot barefooted
barfuß unbeschuht {adj} ohne Schuhe
| shoeless
Bargeld einnehmen
| to take in cash
Bargeld {n}
| cash
Bargeld {n}
| hardcash
| cashless
Bargeldumstellung {f}
| conversion of notes and coins
Bargeldumstellungen {pl}
| conversions of notes and coins
Bargeschäft {n}
| spot business
Bargeschäfte {pl}
| spot businesses
barhäuptig {adj}
| bareheaded
Barhocker {m}
| bar stool
Barhocker {pl}
| bar stools
Bärin {f}
| she-bear
Bärinnen {pl}
| she-bears
Bariton {m} [mus.]
| baritone
Baritone {pl}
| baritones
Barium {n} [chem.]
| barium
Bariumkarbonat {n} [chem.]
| barium carbonate
Bark {f}
| barque
Barkauf {m}
| cash purchase
Barkeeper {m} Schankkellner {m} Barmann {m}
| bartender [Am.] barman
Barkeeper {pl} Schankkellner {pl} Barmänner {pl}
| bartenders barmen
Barkentine {f}
| barquentine
Barliquidität {f}
| absolute liquidity ratio
Barliquidität {f} Barmittel {pl}
| available cash
Barmädchen {n}
| bar maid
barmherzig {adv}
| mercifully
Barmherzigkeit {f}
| mercy compassion
Barmherzigkeit {f}
| lovingness
Barmherzigkeit {f}
| remorsefulness
Barnardsittich {m} [ornith.]
| Mallee Ringneck Parrot
barock {adj}
| baroque
Barock {m,n}
| baroque
Barockstil {m}
| baroque style
Barockzeit {f}
| baroque period
Barometer {n}
| barometer
Barometer {pl}
| barometers
Barometerstand {m}
| barometer reading
barometrisch {adj}
| barometric barometrical
barometrisch {adv}
| barometrically
barometrische Höhenbestimmung
| barometric levelling
barometrische Karte
| pressure chart
Baron {m}
| baron
Barone {pl}
| barons
Baronin {m} Freiherrin {m}
| baroness
Baroninnen {pl} Freiherrinnen {pl}
| baronesses
Barpreis {m}
| cash price
Barpreis {m}
| spot price
Barpreise {pl}
| cash prices
Barpreise {pl}
| spot prices
Barquisimeto (Stadt in Venezuela)
| Barquisimeto (city in Venezuela)
Barrakudas {f}
| barracudas
Barranquilla (Stadt in Kolumbien)
| Barranquilla (city in Colombia)
Barrattbuschsänger {m} [ornith.]
| Scrub Warbler
Barre {f} [geol.]
| bar barrier ridge
Barreme {n} [geol.]
| Barremian (stage)
Barren {m}
| ingot
Barren {m} [sport]
| (parallel) bars
Barren {pl}
| ingots
Barrenholm {m} Holm {m} [sport]
| bar
Barrentheorie {f} [geol.]
| bar theory
Barreserve {f}
| cash reserver
Barriere {f}
| barrage
Barriere {f} [biol.]
| barrier
Barriere {f} [geol.]
| barrier seal
barrierefrei schrankenlos {adj}
| barrier-free
Barrierefreiheit im WWW
| Web accessibility
Barrierefreiheit {f}
| accessibility
Barrieren {pl}
| barriers seals
Barrierentechnik {f}
| barrier technique
Barriereriff {n} [geol.]
| barrier reef
Barrikade {f}
| barricade
Barrikaden {pl}
| barricades
Barrique {n} Eichenfass zur Weinherstellung
| barrique oak barrel for wine-making
Barrowtyp {m}
| Barrovian type
Bars {pl} Nachtlokale {pl} Nachtklubs {pl}
| bars nightclubs
Bars {pl} Theken {pl} Schanktische {pl}
| bars
Barsch {m} Flussbarsch {m} Egli {m} [Schw.] [zool.]
| perch
Barsche {pl} Flussbarsche {pl} Eglis {pl}
| perches
Barscheck {m}
| open cheque [Br.] open check [Am.]
Barscheck {m}
| personal cheque
Barschecks {pl}
| open cheques open checks
Barschecks {pl}
| personal cheques
Barsieb {n}
| bar strainer strainer
Barsiebe {pl}
| bar strainers strainers
Bartagame {m} [zool.]
| bearded dragon
Bartagamen {pl}
| bearded dragons
Bartalgen {pl} (Compsopogon)
| beard algae
Bartalk {m} [ornith.]
| Whiskered Auklet
Bartaxt {f}
| beard axe
Bartäxte {pl}
| beard axes
Bartbaumsegler {m} [ornith.]
| Whiskered Tree Swift
Bartbaumsteiger {m} [ornith.]
| Moustached Woodcreeper
Bartelfe {f} [ornith.]
| Bearded Coquette
Bartenwale {pl} [zool.]
| baleen whales mysticetes
Bartgeier {m} [ornith.]
| Bearded Vulture
Bartgimpelfink {m} [ornith.]
| Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
Bartgrassänger {m} [ornith.]
| Moustached Grass Warbler
Bartguan {m} [ornith.]
| Bearded Guan
Barthaar {n}
| hair of the beard whisker
Barthaare {pl}
| hair of the beard whiskers
Bartheckensänger {m} [ornith.]
| Miombo Bearded Scrub Robin
Barthoniganzeiger {m} [ornith.]
| Least Honeyguide
bärtig {adj}
| bearded
Bartkauz {m} [ornith.]
| Great Grey Owl
Bartklarino [ornith.]
| Rufous-throated Solitaire
Bartkuckuck {m} [ornith.]
| Small Hawk Cuckoo
Bartlerche {f} [ornith.]
| Short-tailed Lark
Bartliest [ornith.]
| Moustached Kingfisher
bartlos {adj}
| beardless
Bartmannkrug {m}
| beardman jug
Bartmeise {f} [ornith.]
| Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus) Bearede Reedling
Bartmistelfresser {m} [ornith.]
| Sunda Flowerpecker
Bartmonjita [ornith.]
| Grey Monjita
Bartnachtschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
| White-throated Nightjar
Bartnelke {f} [bot.]
| sweet william
Bartralle {f} [ornith.]
| New Britain Rail
Bartrebhuhn {n} [ornith.]
| Daurian Partridge
Bartschneider {m}
| beard trimmer
Bartschneider {pl}
| beard trimmers
Bartsittich {m} [ornith.]
| Moustached Parakeet
Bartstoppeln {pl}
| stubble
Bartstoppeln {pl}
| stubbles
Bartstreif-Ameisenpitta [ornith.]
| Moustached Antpitta
Bartstreif-Zweigtimalie {f} [ornith.]
| Moustached Tree Babbler
Barttrappe {f} [ornith.]
| Bengal Florican
Bartturko [ornith.]
| Moustached Turka
Bartvireo {m} [ornith.]
| Black-whiskered Vireo
Bartwachtel {f} [ornith.]
| Beared Tree Quail
Bartwichse {f}
| moustache wax
Bartwuchs {m}
| growth of beard
Bartzaunkönig {m} [ornith.]
| Spotted Wren
Bartzeisig {m} [ornith.]
| Black-chinned Siskin
Barverkauf {m}
| cash sale
Barverlust {m}
| net loss
Barverluste {pl}
| net losses
Baryon {n} [phys.]
| baryon
Baryt {m} [min.]
| baryte barium sulphate
Barytlauge {f} Barytwasser {n} [chem.]
| barium hydroxide solution
Barytocalcit {m} [min.]
| barytocalcite
Baryzentrum {n} Schwerpunkt {m} [astron.]
| barycenter [Am.] barycentre [Br.]
Barzahlung {f}
| cash payment
Barzahlungen {pl}
| cash payments
Barzahlungskunde {m}
| cash customer
Barzahlungskunden {pl}
| cash customers
Barzahlungsrabatt {m} Barzahlungsskonto {m} [econ.]
| cash discount
basal grundständig {adj}
| basal fundamental
basales Lernen
| fundamental learning
Basalhirn {n} [anat.]
| brain basement
Basalkonglomerat {n} [550+] [geol.]
| basal conglomerate base conglomerate basement conglomerate
Basalt {m} [min.]
| basalt
basaltisch {adj} [min.] [geol.]
| basaltic basaltine
Basaltsäule {f} [550+] [min.] [geol.]
| basalt column basaltic column
Basaltsäulen {pl}
| basalt columns basaltic columns
Basaltschicht {f} [550+] [geol.]
| basaltic layer
Basaltschichten {pl}
| basaltic layers
Basaltwacke {f} [550+] [geol.]
| basaltic wacke
Basaltwacken {pl}
| basaltic wackes
Basanit {m} [min.]
| basanite
Basar {m}
| bazaar
Basare {pl}
| bazaars
Baschkortostan {n} Baschkirien {n} [geogr.]
| Bashkiria
Base {f} [chem.]
| base
Baseball {m} [sport]
| baseball
Baseballschläger {m} [sport]
| baseball bat
Baseballspieler {m} [sport]
| baseball player
Baseballspieler {pl}
| baseball players
Baseballstadien {pl}
| ballparks
Baseballstadion {n} [sport]
| ballpark [Am.]
Basel-Landschaft (BL) (Kanton der Schweiz Hauptort: Liestal) [geogr.]
| Basle-Country (canton of Switzerland)
Basel-Stadt (BS) (Kanton der Schweiz Hauptort: Basel) [geogr.]
| Basle-City (canton of Switzerland)
Basen {pl}
| bases
Basen {pl} Unterbauten {pl}
| bases
Basenaustauschvermögen {n} [chem.]
| base exchange capacity
Basic {n} [comp.]
| Basic
basieren {vi} sich stützen {vr} beruhen ruhen {vi} (auf)
| to rest (upon on)
basierend sich stützend
| resting
basiert sich gestützt
| rested
basiert stützt sich
| rests
basierte stützte sich
| rested
Basilienkräuter {pl} [cook.]
| basils
Basilika {f}
| basilica
Basilikata {n} [geogr.] (Region in Italien)
| Basilicata (Italian region)
Basiliken {pl}
| basilicas
Basilikum {n} [bot.] [cook.]
| basil
Basilikumrahmsauce {f} [cook.]
| basil cream sauce
Basilisk {m}
| basilisk
Basilisken {pl}
| basilisks
Basis {f} einer Partei [pol.]
| rank-and-file
Basis {f} [pol.]
| the grass roots
Basis {f} Grundzahl {f} [math.]
| basis
Basis {f} Unterlage {f} Unterbau {m} Stützpunkt {m}
| base
Basis-Inflationsrate {f} [fin.]
| underlying rate of inflation
Basisadresse {f} [comp.]
| base address
Basisadresse {f} [comp.]
| basicaddress
Basisadressierung {f} [comp.]
| base addressing
Basisadressverschiebung {f} [comp.]
| base relocation
Basisband {n}
| baseband
Basisblech {n} Grundblech {n} [techn.]
| base sheet
basisch {adj} [chem.]
| basic alkaline
basische Beschaffenheit
| basicity
basisches Mineral
| mafic mineral melane
Basisdemokratie {f} [pol.]
| grass-roots democracy grassroots democracy
Basisdotierung {f}
| base doping
Basiserwachsenenbildung {f}
| adult basic education
Basisfläche (Grundfläche) {f}
| footpoint
Basisfläche {f}
| basal face
Basisflächen {pl}
| basal faces
Basisfunktion {f} [math.]
| basis function
Basisfunktionen {pl}
| basis functions
Basisgummi {m} (Reifen)
| undertread
Basisimpfung {f} [med.]
| primary vaccination
Basisimpfungen {pl}
| primary vaccinations
Basisinstrument {n}
| underlying asset
Basisinstrumente {pl}
| underlying assets
Basisjahr {n}
| base year
Basisjahre {pl}
| base years
Basiskanal {m} [telco.]
| basic channel
Basiskanäle {pl}
| basic channels
Basiskomplement {n}
| radix complement
Basiskomplemente {pl}
| radix complements
Basiskonsumgüter {pl} nicht-zyklische Konsumgüter
| consumer staples
Basiskurve {f} (Optik)
| base curve -BK-
Basiskurvenradius {m} (Optik)
| base curve radius -BKR-
Basislager {n}
| base camp
Basislager {pl}
| base camps
Basismiete {f}
| base rent
Basismieten {pl}
| base rents
Basisnetz {n} [telco.]
| basic network
Basisnetze {pl}
| basic networks
Basispatent {n}
| basic patent
Basispatente {pl}
| basic patents
Basisplatte {f}
| ground plate
Basisplatten {pl}
| ground plates
Basisregister {n} [comp.]
| base register
Basisregister {n} Basisadressregister {n} [comp.]
| memory pointer
Basisregister {pl}
| base registers
Basissatz {m}
| base rate
Basissätze {pl}
| base rates
Basisspannung {f} [electr.]
| base voltage
Basisspannungen {pl}
| base voltages
Basisspitzenspannung {f} [electr.]
| peak voltage
Basisspitzenspannungen {pl}
| peak voltages
Basisspitzenstrom {m}
| peak current
Basisspitzenströme {pl}
| peak currents
Basisstation {f}
| base station
Basisstationen {pl}
| base stations
Basistechnologie {f}
| enabling technology
Basistechnologien {pl}
| enabling technologies
Basisvariable {f} [math.]
| basis variable
Basisvariablen {pl}
| basis variables
Basisvektor {m} [math.]
| basis vector
Basisvektoren {pl}
| basis vectors
Basisversion {f}
| base version
Basisversion {f} Einstiegsversion {f}
| entry-level version
Basiswahrscheinlichkeitszuweisung {f}
| basic probability assignment
Basiswiderstand {m}
| base resistance
Basiswiderstände {pl}
| base resistances
Basiswissen {n}
| basics
Basiszahl {f} Wurzel {f}
| radix
Basiszinssatz {m} [fin.]
| base rate
Basiszinssätze {pl}
| base rates
Basiszone {f}
| base region
Basiszonen {pl}
| base regions
Basit {m} [min.]
| schiller spar basite
Basizität {f}
| basicity
Baske {m} Baskin {f}
| Basque
Baskenland {n} [geogr.]
| Basque region
Baskenmütze {f} Barett {n}
| beret
Baskenmützen {pl} Barette {pl}
| berets
Basketball kraftvoll im Korb versenken [sport]
| to slam-dunk
Basketball {m} Korbball {m} [sport]
| basketball
Basketbälle {pl}
| basketballs
Basketballplatz {m}
| basketball court
Basketballspieler {m} Basketballspielerin {f} [sport]
| hoopster [coll.]
Baskettball spielen
| to play basketball
Basrelief {n}
| bas-relief
Bass {m}
| bass
Bass {m}
| basso
Bässe {pl}
| basses
Basse-Terre (Hauptstadt von Guadeloupe)
| Basse-Terre (capital of Guadeloupe)
Basseterre (Hauptstadt von St. Kitts und Nevis)
| Basseterre (capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis)
Bassgeige {f} Kontrabass {m}
| double bass contrabass
Bassgeigen {pl} Kontrabässe {pl}
| double bass contrabasses
Bassgitarre {f} [mus.]
| bass guitar
Bassgitarren {pl}
| bass guitars
Bassgitarrist {m} Bassgitarristin {f} Bassist {m} Bassistin {f} [mus.]
| bass guitarist
Bassin {n}
| basin
Bassist {m} Bassistin {f} [mus.]
| double bass player bassist
Bassklarinette {f} [mus.]
| bass clarinet
Basslautsprecher {m}
| bass loudspeaker woofer
Basspartie {f} [mus.]
| bass part
Basspfeife {f}
| drone
Basssaite {f} [mus.]
| bass string
Bassschlüssel {m} [mus.]
| bass clef
Bassstimme {f} [mus.]
| bass voice
Bassstimmen {pl}
| basses bass voices
Bast {m}
| bast
Bastard {m} Kreuzung {f}
| bastard
Bastarde {pl}
| bastards
Bastei {f} Bastion {f}
| bastion
Basteien {pl} Bastionen {pl}
| bastions
Bastelarbeit {f} Bastelei {f}
| piece of handicraft work
Basteln {n} Bastelarbeiten {pl} Bastelei {f}
| handicraft work handicrafts
basteln {vt}
| to do handicrafts to make things to build
| doing handicrafts
Bastelsatz {m}
| kit
Bastelsätze {pl}
| kits
bastelt zurecht takelt
| rigs
Bastfaser {f}
| bast fibre
Bastille {f}
| Bastille
Bastler {m} Bastlerin {f}
| handicraft enthusiast
Baßtölpel {m} [ornith.]
| Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus)
Bastonade {f}
| bastinado
Bastonaden {pl}
| bastinadoes
Bastrock {m}
| bast skirt raffia skirt
Basutogirlitz {m} [ornith.]
| Drakensburg Siskin
Bataillon {n} [mil.]
| battalion regiment [Br.]
Bataillone {pl}
| battalions regiments
Bataillonskommandeur {m} [mil.]
| battalion commander
Bataillonskommandeure {pl}
| battalion commanders
Bateau-Ausschnitt {m} (schiffförmig) [textil.]
| bateau neckline (ship-shaped)
Batholith {m} Batholit {m} [550+] [geol.]
| batholite batholith bathylite batylith abyssolith
bathyal [550+] [geol.]
| bathyal abysmal abyssal
Bathymetrie {f} Vermessung der topographischen Gestalt der Meeresböden [geol.] [phys.]
| bathymetry
bathymetrisch {adj} [550+] [geol.]
| bathymetric
bathypelagisch [550+] [geol.]
| bathypelagic
Batik {m,f} [textil.]
| batik
Batik-Effekt {m} [textil.]
| batik effect
batiken {vt}
| to do batik work to decorate with batik work
| doing batik work decorating with batik work
Batist {m} [textil.]
| cambric batiste
Batterie {f}
| battery
Batterie {f} [mil.]
| battery
Batterie-Empfänger {m}
| battery receiver
Batterie-Empfänger {pl}
| battery receivers
Batterie-Ladezustand {m}
| battery charge condition
Batterie-Minuspol {m}
| battery negative terminal
Batterie-Pluspol {m}
| battery positive terminal
Batterie-Zündanlage {f}
| battery ignition system
Batterieaufladezeit {f}
| battery recharge time
batteriebetrieben {adj} in Batteriebetrieb
| battery-operated battery-powered battery-driven
Batteriedeckel {m}
| battery cover
Batteriedeckel {pl}
| battery covers
Batteriefahrbetrieb {m}
| accumulator traction
batteriegepuffert {adj}
| battery-backed
Batteriegerät {n}
| battery set
Batteriegeräte {pl}
| battery sets
Batteriehauptschalter {m}
| battery switch
Batteriehauptschalter {pl}
| battery switches
Batterieklemme {f}
| battery terminal
Batterieklemmen {pl}
| battery terminals
Batteriekontrolle {f}
| battery check
Batteriekontrollen {pl}
| battery checks
Batterieladestation {f}
| battery charging station
Batterieladestationen {pl}
| battery charging stations
Batterieladung {f}
| battery level battery charge
Batterien {pl}
| batteries
Batterien {pl}
| batteries
Batterieprüfgerät {n}
| battery tester
Batterieprüfgeräte {pl}
| battery testers
Batteriesäure {f}
| battery acid
Batteriespannung {f} [electr.]
| battery voltage battery charge
Batterietester {m}
| battery tester
Batterietester {pl}
| battery testers
Batteriezelle {f}
| battery cell
Batteriezellen {pl}
| battery cells
Batteriezündung {f} [auto]
| battery ignition
Bau {m} Bausubstanz {f} Gebilde {n}
| fabric
Bau {m} Errichtung {f}
| construction building
Bauabmessung {f}
| building dimension
Bauabnahme {f}
| acceptance of work
Bauabnahme {f}
| snagging [Br.]
Bauabschnitt {m}
| stage of construction construction stage job section
Bauabwicklung {f}
| execution of construction work
Bauakustik {f} [constr.]
| architectural acoustics
Bauamt {n}
| building authorities
Bauanleitung {f}
| construction manual
Bauanleitungen {pl}
| construction manuals
Bauantrag {m} Baugesuch {n}
| building application planning application
Bauanträge {pl} Baugesuche {pl}
| building applications planning applications
Bauarbeiten {pl}
| construction work
Bauarbeiter {m} Bauarbeiterin {f}
| construction worker
Bauarbeiter {pl} Bauarbeiterinnen {pl}
| construction workers
Bauart {f}
| construction type building technique
Bauart {f} Aufbau {m}
| design
bauartgeprüft {adj}
| including design approval
Bauartkode {m}
| construction code
Bauartzulassung {f}
| design approval
Bauaufseher {m} Bauaufseherin {f}
| inspector
Bauaufsicht {f} Bauüberwachung {f}
| construction supervision
Bauaufsichtsbehörde {f}
| building control authority building supervisory board
Bauaufsichtsrecht {n}
| planning control law
Bauauftrag {m}
| building contract construction contract
Bauaufträge {pl}
| building contracts construction contracts
Bauausführung {f}
| building construction execution of construction work
Baubeginn {m}
| start of construction works start of building
Baubeschränkungen in einer Zone
| zoning restrictions
Baubeschreibung {f} [constr.]
| general construction description
Baubesichtigung {f}
| field visit
Baubestandsplan {m} Bestandsplan {m}
| as-built drawing
Baubestandspläne {pl} Bestandspläne {pl}
| as-built drawings
Baubetreuung {f}
| building support
Baubetriebsplanung {f}
| planning the construction phase
Bauboom {m}
| building boom
Baubude {f}
| site hut
Baubuden {pl}
| site huts
Baubüro {n} Baustellenbüro {n}
| site office
Bauch... ventral {adj} [anat.]
| ventral
Bauchansatz {m}
| beginnings of a paunch
Bauchaorta {f} [anat.]
| abdominal aorta abdominal part of the aorta
Baucharterie {f} Bauchschlagader {f} [anat.]
| abdominal artery
Bauchatmung {f} Abdominalatmung {f} Zwerchfellatmung {f} [med.]
| abdominal respiration abdominal breathing
Bauchbinde {f} (Papier)
| band
Bauchchirurgie {f} Viszeralchirurgie {f} Abdominalchirurgie {f} [med.]
| abdominal surgery
Bauchdecke {f} Bauchwand {f} [anat.]
| abdominal wall
Bauchfell {n} [anat.]
| peritoneum peritoneal
Bauchfelle {pl}
| peritonea
Bauchflosse {f} [zool.]
| ventral fin pelvic fin
Bauchflossen {pl}
| ventral fins pelvic fins
bauchfreies T-Shirt
| belly T-shirt tummy T-shirt tummy tee [coll.]
Bauchgefühl {n}
| gut feeling gut feel
Bauchgurt {m}
| abdominal belt
Bauchgürte {pl}
| abdominal belts
Bauchhöhle {f} Leibeshöhle {f} Bauchfellraum {m} [anat.]
| abdominal cavity peritoneal cavity
Bauchhöhlenschwangerschaft {f} [med.]
| abdominal pregnancy ectopic pregnancy
| bellied
bauchig {adj}
| bulbous
bauchig {adj} (Säge) [mach.]
| breasted
bauchig {adv}
| belliedly
Bauchklatscher {m}
| bellyflop
Bauchklatscher {pl}
| bellyflops
Bauchlage {f}
| prone position
Bauchlandung {f}
| belly landing pancake landing
Bauchlandungen {pl}
| belly landings pancake landings
Bauchmuskel {m} [anat.]
| abdominal muscle
Bauchmuskeln {pl}
| abdominal muscles abdominals abs
Bauchmuskeltrainer {m} Bauchtrainer {m} [sport]
| abdominal exercise machine abdo machine
Bauchmuskeltrainer {pl} Bauchtrainer {pl}
| abdominal exercise machines abdo machines
Bauchmuskulatur {f} [anat.]
| abdominal muscles
Bauchnabel {m} [anat.]
| bellybutton belly button
Bauchreden {n}
| ventriloquism
Bauchredner {m}
| ventriloquist
Bauchredner {pl}
| ventriloquists
Bauchrednerei {f}
| ventriloquy
Bauchschmerzen {pl} Bauchweh {n} Leibschmerzen {pl} [med.]
| stomach pains upset stomach tummy ache belly ache stomachache
Bauchschnabeltyrann {m} [ornith.]
| Boat-billed Flycatcher
Bauchschnitt {m} [med.]
| abdominal incision abdominal section abdominal laparotomy
Bauchschuss {m}
| shot in the stomach
Bauchschüsse {pl}
| shots in the stomache
Bauchspeck {m} [cook.]
| belly of pork
Bauchspeicheldrüse {f} Pankreas {n} [anat.]
| pancreas
| pancreatic
Bauchtanz {m} Bauchtanzen {n}
| belly dance belly dancing
Bauchtänzerin {f}
| belly dancer
Bauchtänzerinnen {pl}
| belly dancers
Bauchtasche {f}
| bum bag [Br.] fanny pack [Am.]
Bauchtaschen {pl}
| bum bags fanny packs
Bauchumfang {m}
| abdominal girth
Bauchwandhernie {f} Bauchwandbruch {m} Bauchhernie {f}
| abdominal wall hernia
Bauchwassersucht {f} [med.]
| dropsy
Bauchzirkel {m}
| callipers
Baud {n}
| baud
Baud-Rate {f} Baudrate {f} Datenübertragungsgeschwindigkeit {f}
| baud rate
Baudarlehen {n} Baukredit {m} [fin.]
| building credit building loan
Baudarlehen {pl} Baukredite {pl}
| building credits building loans
Baudatum {n}
| building date
Baude {f}
| mountain hut mountain inn
Bauden {pl}
| mountain huts mountain inns
Baudenkmal {n}
| building of historic importance historical monument
Baudezernat {n} Baudepartement {n} [Schw.]
| building department
Baudezernate {pl} Baudepartements {pl}
| building departments
Baudienststelle {f}
| building agency
Baudienststellen {pl}
| building agencies
Baueingabeplan {m}
| pre-construction drawing
Baueingabepläne {pl}
| pre-construction drawings
Bauelement {n}
| module device
Bauelement {n}
| prefabricated building unit
Bauelemente {pl}
| modules devices
bauen auf sich verlassen auf +Akk rechnen mit zählen auf
| to bank on to bank upon
Bauen {n}
| constructing construction
bauen aufbauen {vt}
| to build {built built} to build up
bauend aufbauend
| building building up
Bauentwurf {m}
| structural design
Bauentwurfszeichnung {f}
| design scheme
Bauer {m}
| grower
Bauer {m} (Schach)
| pawn
bäuerlich {adj}
| peasant
bäuerlich {adj}
| rustic
bäuerlich {adv}
| rustically
Bauern {pl}
| pawns
Bauernaufstand {m} [hist.]
| peasant uprising
Bauernbursche {m}
| swain
Bauernburschen {pl}
| swains
Bauernfänger {m}
| con man con artist confidence trickster
Bauernfrühstück {n} [cook.]
| fried potatoes with scrambled egg and bacon
Bauerngarten [bot.]
| cottage garden
Bauernhaus {n}
| farmhouse
Bauernhäuser {pl}
| farmhouses
Bauernheer {n} [mil.] [hist.]
| peasant army
Bauernheere {pl}
| peasant armies
Bauernhof {m}
| farmstead
Bauernhof {m} Hof {m} Bauerngut {n}
| farm
Bauernhöfe {pl}
| farmsteads
Bauernhöfe {pl} Höfe {pl} Bauerngüter {pl}
| farms
Bauernlümmel {m} Bauerntölpel {m} Bauerntrampel {m}
| bumpkin country bumpkin hayseed
Bauernlümmel {pl} Bauerntölpel {pl} Bauerntrampel {pl}
| bumpkins country bumpkins hayseeds
Bauernmöbel {n}
| country furniture
Bauernregel {f}
| country saying folk saying
Bauernregel {f} [meteo.]
| weather saying weather lore
Bauernregeln {pl}
| country sayings folk sayings
Bauernregeln {pl}
| weather sayings weather lores
Bauernspeck {m} [cook.]
| farmhouse bacon
Bauerntanz {m}
| barn dance
Bauerntölpel {m}
| clodhopper country clodhopper [coll.]
Bauerntölpel {pl}
| clodhoppers country clodhoppers
Bauerntopf {m} [cook.]
| country casserole
Bauerntöpfe {pl}
| country casseroles
Bauernunruhen {pl}
| peasant unrest
Bauernweisheit {f}
| country lore
Bauernwurst {f} [cook.]
| farmer sausage
Bauerwartungsland {n} [constr.]
| development area
Baufach {n}
| building trade
Baufachmann {m} Baufachfrau {f}
| construction expert
Baufachmänner {pl} Baufachfrauen {pl}
| construction experts
Baufahrzeug {f}
| construction vehicle
Baufahrzeuge {pl}
| construction vehicles
baufällig {adj}
| haywire
baufällig {adj}
| tumbledown
baufällig {adj} (Gebäude)
| unsound
baufällig verfallen schadhaft {adj}
| dilapidated
baufällig verkommen marode klapprig wacklig wackelig {adj}
| ramshackle
Baufeld {m} [min.] (Bergbau)
| panel stoping block working area district
Baufeuchte {f} [constr.]
| building moisture
Baufinanzierung {f}
| construction financing
Baufirma {f} Bauunternehmung {f} Baunternehmen {n} [constr.] [econ.]
| building enterprise construction firm construction company
Baufirmen {pl} Bauunternehmungen {pl} Baunternehmen {pl}
| building enterprises construction firms construction companies
Baufläche {f}
| building area building land
Bauflächen {pl}
| building areas building lands
Baufolie {f} [constr.]
| construction foil
Bauform des Zylinders
| cylinder arrangement
Bauform {f}
| construction
Bauform {f}
| structural shape
Bauform {f} Ausführung {f} Modell {n} Typ {m}
| version style model type
Bauformvariante {f}
| style variant
Baufortschritt {m}
| progress of the construction works construction progress
Baugebiet {n}
| specific land-use area
Baugebot {n}
| building order
Baugelände {n} Baugebiet {n}
| building site
Baugeld {n}
| building capital
Baugenehmigung {f}
| building permission planning permission
Baugenehmigung {f} Bauerlaubnis {f}
| construction approval building permit
Baugenehmigungen {pl}
| building permissions planning permissions
Baugenehmigungen {pl} Bauerlaubnisse {pl}
| construction approvals building permits
Baugenehmigungsbehörde {f}
| building permit authority
Baugenehmigungsverfahren {n}
| proceeding on the granting of permission
Baugenossenschaft {f}
| building cooperative
Baugerüst {n} Gerüst {n} [constr.]
| scaffolding scaffold
Baugerüste {pl} Gerüste {pl}
| scaffoldings scaffolds
Baugewerbe {n} Bauhandwerk {n}
| building trade
baugleich {adj}
| structurally identical
Baugrenze {f}
| required set-back line
Baugröße {f}
| frame size size
Baugrube {f}
| building pit foundation pit excavation
Baugruben {pl}
| building pits foundation pits excavations
Baugrubenaushub {m}
| basement excavation
Baugrubensohle {f} [690.011+] [constr.]
| subgrade
Baugrubensprengung {f}
| building pit blasting
Baugrubenverfüllung {f}
| refilling of a building pit
Baugrubenverkleidung {f}
| building pit lining
Baugrubenwand {f}
| slope of pit
Baugrund {m} Baugrundboden {m}
| subsoil foundation soil building ground
Baugrundeigenschaften {pl}
| subsoil properties
Baugrundstück {n}
| site building plot
Baugrundstücke {pl}
| sites building plots
Baugrunduntersuchung {f} [chem.]
| subsurface investigation soil examination subsoil exploration
Baugrunduntersuchung {f} Bodenuntersuchung {f} [chem.]
| soil investigation
Baugrunduntersuchungen {pl}
| subsurface investigations soil examinations subsoil explorations
Baugrunduntersuchungen {pl} Bodenuntersuchungen {pl}
| soil investigations
Baugruppe {f} [electr.]
| board
Baugruppen-Belegungsplan {m} [mach.]
| schedule of assemblies
Baugruppen-Simulation {f}
| device simulation
Baugruppenkonstruktion {f}
| componentized construction
Baugruppensystem {n} [techn.]
| modular system
Baugruppensysteme {pl}
| modular systems
Baugüte {f}
| building materials quality
Baugüteüberwachung {f}
| building materials quality control
Bauherr {m}
| building owner client master of the works
Bauherren {pl}
| building owners
Bauhöhe {f}
| headroom
Bauholz {n}
| timber construction timber structural timber [Am.] lumber
Bauhölzer {pl}
| timbers lumbers
Bauholzverleimung {f} [constr.]
| timber bonding timber glueing
Bauindustrie {f} Bauwirtschaft {f}
| building industry construction industry
Bauingenieur {m} Bauingenieurin {f}
| civil engineer -CE-
Bauingenieur {m} Bauingenieurin {f} (Hochbau)
| structural engineer architectural engineer
Bauingenieure {pl} Bauingenieurinnen {pl}
| civil engineers
Bauingenieurwesen {n} Ingenieurbau {m}
| civil engineering
Bauinspektor {m} Bauinspektorin {f} Baugutachter {m} Baugutachterin {f}
| building surveyor
Bauinspektoren {pl} Bauinspektorinnen {pl} Baugutachter {pl} Baugutachterinnen {pl}
| building surveyors
Baujahr {m} (eines Autos)
| vintage (of a car)
Baujahr {n}
| year of construction
Baujahre {pl}
| years of construction
Baukalk {m}
| building lime
Baukantine {f}
| site canteen
Baukantinen {pl}
| site canteens
Baukasten {m}
| building set building block
Baukästen {pl}
| building sets
Baukastenprinzip {n} [techn.]
| modular design principle
Baukastensystem {n}
| modular (assembly) system modular construction system
Baukastensysteme {pl}
| modular systems modular construction systems
Baukeramik {f}
| architectural ceramics structural ceramics
Baukies {m} [constr.]
| construction gravel
Bauklammer {f} [constr.]
| cramp iron
Bauklammern {pl}
| cramp irons
Bauklimatik {f}
| building climate control
Baukolonne {f}
| gang of building workers construction gang
Baukolonnen {pl}
| gangs of building workers construction gangs
Baukonstruktionslehre {f}
| structural theory
Baukörper {m}
| building
Baukörper {m} Bau {m} Gerippe {n} Gerüst {m} Gebilde {n}
| structure
Baukosten {pl} Erstellungskosten {pl}
| construction costs building costs {pl}
Baukostenindex {m}
| construction cost index
Baukostenkalkulator {m}
| quantity surveyor [Br.]
Baukostenzuschuss {m}
| building grant building subsidy
Baukostenzuschüsse {pl}
| building grants building subsidies
Baukran {m} [constr.]
| building crane
Baukrane {pl} Baukräne {pl}
| building cranes
Baulabor {n}
| field laboratory
Bauland {n}
| building land
Baulärm {m}
| construction noise
Bauleiter {m}
| site manager construction manager construction supervisor
Bauleitplan {m}
| urban land-use plan
Bauleitpläne {pl}
| urban land-use plans
Bauleitplanung {f}
| urban land-use planning
Bauleitung {f}
| construction supervision management of works site office site supervision
baulich konstruktiv {adj}
| constructional
bauliche Anlage {f}
| physical structure
bauliche Aufnahme
| survey of buildings and site
baulicher Holzschutz
| timber precautions
Baulinie {f}
| fixing building limiting line building line
Baulücke {f}
| gap between buildings vacant lot
Baulücken {pl}
| gaps between buildings vacant lots
Baulückenschließung {f}
| in-fill development
Baum {m}
| tree
Baum {m} der Erkenntnis
| tree of knowledge
Baum {m} Spiere {f} [naut.]
| boom
Baumammer {f} [ornith.]
| American Tree Sparrow
Baumarkt {m} Heimwerkermarkt {m}
| DIY superstore do-it-yourself store home improvement store
Baumarktartikel {m}
| DIY superstore article
Baumarktartikel {pl}
| DIY superstore articles
Baumärkte {pl} Heimwerkermärkte {pl}
| DIY superstores do-it-yourself stores home improvement stores
baumartig baumähnlich {adj} [bot.]
| tree-like treelike in the form of a tree arboreal arborescent
baumartig verzweigt verästelt {adj}
| arboreal arborescent
Baumaschine {f}
| construction machine
Baumaschinen {pl}
| construction machines
Baumaschinen {pl}
| construction machine piece of construction machinery
Baumaschinen {pl}
| construction machines construction machinery construction site equipment
Baumaßnahme {f}
| building project
Baumaßnahme {f}
| building measure constructional measure
Baumasse {f}
| cubic capacity
Baumassenzahl {f}
| cubic index
Baumaterial {n}
| building material construction material structural material
Baumaterialien {pl}
| building materials construction materials structural materials
Baumblüte {f}
| tree blossom
Bäumchen {n} junger Baum junge Bäume
| sapling small tree young tree
Bäumchen-Weichkoralle {f} (Dendronephthya spp.) [zool.]
| flower coral
Bäume {pl}
| trees
Baumeister {m}
| builder master builder
Baumeister {m}
| master-builder
Baumeister {pl}
| builders master builders
baumeln gehängt werden {vi}
| to swing [slang]
Baumfalke {m} [ornith.]
| Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo)
Baumfarn {m} [bot.]
| tree fern arborescent fern
Baumfarne {pl}
| tree ferns arborescent ferns
Baumfarngerygone {f} [ornith.]
| Treefern Flyeater
baumförmig {adj}
| dendriform arborescent
Baumgrenze {f}
| timberline tree line limit of trees
Baumgrenzen {pl}
| timberlines
Baumgruppe {f} [bot.]
| patch of trees
Baumgruppen {pl}
| patches of trees
Baumhaus {n}
| tree house
Baumhäuser {pl}
| tree houses
Baumhopf {m} [ornith.]
| Green Wood Hoopoe
Baumkante {f}
| wane
Baumkataster {m,n}
| orchard register
Baumklapperlerche {f} [ornith.]
| Flappet Lark
Baumkletterer {m} Baumkraxler {m} [Ös.]
| tree clamberer
Baumkletterer {pl} Baumkraxler {pl}
| tree clamberers
Baumkrone {f} [bot.]
| treetop crown
Baumkronen {pl}
| treetops crowns
Baumkuchen {m} [cook.]
| pyramide cake baumkuchen
Baumkunde {f}
| dendrology
baumlos baumfrei {adj}
| treeless devoid of trees barren of timber
baumloses Moor
| treeless mire
Baummarder {m} [zool.]
| baum marten pine marten
Baummarder {pl}
| baum martens pine martens
Baumniederholer {m} [naut.]
| boom vang boomvang
Baumpfleger {m} Baumpflegerin {f}
| arborist tree surgeon
Baumpfleger {pl} Baumpflegerinnen {pl}
| arborists
Baumpieper {m} [ornith.]
| Tree Pipit (Anthus trivialis) olive-backed pipit
Baumralle {f} [ornith.]
| New Guinea Flightless Rail
Baumrinde {f} [bot.]
| tree bark
Baumrinden {pl}
| tree barks
Baumsarg {m}
| tree-coffin
Baumsärge {pl}
| tree-coffins
Baumschäden {pl}
| damage to trees
Baumschere {f}
| pruning shears
Baumschule {f} Arboretum {n} Baumgarten {m} [agr.]
| tree nursery arboretum
Baumschulen {pl}
| tree nurseries
Baumschwalbe {f} [ornith.]
| Tree Martin
Baumschwalm {m} [ornith.]
| Owlet-Nightjar
Baumspritze {f} für Schlepperanbau
| crop sprayer orchard sprayer
Baumstamm {m}
| bole
Baumstamm {m} Holzstamm {m}
| log
Baumstämme {pl}
| boles
Baumstämme {pl} Holzstämme {pl}
| logs
Baumstammrollen {n} [sport]
| logrolling birling
baumstark {adj} [übtr.]
| strong as a horse [fig.]
Baumstelze {f} [ornith.]
| Forest Wagtail
Baumstruktur {f}
| tree structure
Baumstrukturen {pl}
| tree structures
Baumstumpf {m}
| (tree) stump
Baumstumpf {m} (in Flüssen)
| snag
Baumstütze {f} [naut.]
| gallows frame
baumustergeprüfter Kessel
| type tested boiler
Baumverhau {m} [mil.]
| abatis
Baumwollbüschel {n}
| cotton tuft
Baumwollbüschel {pl}
| cotton tufts
Baumwolldrillich {m} [textil.]
| denim dungaree
Baumwolle {f} [agr.] [textil.]
| cotton
Baumwollernte {f} Baumwollernteertrag {m} [agr.]
| cotton yield yield of cotton
Baumwollernte {f} Ernten {n} der Baumwolle [agr.]
| cotton harvest
Baumwollernten {pl}
| cotton harvests
Baumwollfaser {f} [textil.]
| cotton fiber [Am.] cotton fibre [Br.]
Baumwollfasern {pl}
| cotton fibers cotton fibres
Baumwollfeld {n} [agr.]
| cotton field
Baumwollflanell {n} Biber {m} [textil.]
| flannelette
Baumwollflocke {f}
| cotton flock
Baumwollflocken {pl}
| cotton flocks
Baumwollgarn {n} [textil.]
| sewing cotton cotton cotton yarn cotton thread [Am.]
Baumwollgarne {pl}
| cotton yarns cotton threads
Baumwollgewebe {n} [textil.]
| cotton fabric cotton cloth cotton
Baumwollgras {n}
| cotton grass
Baumwollhalbstoff {m} [textil.]
| cotton rag pulp cotton pulp
Baumwollhandel {m}
| cotton trade
Baumwollhemd {n} [textil.]
| cotton shirt
Baumwollhemden {pl}
| cotton shirts
Baumwollhose {f} Baumwollhosen {pl} [textil.]
| cotton pants [Am.] cotton trousers
Baumwollindustrie {f}
| cotton industry
Baumwollkapsel {f} [agr.]
| cotton boll
Baumwollkapseln {pl}
| cotton bolls
Baumwollkleidung {f} Baumwollbekleidung {f} [textil.]
| cotton clothing
Baumwollpflanze {f} [bot.] [agr.]
| cotton plant
Baumwollpflanzen {pl}
| cotton plants
Baumwollplantage {f} [agr.]
| cotton plantation
Baumwollplantagen {pl}
| cotton plantations
Baumwollpresse {f}
| cotton press
Baumwollpressen {pl}
| cotton presses
Baumwollpullover {m} Baumwollpulli {m} [textil.]
| cotton sweater [Am.] cotton jumper [Br.] cotton jersey
Baumwollpullover {pl} Baumwollpullis {pl}
| cotton sweaters cotton jumpers cotton jerseys
Baumwollsamen {m} Baumwollsaat {f} [bot.] [agr.]
| cottonseed
Baumwollsamenöl {n} Baumwollsaatöl {n} Cottonöl {n}
| cottonseed oil
Baumwollsamt {m} [textil.]
| velveteen
Baumwollsatin {m} [textil.]
| sateen
Baumwollspinnerei {m}
| cotton mill cotton spinning mill
Baumwollspinnereien {pl}
| cotton mills cotton spinning mills
Baumwollstoff {m} [textil.]
| cotton scrim
Baumwollstreichgarn {n} [textil.]
| condenser cotton yarn
Baumwolltragetasche {f} Baumwolltasche {f}
| cotton carrier bag cotton bag
Baumwolltragetaschen {pl} Baumwolltaschen {pl}
| cotton carrier bags cotton bags
Baumwolltuch {n} [textil.]
| cotton cloth
Baumwolltücher {pl}
| cotton cloths
Baumwollvlies {n}
| cotton fleece
Baumwollvollerntemaschine {f} [agr.]
| cotton combine
Baumwollvollerntemaschinen {pl}
| cotton combines
Baumwollwatte {f}
| cotton wadding
Baumwollzellstoff {m}
| cotton pulp
Baumwollzwirn {m}
| cotton twine
Baumwurf {m}
| tree hole tree windthrow
Baumwurzel {f}
| tree root
Baumwurzeln {pl}
| tree roots
Baunachfrage {f}
| construction demand
Baunagel {m} [constr.]
| construction nail
Baunägel {pl}
| construction nails
Baunebengewerke {pl}
| related trades ancillary trades
Baunebenkosten {pl}
| additional building costs
Baunorm {f} [constr.]
| construction standard
Baunormen {pl}
| construction standards
Baunormung {f}
| construction standardization
Baunutzungsordnung {f}
| land use act
Baunutzungsverordnung {f}
| Federal Land Utilisation Ordinance
Bauöffnungsmaß {n}
| wall opening dimensions
Bauordnung {f} Baubestimmungen {pl}
| building regulations
Bauordnungsrecht {n}
| Federal State Building Order
Bauphase {f}
| construction phase
Bauphysik {f}
| building physics construction physics
Bauplan {m}
| construction plan building plan
Baupläne {pl}
| construction plans building plans
Bauplanung {f}
| project planning structural design
Bauplanung {f} Bauzeichung {f} [constr.]
| building design
Bauplatte {f}
| building slab
Bauplatten {pl}
| building slabs
Bauplatz {m}
| building lot building ground building site
Bauplatz {m}
| subdivision [Am.]
Bauplatz {m} Lage {f}
| site
Baupolizei {f}
| building inspectorate
Bauprodukt {m}
| building product
Bauprodukte {pl}
| building products
Bauproduktengesetz {m}
| Building Products Act
Bauproduktenrichtlinie {f}
| Building Products Guideline
Bauprogramm {n}
| building schedule
Bauprozess {m}
| construction process construction phase
Bauprozesse {pl}
| construction processes construction phases
Bauprüfung {f}
| inspection of building
Bauprüfung {f}
| design and construction test
Baurecht {n} [jur.]
| building laws
Baurechtsbehörde {f}
| legal board of construction
Bauregelliste {f}
| Building Rules List
baureif {adj}
| available for building
baureifes Grundstück
| cleared building plot
Baureihe {f}
| class
Baureihe {f}
| (production) series
Baurichtmaß {n}
| basic dimensions
Bauruine {f}
| unfinished building
Bauruinen {pl}
| unfinished buildings
Baurundholz {n}
| round timber
Bausaison {f}
| building season
Bausatz {m}
| construction kit self-assembly kit
Bausätze {pl}
| construction kits self-assembly kits
Bausch {m}
| wad
Bauschärmel {m} (Trachtenmode) [textil.]
| bag sleeve bishop sleeve (traditional custumes)
Bauschärmel {pl}
| bag sleeves bishop sleeves
Bauschaum [constr.]
| filling foam glue
| bagging
bauschend wulstig {adj}
| bulging
bauschig {adj}
| puffy bouffant
bauschig {adj}
| bulgy
Bauschild {n} [constr.]
| construction sign
Bauschilder {pl}
| construction signs
Bauschlosser {m} Bauschlosserin {f}
| building fitter
Bauschlosser {pl} Bauschlosserinnen {pl}
| building fitters
Bauschutt {m} Baurestmasse {f} [constr.]
| rubble building rubble construction waste
bauseits {adv}
| on the part of the building site
bausparen {vi}
| to save through a building and loan association
Bausparer {m} Bausparerin {f}
| building society saver
Bausparer {pl} Bausparerinnen {pl}
| building society savers
Bausparkasse {f} [fin.]
| building society
Bausparkassen {pl}
| building societies
Bausparvertrag {m} [fin.]
| building loan contract building loan agreement
Bausparverträge {pl}
| building loan contracts building loan agreements
Bauspekulant {m}
| speculative builder
Baustahl {m} [constr.]
| construction steel structural steel engineering steel
Baustahlgewebe {n} [constr.]
| steel wire fabric wire fabric reinforcement
Baustahlgewebematte {f} [constr.]
| reinforcement bar mat rebar mat
Baustahlgewebematten {pl}
| reinforcement bar mats rebar mats
Baustahlmatte {f} [constr.]
| reinforcement mat reinforcement steel mesh
Baustahlmatten {pl}
| reinforcement mats reinforcement steel meshes
Baustahlmattenschneider {m}
| steel wire mesh cutter
Baustahlmattenschneider {pl}
| steel wire mesh cutters
Baustahlprofil {n}
| structural steel section
Baustatik {f}
| construction analysis
Baustein {m}
| building block building stone
Baustein {m} Modul {n}
| module
Baustein-Auswahl {f}
| chip-select
Baustein-Freigabe {f}
| chip-enable
Bausteine {pl}
| building blocks building stones
bausteinförmig modular
| modular
Bausteinprinzip {n} Baukastenprinzip {m} Modularität {f}
| modularity
Bausteinsystem {n}
| unit construction system
Baustelle {f} [constr.]
| building site construction site site of works
Baustelle {f} Straßenbau {m}
| road works
Baustellen {pl}
| building sites construction sites
Baustellenabläufe {pl} [constr.]
| building site processes
Baustellenanschluss {m}
| site connection field connection
Baustellenanstrich {m}
| site painting field painting
Baustellenbaracke {f}
| building site hut
Baustellenbereich {m}
| construction zone
Baustellenbesichtigung {f}
| building site visit
Baustelleneinrichtung {f}
| building site facilities
Baustellenschweißung {f}
| site welding field welding
Baustellenzaun {m}
| building site fence site fence
Baustellenzäune {pl}
| building site fences site fences
Baustil {m}
| architectural style
Baustil {m}
| tectonic style structural style
Baustile {pl}
| architectural styles
Baustoff {m}
| building material construction material
Baustoff {m}
| nutrient
Baustoffe {pl}
| building materials construction materials
Baustoffklasse {f}
| building material class
Baustofflieferant {m}
| supplier of building material supplier of construction material
Baustofflieferanten {pl}
| suppliers of building material suppliers of construction material
baustoffschädlich {adj}
| aggressive to building material
Baustopp {m}
| suspension of building work
Baustrom {m} [constr.]
| power consumed on a construction site
Bausubstanz {f}
| basic structure of a building
Bausumme {f}
| building sum construction sum
Bausummen {pl}
| building sums construction sums
baut ab
| takes down
baut ab demontiert montiert ab räumt aus
| dismantles
baut ab fördert schürft gräbt
| mines
baut allmählich ab
| phases out
baut an bebaut
| cultivates
baut an züchtet
| grows
baut auf erbaut baut errichtet konstruiert
| constructs
baut um organisiert um
| rebuilds
baut wieder auf
| reconstructs
baut wieder auf
| rebuilds
Bautafel {f}
| construction sign building-blackboard
Bautagebuch {n} [constr.]
| construction journal [Br.]
Bautagebücher {pl}
| construction journals
Bautätigkeit {f}
| construction activity
baute ab
| took down
baute ab demontierte montierte ab räumte aus
| dismantled
baute ab förderte schürfte grub
| mined
baute allmählich ab
| phased out
baute an bebaute
| cultivated
baute an züchtete
| grew
baute auf erbaute baute errichtete konstruierte
| constructed
baute um organisierte um
| rebuilt
baute wieder auf
| reconstructed
baute wieder auf
| rebuilt
Bautechnik {f}
| architectural technology
bautechnisch {adj}
| structural of structural engineering
Bauteil {n} Bauelement {n}
| component structural element
Bauteile {pl} Bauelemente {pl}
| components structural elements
Bautenschutz {m}
| preservation of structures
Bautenschutztechnik {f}
| building protection technology
Bautischler {m} Bauschreiner {m}
| carpenter
Bautischler {pl} Bauschreiner {pl}
| carpenters
Bautoleranz {f}
| dimensional tolerance
Bauträger {m}
| property developer real estate developer building promoter
Bauträger {pl}
| property developers real estate developers building promoters
Bautrupp {m}
| construction team
Bautruppen {pl} der U.S. Navy Marinepioniere {pl} [mil.]
| Seabees [Am.]
Bautrupps {pl}
| construction teams
Bauunterkunft {f}
| site accommodation
Bauunternehmer {m} Baufirma {f}
| building contractor
Bauunternehmer {pl} Baufirmen {pl}
| building contractors
Bauveränderung {f}
| structural alteration
Bauverfahren {n}
| construction method
Bauvertrag {m}
| building contract
Bauverträge {pl}
| building contracts
Bauvoranfrage {f}
| outline building application
Bauvoranfragen {pl}
| outline building applications
Bauvorbescheid {m}
| outline building permit
Bauvorbescheide {pl}
| outline building permits
Bauvorbesprechung {f}
| pre-construction conference
Bauvorbesprechungen {pl}
| pre-construction conferences
Bauvorhaben {n}
| building project
Bauvorhaben {pl}
| building projects
Bauvorlage {f}
| required documentation
Bauvorlageberechtigung {f}
| authorization to present building documents
Bauvorschrift {m} baurechtliche Vorschrift {f}
| building regulation provision under buildung law
Bauvorschriften {pl} [constr.]
| building regulations
Bauweise {f}
| coverage type
Bauweise {f}
| type of building coverage
Bauweise {f}
| architecture structure construction construction method construction style
Bauwesen {n}
| building and construction industry
Bauwesen {n}
| civil engineering architecture
Bauwürdigkeit {f} [min.]
| minability workability payability
Bauxit {n} [min.]
| bauxite alumina hydrate
Bauxitisierung {f} [550+] [geol.]
| bauxitization
Bauxitzement {m}
| bauxite cement
Bauzaun {m}
| hoarding
Bauzeichnung {f}
| construction drawing
Bauzeichnungen {pl}
| construction drawings
Bauzeit {f}
| construction time
Bauzulieferer {m}
| building supplier
Bauzulieferer {pl}
| building suppliers
Bauzustand {m}
| state of construction
Bauzustandsbesichtigung {f}
| visits to sites to inspect the state of construction
Bayaweber {m} [ornith.]
| Baya Weaver
Bayer {m} Bayerin {f}
| Bavarian
bayerisch bayrisch {adj}
| Bavarian
Bayerische Motoren Werke -BMW-
| Bavarian Motor Works
Bayern {n} [geogr.]
| Bavaria
Bayrut (Stadt in Libanon)
| Bayrut (city in Lebanon)
Bazillen {pl}
| bacilli
Bazillus {m}
| bacillus
Bazillus {m} Fieber {n}
| bug
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